With all this talk of happenings lately, what’s the best option for bolt/lever action self defence in countries without the second amendment?
Is it even viable?
With all this talk of happenings lately, what’s the best option for bolt/lever action self defence in countries without the second amendment?
Is it even viable?
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most common ammunition available
Just get a machete
Anything in .223 or lower, full power cartridge will do more harm than good.
ak47 tbqhwyf. one with optics
can't go wrong with the mosin nagant. 7.62x54 will punch through steel, accurate half a mile, the gun is $100 and 400 rounds is about the same price.
Have all the parts for a Browning .50 disassembled around your property and be ready to put it back together if the boog hits
What’s wrong with full power?
Mosin Nagant or German Mauser are the best choices. M1903 Springfield, Lee Enfild. Hell, even Arisaka will be good.
Basically, get any WWI/WWII infantry bold action rifle. Take the one you'll be able to gather ammo for.
And don't forget the bayonet. Bayonets are great.
>full power cartridge will do more harm than good
lol no.
and don't get a 223 get 556 it fires both.
OP is a Finn M39. Far superior to a Russian M91/30 Mosin and costs about $400-$550.
If you're talking about self defense, you would absolutely want a levergun over a boltgun. While not as robust of a design, (still very reliable) the levergun can hold 12-14 rounds of pistol ammo, and fire very rapidly, at least 2 per second.
Get a levergun in .357 mag or .44mag or .454 casull. They all have the benefit of being compatible with less powerful cheaper calibers, in order, .38special, 44special, and .45LC or 45LC+p, any one of them is adequate self defense against a bear, the 44 and 454 even moreso. The effective lethal range on a levergun in any of the mentioned calibers is gonna be about 200 yards. You should not need more range than that for self defense.
plus rifle calibers have waaay to much penetration for self/home defense, unless you're talking about shooting guys wearing composite plate armor.
This is your best option. If it was good enough for pioneers it should be good enough for you
I'm buying a shotgun this week help me out anons, Remington or Mossberg? 12-16 guage? Lever or pump? Single, double or dual barrel?? Help me anons thanks in advance
see if you can get SKS rifles. 7.62/39 is cheap and easy to find.
Embrace tradition, get an Enfield. They're a joy to shoot
Howa 1500. Great rifle for the price
Retarded. Get a 30 caliber weapon.
are they pulling a tooth?
I’ve heard it’s superior, what makes that so?
Totally, bolt and lever guns are great for hunting and in a proper hunting caliber they'll kill a man in one shot.
I'd probably go with a bolt action as they're easier to maintain. Look into what calibers are common and affordable in your country. In the US I'd recommend 5.56, 30-06, or .308 but I don't know what's common and affordable in Oz.
They can't in Australia.
We're lucky in Canada to have cheap common SKS's.
They specifically banned them by name recently here.
I had to surrender my sweet old sks that I lovingly restored because police checked my safe for work.
Otherwise I'd have hidden and kept it.
Fucking gun grabbing commie faggots ruined our country.
Please share where you can get either anymore for that price? The m9130 and m44 haven't went for that price for ten years. But I'm more interested in the commie Bloc mil-surp ammo.
I've got a bunch of ARs and AKs, so my SKS rifles aren't my go to, but I wouldn't feel too outgunned with an SKS going against enemy with AKs or ARs. Solid, reliable, accurate enough out to 300 yards. Easy to reload with stripper clips, handles well and easy to toss under a truck seat with no big sights, grips, or mags hanging out, so it keeps a thin profile.
Lever or bolt user, no semi auto in a lot of countries
I'm not sure id say they are to make a bridle fit
I like my Win model 70 .243. It’s featherlight and shoots real good m8
Is a .22lr powerful enough to take down an enraged african at a safe distance?
Single tube pump. Go to a gin store and handle them both and see what is best for you. I'm cool with a 500 mossberg or Remington 870. If you are a cheap bastard get a maverick 88
rifle or pistol?
Can you have revolvers in OZ? A handgun is really a must if at all possible. They can be concealed and they're easier to use indoors than a long gun like a rifle or shotgun.
Mossberg if you're going with a new model. Nu-Remington's rust but if you can find a good deal on a used one made before Cerebus took over they're fine. 12 gauge or 20 gauge.
If you want something purely for survival (Hunting) I would get a 12 gauge single shot with chamber inserts so you can shoot all kinds of rounds, you can even convert them to blackpowder. Tons of cheap Turkish single shots out there now.
Lever action shotguns are pretty much only for cool factor. 1887s are finicky.
It's totally viable.
It's simple:
Any fucking gun >>> any melee weapon.
I wouldn't rely on it. .22 can kill a man but its really designed for small game and target shooting. Its also a rimfire round rather than one with a centerfire primer so its less reliable.
.22 is a great round, everyone should have a .22 for small game and target shooting but its not a great pic for defense.
Get a lever action with a red dot, bayonet and weapon light
>red dot on a lever gat
Gross dude.
>what’s the best option for bolt/lever action self defence in countries without the second amendment
Here is the most important question
What is the most common caliber where you are, not just in shops but among the fun owners in your area
Buy something that shoots that
Preferably something that you could conceivably get spare parts should the need arise
We can all play mental masturbatory games about what the ideal caliber is
I could tell you to go out and get something that shoots .408 cheytac, but you won't be able to find any should s decide to htf
TLDR most popular center fire caliber in your area
>/k/ Approved
>No Marlin 336
You can tell these guys have no experience with actual firearms.
The Arisaka was the best boltgun of the entire war. Mosin Nagant is worst in quality of those but still very functional.
Put a few in the ape it’ll do the trick. It’s all about shot placement. You’d be surprised what a good twenty two can do
damn the house must get pissed. hope they gave it some alcohol.
I totally agree, but if you're in Australia and this is for actual self defense you have to make do with what you can
>Lever action shotguns are pretty much only for cool factor
I've never understood why people like lever action for cool factor. Always makes me think it's like a BB gun.
Mossberg 500 12 gauge. Get the 16 inch barrel with a 6 round tube for defense and consider putting a shorter stock on it. The 6 round tube model has a lot of options for swapping out barrels, consider a long 28 inch barrel with a choke for bird hunting and a rifled slug barrel for deer hunting.
This is what I'm purchasing to keep the toilet paper bandits at bay.
Handgun / rifle? If rifle, autoloading or bolt?
>safe distance
>pic related
The overall quality of the build and parts used is superior. They were made with new 'match grade' heavy barrels.
Is it even viable?
NO IT IS NOT VIABLE UNLESS YOUR OUTSIDE 400 YARDS, modern produced and 1.25 MOA OR TIGHTER FOR FUCKS SAKE. STOP JERKING OFF SHIT HARDWARE THAT WAS OBSOLETED BEFORE YOUR GRANDPARENTS FUCKED. Just buy a semi, and nothing developed by Russians unless it's an AKM clone. Before you say DA ESSKAYESS, shut the fuck up. To make a SKS viable you have to convert it into an awkward terrible AKM with shit ergonomics. Even then, it's a shit fuck rifle that is hard to put optics on and has a MOA about as wide as your intellect is small. You're unironically spending extra money on fuddlore nostalgia tax to buy inferior hardware.
Shut the fuck up, buy an ar-15 or an ar-10, put good optics on it, buy ammo and mags, and practice. God damn stupid retro hipsters. You're the fucking fixie bike riders of the gun world.
I like it
Check out how to make wax shells and cut shells. It’s the economical mans slug and works real good
Higher quality and the receivers are hexagonal, increasing the pressure threshold.
Hahahaha wait, so there are countries more cucked than Canada?
Terminator 2
is that a lever action 12 gauge? nice.
the only reason some gets anything less than 12 gauge is if you are a woman. go to the pawn shop and buy the cheapest pump they have
do those fags not like remington 700s either? The action on those cant even be compared.
You really think that the Arisaka is better than an Enfield?
look at the flag dumb cunt. you know nothing of what your talking about. a legit retard who doesnt even read the words hes replying to
typical american
The Remington 700 Varmint is an incredibly accurate rifle - the ADL is about $500, the nicer models are about $650 - that is chambered in "business" calibers like 300, 308 and 6.5 creedmore. Remington Varmints are accurate to about a mile, with the right scope. The 700 was used by US military snipers until very recently.
A 12 gague, pump action shotgun with a choke is good to about 50 yards. The Maverick '88 is reliable and can be had for $180 US.
If you don't have time for any kind of maintainence, a used Mosin in fair condition can be had for $150 or so.
I personally am rocking a PSA 3rd gen AR10 with holo sites and the Tarus Judge - a handgun that shoots 410 shotgun shells.
I keep a smallish log. Top part of an old dying tree I removed. Looks like something an oni would carry around, but I've worn most of the outer "spikes" down. Weighs around 30-ish pounds, bulky but nice bark and tapered nicely, easy to grip. Balance is far forward, really nice smasher but slow. I could throw it maybe 10 yards or so pretty accurately with decent force, but it would be telegraphed hard. Not the best melee range, but it serves as a heavy sturdy shield too if I grab one of the inner spikes that isn't worn down. Sort of like a big tonfa thing then.
Highly recommend. Best melee weapon that isn't a spear. Gun is just a fancy spear.
What's the purpose of your shotgun? For most people that answer is 12 gauge pump shotgun, either Remington 870, Mossberg 500 / 590, or poorfag version Maverick 88. If you don't know for certain you can just get the Maverick and it will do almost everything as well as the other two.
Browning X-Bolt in 30. 06 here. Expensive, but a very good gun. Good for hunting, but I would not use it for defending my home, it's big and operating a bolt is too slow.
However, if I was defending myself within 300 meters I could shoot a cigarette out of someones mouth.
Shotguns are dumb, unless you're shooting birds. Remington has been putting out shit, 870s that show up from the distributor with rust. I'd go with one of those $200 Mossberg 12ga, if you put a gun to my head and made me choose.
>‘Do harm’
Pretty sure that’s the idea, you fucking mongoloid retard.
First of all, calm down. Second of all, he's Australian, so none of your advice is meaningful in any way.
Expensive, surplus ammo dried up, so super expensive ammo. HARD pass.
mini-14 in .223 or .300
Henry has a .300 lever action
Taurus makes shit. I'd rather have a Hi Point than a Taurus. At least Hi-Points run.
Yes, Enfields are nice but not as good as Arisakas.
They seem pretty good in pubg.