/leftypol/ IS SEETHING


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Other urls found in this thread:


what happened?

why are you even there?
literally a place for the lowest form of absolute gutter trash

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Bernie sanders just got rushed to the ICU

Hes just mining salt fren


What happened??

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He'll at least get a free pine box.

>like we did in 1968
I don't think they came out on top back then...

Could have had socialism if they'd just agreed to make it national, but instead they insisted on being race traitors. Now we get cyberpunk dystopia instead


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How are these niggers any different from plebbitors? Embarrassing.

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Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.

Fucking Bernouts

They're not. Commies and socialists are identical to the "libs" they pretend to hate.

ok what and where is /leftypol/?

Hows the burn feel?

my 2 second google searches have yielded nothing. gib proofs

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what site do these faggots use?



You think hes faking an illness and it was his plan to lose all along? Bit far fetched but he is jewish after all

He lost every state today.
It's over Bernie bros

im ridin with biden now

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Leftypol is just a site where Yas Forums goes to make posts for screencaps

Wait, there’s a real /leftypol/? I thought it was just referring to /news/.

Honestly I really wonder why americans will vote for billionaires who are racist and deny climate change/have literal dementia before someone with common sense. Absolutely mind boggling.

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>not trying to understand your enemy and being proud of your ignorance
you're a retard

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>All of these plebiteer commies trying to find their new hangout

old dick

8kun retard

I am not a Bernie fan at all, just curious about the channel. actually am a fan of bernie the person, just definitely not the politics.

You have to use bing

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It's gonna be 2016 all over again.
Blessed schadenfreude all year long.

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Trips of appreciation, kek smiles on our bants

>a fan of bernie the person

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literally first result on google, normie

I guess we'll find out if this is a thing soon enough
>Milwaukee will fuckin burn if Bernie doesn't get the nomination

I audibly keked

Literally glowing

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Lowlife republicans have nothing better to do, and need to get self-esteem.

well played good sir.

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Heard this on the radio just now.

Don't forget their bunker.

It doesn't matter, it's all useless
If voting for anyone did anything the State would make it illegal

Sauce that shit you nigger.

Kek!!! What a kike bitch.
Prepare for Killary and Pedo Joe!

Biden's got no goddamn common courtesy.

>not posting on boards that disagree with you

>Yas Forums

This message brought to you by Big League Jew.
For all your kikery needs, there's a Jew for You!

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He has a way of seeming very sincere while pushing incredibly dangerous ideas

Honestly Im relieved hes not going to take the dem nomination. Hes a dangerous retard, but theres a lot of retards that think like him, and his message might resonate with a lot of normies that dont know any better.

Or maybe Im just surrounded by too many of those retards here

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He wants to take your AR-14 and wants to slap box a Chad from Michigan. Of course he doesn’t.

Back you go

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I’m in Vermont and live pretty close to his family. Few helicopters just went over my house. Can’t confirm this is why

its beautiful

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I swear if Bernie loses all these states and then punches his eternal time card I'm not going to stop smiling for a week straight.

ok than i deserve that


Why the fuck do tankies support bernie? He’s a liberal, the nordic countries he holds on such a high pedestal are capitalist countries, he’s a capitalist.

he does indeed seem sincere, and believes a rich country should be able to take better care of it's poor and not just give tax breaks and subsidies to the corporations and the wealthy