Why do liberals hate everything good?

why do liberals hate everything good?

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lawns are fucking shit retard. go to a national park near by you, realize the amount of bio diversity and how nice that area looks, then make your yard look like that.

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>soulless boring lawns in suburbia

>Believing the lawn lie
Nice try OP

lawns are stupid, they're right on this one.
plant some fucking trees or some edible bushes n shit. also gives you some intimacy and shade in the summer and nice snowcapped branches in wintet

>city niggers who want to live like rats
>lazy niggers who don’t cut their grass
Yeah go fuck yourselves, my lawn is my lawn and none of you pussies can do anything about it.

thank you

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My godmother has a yard like this. It's always full of wild animals who stop by. Last time I was there a deer came by and took a nap in front of us while we had lunch and left a little bed behind.

I have woods behind my backyard already though

touch my garden gnomes and I'll kill you where you stand

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Then why create a patch of useless land you can't even grow crops in?

No problem lawn bro. Let’s get the sprinklers running full throttle this summer to set these niggers off even more.

>lawns are fucking shit retard. go to a national park near by you, realize the amount of bio diversity and how nice that area looks, then make your yard look like that.

Get yourself some berry bushes. Thornless blackberries are nice if you have the space. Strawberries, blueberries, etc. Set up some bird houses and make sure you have some flowers coming up. Milkweed smells amazing on a warm summer day. You'll get birds and butterflies and all sorts of critters coming to steal from you, but in exchange you get to encounter them and use their existence for your entertainment.

He's not wrong, he's just not entirely correct. Animals that will destroy your property will move in.

That guy should spend more time buying cheap properties in cities and turning the lots into parks.

>cutting grass with a machine
>tending to beautiful trees and flowers and edible bushes, maybe some veggies

gee i guess i'm the lazy one

Feels good, man.


And don't forget the poison ivy. The birds will thank you with plenty of poison ivy in your patch.
"natural" plots cannot be left to their own devices when humans are near by. It's why we started making lawns in the first place.

Absolutely disgusting.
You're gonna get lynched by gardengang.

>inviting pests into your yard and house
Nope, just retarded. Go live in the woods if you want that.

"Durr hurr I'm too lazy to manage my yard so I'll make it a single patch of a shit plant and never use it for anything."
Go squirt Roundup up your ass.

Wild raspberries are good too, and they don't require any maintenance. Lawncucks don't know what they're missing.

>giving into the grass jew

Lawns are a scam

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Implying most yuros dont live in grey cities. This is actually relevent to us.

Post a photo of yourself, tubby.

based granny, nobody in their right mind has a garden of just ..... grass.
what kind of plastic soul must you have to not cherish your land and allow it to grow beautiful plants, that might also bear you delicious fruit and/or veggies.

just one apple/pear/plum tree can give you a year's worth of jam or a few litres of hard liquor.

came in hoping to see Yas Forums roundly trounce the shit waste known as a lawn.
>was not dissapointed

I plan to rip mine out, replace with rocks, bushes, and sand super boomer salt

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>It's why we started making lawns in the first place.
They started because boomers are retarded and wanted to waste a bunch of land, labor, and money on a worthless status symbol.

exactly i have 38acres 11 are lawn,2acre spring fed pond & the rest is densely wooded i have every kind of animal in my area living outback

Lawns are an absolute waste and drain on society, as well as one of the top creators of illegal-occupied jobs (landscaping).

Think about how much water is wasted on useless lawns.
Think about how much time and money is wasted on useless lawns.
We should be growing fruits and veggies

>We hate lawns and demand you get rid of them
>We also demand that your house be set minimum 30ft back from the sidewalk
>Additionally you may not grow edible plants in that space and must instead match the neighborhood aesthetic.

Yep sounds like liberals to me.

Just proves your retardation. Who the fuck would post a picture of themselves here.

>muh lawn
fuck you fucking kike worshiping boomer. land is for tilling and growing food, even the bible says so

Plain old grass lawns are garbage. they should only take up about 40% of your front lawn AT MOST, with bushes, trees, and flowers making up the rest.

I mow mine manually. Faggots need a pushmower, all I need is a machete about once a month.

Raspberries are fucking great, but it takes a lot of work to pick them, and you have to hack them away occazionally.
Mint grows like a weed as well.
Tomatoes are the best starter plant imo. Just put some egg shells in the patch.

Fuck grass and fuck lawnmowers.

They want you to get rid of your lawn, so they can cram more houses into already over populated cities.
That and a lot of foreigners hate having lawns (Chinks) so they feel its "Racist" that white people have them.

You're living the dream my friend.
Sythes are where it's at.

that's not a liberal idea on any level, that's a common sense idea. grass=lawnmowing=gasoline. natural yards look better. give it a generation, zoomers don't want to mow lawn. they will buy roomba mower or not do anything.

Lawns seem retarded but just letting it "revert to nature" would make you look like a nigger. The best option would be to consult a biologist (or even better, a botanist) at a local university and figure out what sorts of indigenous plant life would strike the right balance of sustainability, support for the local system, and beauty

heh, guess I have a new excuse for why I haven't mowed my lawn.

>boomers spray copious amounts of estrogenic herbicide poisons onto their lawns day after day, year after year, just to have some autistic aesthetic lawn
>"gee why are kids these days so weak and gay??"

Lawns are unironically a part of Anglo-European culture

I suppose the next trend is living in communal longhouses, just like the Indians.

Lawns are gay just plant clover and have some little white flowers during the summer

why not just own a store that sells bundles of germinating local plants, charge for a consult and plant that shit. capitalism
others will just watch youtube and figure it out themselves

Lawns are nice

Water is never wasted. Every drop of water is 100% recycled.

What I do with my time and money is none of your business.

I have farmers that grow fruits and vegetables for me.

So actually everyone hates lawns, left and right. Who knew.

We're phasing out lawns in NM. Grass like that isn't really native here and it takes a lot of water to keep up. In wet places I'd love to have one, but it's a pain out here.

white people used to grow food and other useful plants on their properties
home depot brand centipede grass is an abomination

animals eat my deck and fuck my house up and chew on my car fuck biodiversity and natural plants I'm cutting plants and killing animals

If I had the time to convert my front and back yard into a beautiful garden with large bushes and trees I honestly would.

Unfortunately I have a fulltime job, have to work out everday, raise my son, and walk my dog.

What little time I do have I spend playing monster hunter or guitar.

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You don't even need a biologist. Not many people seem to know this but if you're in the US you can literally call the Colorado State University (Not the University of Colorado, that's a different school) and get free nature advice. They'll even ID plants for you.

Native plants are trve aryan aesthetics
(((lawns))) are a anglo-judaic abomination that is anti-nature

Jokes on you faggot, I have rock everywhere and a concrete patio with an awning.

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Change your Depends, boomer, because you're full of shit.

because maintaining a lawn requires effort.
next it'll be the garden, they'll probably say something about water reeee da climate change but it's really part of a bigger plan to stop people growing thier own herbs and vegetables

Or you could buy a fucking book on native plants in your region u gay nigger

sounds like an israeli home

Anything that shits on boomers is ok with me

My yard is mostly natural, local, plant life and I mow maybe once per month in the summer. Yard looks fucking good year round. I hate that manicured lawn Boomer bullshit.

Lawns provide nothing to your local ecology
Let native plants grow, only cut what you need
You'll have a far more resilient "lawn" that retains water better and rejuvenates the soil, while helping your local insects/ birds/mammals/etc

Lawn is fundamentally degenerate.

However, liberals hate anything that they remotely associate with "good".

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>fuck my house up
animals destroy masonry now?

>damn I'm hungry
>better consult Gordon Ramsey and a PhD in nutrition before this decision

>Lawns are unironically a part of Anglo-European
The lawns where you get rid if all the dandelions and anything that isn't storebought grass is a stupid and very new part.
Gardens with flowers and fruit are real culture.
Mostly in history people would grow shit on the land they owned.

By planting four trees in my yard I unironically have done more for the environment than the entire city of LA and all of its people, for all time have ever done for the environment.

Fuck Democrats man.


A lawn is better that a strip of sidewalk for niggers to congregate on while they wait for the bus (i.e. what you'd be dealing with in the city), but having native plants is even better than having a lawn (and not mention, usually lower maintenance).

Fuck lawnboomers. Posting gardens.

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Lawns are fucking trash. I wish Cali would go back to drought water restrictions so all those faggots would face fines for watering their lawns. You could have a garden, endemic species, or any number of productive uses of your land; instead you dump water on grass so it can look purty.

You have no Idea what you're talking about.
You can convert entire sections of your yard into heavily planted areas that would add more to your environment than just letting grass grow would.

By planting bushes, flowers, trees, and other space wasters. You'd be giving homes to thousands of creatures.

If you really, really need just one plant on your property, grow clover
>doesn't grow too tall
>provides pollen to bees
>feeds leaf-eating insects
>feeds herbivores
>looks really cool
>brings you luck

>left: slaughterhouse
>right: house

no, imperial gardens, farms, plots of tilled land are our heritage you jewish leaf. The "lawn" is the epitome of redneck nigger tech, "look Im just like Versailles!" ignoring all the trees, shrubs, flowers, ponds, fountains and everything else that makes a peaceful garden. A green lawn is like hanging a blank canvas on your wall and saying your Davinci.

t. never owned a home

you could have a house of glass and steel and there are still going to be vulnerable materials that will get attack by animals if not controlled

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Lawns were "invented" during the cold war as a way to reduce shrub fires in the event of nuclear war.

I maintain the front and let the backyard mainly go to shit. Yes dumb nigger deer and squirrels love it but so do house centipedes if there's moisture to be had. So put down pesticide pellets if you go that route.

Fuck dumping money into a plot of grass. When boomers get to old to bother with it they just end up hiring beaners to do it for them anyway. Fuck beaners and their lawncare rackets. Fuck mowers and leaf blowers ruining nice quiet afternoons too.

Good lucking telling that to your local HOA.

a nice lawn is celebration of your dominion over nature that is trying to kill you every day

about time
do you have any idea how much weed you could grow in that space?
that's right, try and use your noodle for a change

What the fuck am I looking at here? My brain keeps fritzing trying to figure out what decade this picture was taken in.

I should have specified, but I didn't mean grass when I said native plants

Leftist hate lawns because it's a symbol of the Americans nuclear family

Rightist hate lawns because they are a ecological wasteland that serve no purpose other then because boomers want it.

Rightist at least hate them for the correct reasons

Lawns are a waste of perfectly good garden space.

Eradicating nature is not bending it to your will. A path, with a pond, with native and non native flora, with shade you design and create. THAT is dominion. You destroy what scares you, I become its master.

It's called a "garden" and most people still have them, retard.


It's literally in imitation of country houses in old England, you retarded ape

>I decide what culture is

Seems like that isn't the case.

>live in nature as God and Odin would want you to
>live in suburban cuckbox with cuckgrass for your wife's son to wobble around in

>t.lives in cardboard shack
as a house dweller i have literally never had damage to my house, and the most anyone i know ever had was a broken 1m fence when that yearly bear decides to visit some remote village.
but we use metal and stone here

based nature reclaimer user BTFOing virgin industrycucks


Lawns were traditionally only kept by nobility, peasants had to use every square inch of their land to grow food. I like lawns, they look nice and are great for kids to run and play on.

Ahh yes, the thread full of NEETs who have never done an ounce of manual labor in their lives never understanding the feeling of having a nicely cut and trimmed lawn. I guess if all you know is anime porn, anything else seems shitty.

Chink detected.

What would you prefer over a lawn? Dry, cracked soil or just concrete?
>In b4 "But Muh Garden"
Come on faggot we all know you are to lazy to tend a Garden.

>chew on my car
what the fuck

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FUCK the HOA. You act like they're some monolith that can't be overtaken though your own efforts. Don't be a sheep, user.
But but... I might have ONE barbecue a year and invite over my neighbors whose names I don't know and I need a place to set up cornhole. Ah blublublu

Something Zoomers will never understand.

lawn care and appreciation for nature is an exclusively white/Asian thing, completely unironically

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Dude I fucking hate mowing the lawn. I don't even "want" a yard. Who the fuck wants to spend all this time on such a dumb thing? Maybe it gets better if you have cheap labor to do it I guess

lawns are wasted space. You should turn your yards into small crops. A man should be allowed to do what he wants with his property wether it be have useless grass like some simp or a garden of eden to feed his family, however a lot of areas in america have gone full retard authoritarian and actually make it illegal to grow your own food.

Boomer normans need to shotgun mouthwash.


Go back to Chink Land Insectoid.

pro-tip you can still kill animals with a masterful anti-lawn
>mfw nerf battles with kids are way better than cornhole
>inb4 losing the darts
you'll lose 'em anyways pal

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We've replaced ours with microclover. Stays low so no need for Mexicans, resists pee spots and is drought resistant. Looks awesome.

I'm guessing boomer to you is anyone over the age of 25.


absolutely based friendo, niggers and mutts will lash out at you in anger because it is all they know. Never once have I seen a nonwhite with a well kept lawn

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Smart user

It's baby Rand, so probably mid-60s. Just before landing on the Moon. Comfy times.

>manual labor in their lives never understanding the feeling of having a nicely cut and trimmed lawn
>mowing the lawn
>manual labor
Yeah you never worked with your hands obviously

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Listen friend, I have a nicely cut and trimmed lawn, and it fucking sucks dicks. I'd rather have a large planting of various natural (read, not water sucking and totally out of its element in the heat of the Texas summer) plants. It doesn't take that much effort at all to mow a lawn, though its annoying as fuck to do it every weekend. I'd rather neatly trim various grasses, bushes, etc, and let them make their own microenvironment.
Lawn care is just a racket for boomers to give jobs to hordes of spics. Imagine how much less work there would be for beaners if Americans had natural lawns.

OP is a confirmed kike lol...nice try karen Weisberg

I'm nearly 40. Immaculate lawns are for literal baby boomer assholes.
No chinks here.

btw you smell anything burning, auscunt? Think it might be your backyard. Better tend to it.

This landwhale thinks mowing the lawn is manual labor.

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