A guy in my class just tested positive for Coronavirus today.

If I get the coof wut do?

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I would just not fucking go back to class for a few days/weeks and try NOT to get the coof but that's just me. they'll shut down the school soon anyway so you'll be able to make up classes assuming the teachers live.



You Mormon brah

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lol good get fucked you fucking cultist mormon

go coof around general conference while ur at it

Hang the chink who came to class knowing he was likely infected.


What are the demographics in your class? Do you know who it is? What's his ethnicity and how was his health beforehand?

Print up fake bank statements showing millions and go visit Goldman Sachs.

visit your local synagogue and convert to judaism
i heard it gets faster if you like and spit on all the door knobs and handles
you should also make sure to coof and sneeze as much as possible inside to get the jews accustomed to your scent

what state are you in mate?

>how to unrape your sister
>nigger porn
fucking lmaooooooooooo I love that image

>how to unrape your sister
never gets old

Was your classmate white?

checked and keked

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Anyone spreading this shit on purpose will get shot nigger

Morherfucker the boys are headed to seal off the tunnels in provo canyon tonight. Heavy equipment to parleys to drop the sides onto the freeway. Fuck off. Stay in the shitty and die
Also fuck BYU.

I don’t think we have jews in Utah dude. Lotta mormons and feather niggers though and too many spics

I don't understand why Yas Forums of all places is falling in line with the normiest of normies. There's only a tiny amount of dead people. Why is this different than 100 other viral outbreaks? I've basically been innawoods for 2 weeks.

Please do this

Coof on niggers.
Coof on kikes.
Coof on leftists.
All of this in Minecraft. Then IRL stay safe, protect yourself and others!

What happens if you have coronavirus, what are you supposed to do. I know someone in Italy (colleague's sister), she is 30 was previously in good health and she's in the hospital requiring breathing assistance because her lungs are fucked. But on the other hand I know someone in Korea that tested positive and apparently it was no worse than a normal cold and lasted 2-3 days.

Can someone explain wtf is going on and what do we do.

Send reports here. I am really curious about symptoms.

Laff out laud

Self quarantine also.

what are they going to do? shoot his mom and burn all the kids in the school?

Cough on old people for fun. The young will eat the old.

Curl up in a ball, stick your head between your knees, and kiss your ass godbye.

Take the frontrunner up to sugarhouse and go for a walk. It'll make you feel better. Just cough it out.

Can I have your XBox/PS4?

Meh try and chill, call your folks, prepare to isolate a couple of weeks, pay attention to how your feeling, itll be alright.

you'll know in a few days buddy

Park City has an Eruv and the Jewish center is next door to the U's hospital.

All white except 2 Asians

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You know what do do user... take one for the team and start licking door knobs

If you follow the trend, I think you are required to travel the world.

Obviously Utah he goes to BYU.....

Triggered Ufag

>WWBYD niggah?
But on some really real, and far more importantly, why you let the cartel merc those women and children and LDS are being complete cucklords and doing nothing about it. Take coronachan to Mexico mein negger

Our missionaries shall spread it worldwide

Church of Jesus Christ of... Indians being Jewish, Jesus coming to America, God is from planet Kolob, and when you die you get your own planet

Go to a ghetto and infect minorities.

Mormons are subversive satanic retards.

The Church of Jesus Christ of WHITE FAMILIES

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go pray at the closest synagogue

The Bible is clear on the worship of false idols and prophets. Joseph Smith falls into that catagory along with the celestial kingdom beliefs.
Most Mormons are decent people. Hate dealing with them in business though because they act like Jews.

Go infect yourself and then faith heal it away bitch.

just take the next few weeks off and play animal crossing.

Go Aggies

We don’t worship the prophet, as we don’t worship Moses or any of the others.

Checked. Yeah we need to drop the jesus shit and just do the White Family thing
The Church of the White Family
Also hey BYU fag this is what jesus looks like

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>Hang the chink who came to class knowing he was likely infected.

Exactly right. If you aren't a chink you'll have flu like symptoms at work, bfd

Not if we change history in our liking...

Lol I’m not a faith healer, nor do I believe any man other than the son of God was capable of such feats.

you must attend the church of misinformation

I beg to differ

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Is it true that you believe that black people are like corrupted humans or something? What's the deal with that? I only heard it in passing so I dunno.

read a fucking bible, dumbass, then use your head and THINK are prophets idolized? the answer is no.

>Why do you need the Book of Mormon then?

That’s nigger tier behavior
As an Eagle Scout I disavow this

Differ all you want biology doesn’t lie

there is no cure, you are going to die a painful long dead

What number was it sent from?

Get on a plane and fly to NY. Infect as many people as possible.

Enjoy the last moments

Get ready to die

Correct. Kike inspired religions are fucking stupid. White nationalism is the only religion for us moving forward.

So nothing changes?

In all seriousness:

>Vitamin C, 300% every 4 hours
>Mucinex DM, 2400mg per day
>Benzonatate for cough

technically its a good thing


Yes, they were cursed by God, they could not receive the Preisthood, the dark skin was a sign of the curse placed upon them.

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all of thats true tho

Spread it. Come on

From your fat mom

Fuck off shitskin

Accept Papa Nurgle's gift. You will know what to do.

It is another testament of Jesus Christ. All of the “crazy” stuff people talk about is either in Doctrines & Covenants or (mostly) in talks given by early apostles

All that missionary work trying to save Africans and Polynesians finally caught up

Mormonism is retarded but good luck bro, get well soon!

>this is what jesus looks like
>a magazine told me so
That's just an average of what they think people from the area looked like based on rolling bones and praying to diverse gods.
These same people said Englishmen used to be black just in time for the out of Africa to have doubt cast upon it.

>BYU cucks getting annihilated
Ok now this is epic

Find the infected and exact your revenge.

I think I have it aswell
>be me have weird shit for a few weeks
>get itchy throat
>Itchy nose aswell
>Lymphnodes swell all over my body, my Lip herpes gets activated aswell(which both indicates fof an active immune system)
>today few hours ago I notice i got a blue thumb and index finger(pic related from google Finger Cyanosis) at least it looked like that shit
>Now blue Fingers are gone again but now i got a weird bright 5mm-1cm bump on my finger that feels like its pulsating

Im kinda scared wtf is happening to my body?

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1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold
2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.
4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.
5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap.
6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it.
7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice.
8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 mins, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on.
9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice.
10. Can't emphasise enough - drink plenty of water!

1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days
2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.
3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing.
4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.

Aside from alerting you what do they suggest you do?

Niggers and kikes said britons were niggers. They weren’t. They lied. And yeah this is some composite rendering of common old world jew man of the day. This is what jesus the rabbi looked like

they ain’t told me shit

Lemme guess, he is a lamanite?

Why sugar House? Go coof in Park City or at some downtown hipsert breweries. Anyone with a California license plate coof on the handles of their cars.

This but literally

But it says right there it it is no longer considered to be part of a curse.

1978 they had to allow niggers due to gov pressure

I'm sorry to give you bad news user, you've always been such a nice guy ... but it seems like you've caught super Ebolaids from fucking too many Africans in their asses.
God be with you my friend, I will pray for your soul.

Also call 1450 you retard and ask them what to do next, if you feel like your life is at risk just call an ambulance or go to the hospital. Good luck.

>A guy in my class just tested positive for Coronavirus today.
>If I get the coof wut do?
Don't get it tested. Spread it to everybody you hate, local synagogue, planned parenthood office, food banks by spitting on door handles, door handles from parket cars on ghetto streets, coofing in public transports full of niggers, etc
Once you see you have managed to spread it everywhere, then go get it tested and claim you stayed at home all this time

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Hello FBI.

Nope there isn't, the rest of America is jealous of Utah and what the church has achieved. Let's keep it that way

Based fren!

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Well, they can do it, we Europeans are all too retarded to manage winning the war against a virus.
I bet Chinks could even end HIV in the world, but many wouldn't like the way they would do it.

Lysine. Take it. Arginine, decrease consumption. Vitamin C, lots of probiotics. If you can figure out a safe way to lessen biofilm in your body, do it.

Dude that's not corona. Whatever you have is much worse.

>curse lifted in 1978
>dark skin remains

really makes you think

Utah is the last bastion of white america. we are the only white population breeding above replacement level. These (((protestant))) kike-dicksuckers SEETHE when they see mormons

As if the FBI can touch me, nigger nigger nigger nigger.

The curse wasn’t lifted, it has remained, we just opened the priesthood to nigger men

Mormons are crypto jews

>>today few hours ago I notice i got a blue thumb and index finger(pic related from google Finger Cyanosis) at least it looked like that shit

Uh oh some news from China stated that the coronavirus caused coagulation of the blood in fingers and toes. They treated it with anticoagulant. You should call a doctor asap.

oh fuck I'm in Utah too. I saw a road sign yesterday advertising the same URL in your text.

what will the lysine do? I thought that was for cold sores.

Mormon qts are the best, this cannot be disputed

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Which nullified any sanctity it had to begin with

You're fucked

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Mormons are a branch of Christians. Christians are a branch of Jews. Mormons are the best type of Jews, they are nice people, so please do not spread the coronavirus to them.

shit now you guys actually scare me I'll call the corona hotline maybe they can give me some info.

Published by Joseph Smith. Who peered on to plates that he alone could see. Who already was known as a huckster prior to this.
The church needs to drop the Christian facade because they are not. All the circular arguing is tiresome. Also quit trying to deceive non Mormons in business deals and hiring practices. That would go a long way into getting rid of the anti Mormon sentiment that many feel.

long after they have done their patriotic duty, perhaps
seethe more

forget the cough, this could be anything, but when fingers turn blue that's not a good sign and should be checked by a doctor.

Absolutely glowing

I’m not spreading anything to anyone
I’m one of those crazy mountain top preppers. as long as everyone stays off my property everything is good for everyone

11 others saw and touched the plates