Why are Europeans so closed? Two stories of Brazilians living in Europe

Why are Europeans so closed? Two stories of Brazilians living in Europe.

> Brazilian and Canadian friend start laughing softly at the restaurant
> European asks "why are you laughing? are you happy?"
> Brazilian answers "yes"
> European turns his face the way it was

> Brazilian sees neighbor having barbecue
> weeks later, decide to do it too
> invites the European
> European says "do yours, I'll do mine"

I personally met a Polish man who seemed to be friendly, since my father's cousin's German husband as well as their daughter were very serious.

My grandfather's sister said she found the Italians pleasant and the Germans not.

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Brazil niggers have no concept of personal space. If you sit down and look sad in a bar someone will put their arm around you and ask you what's wrong.

Brazil is underrated

Japanese are the same way I'd wager it's a combination of intelligence and upbringing. Niggers are literally unable to understand the concept of personal space.

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Sounds made up

No one invited you into their homeland other than kike bankers who want to use you as a wage slave.. fuck off

>Brazilian and Canadian friend start laughing softly
That's because they were laughing like faggots.
Either emit a thunderous manly laughter or shut the fuck up.

Here's a true story.

A guy I know went to Bra71l and met a bra71lese "woman".

After some years they both come here because they are totally broken. They have 2 kids. One is tranny or gay I don't really know. Also momma is lesbian and sleeps outside home many times with her female friends.

This is the experience of an italo-bra71lese gay family

Sounds comfy. Maybe you should save the moping for your hotel room.

blabla i wont read it

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Can confirm japan is based and everyone leaves each other alone. Until they've had a few drinks anyway.

> European says "do yours, I'll do mine"
I'd probably say the same thing. Next time when I just want to have a good time with family or close friends you would probably be expecting an invitation

Because brazilians are fake and extreme backstabbers, they also love being invasive and micromanage people like every other subhuman with sephardic genes, while europeans are more honest.

We are angry people you nigger we don’t have the shuckin n jivin nigger genes that you have boot lip mongoloid favela monkey

>Be me
>Fabricate a completely bullshit interaction
>Use it as strawman to bash a group I'm intimidated by
>Go get shot by 14 year old while walking home in my slum.
The life of a Brazilian Nigger.

>A 70 IQ, socially awkward pardo is bad at making friends and reading cues so he has to make a post about in on Yas Forums complaining about Europeans, which happen to be the best civilization and best looking people

Your life is sad and will never get better, off yourself.

these obnoxious niggers are the first to backstab you when they have the chance, friendly meme my ass, they are just crude

And they love to poison public spaces with their subhumanity by being loud, throwing trash, bothering people, ...

You are not a european, burger

>Eating BBQ that a shitskin has touched
Based Europeans

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Germans are the worst people .

Interesting. Kentucky hill people are like that too. I love it, but you get some city people passing through and it seriously freaks them out. Like if it's kindness from a complete stranger, it must be sarcasm or something

I'm sorry to brake it down to you, and I'm not saying this because I'm from Portugal or whatever. But Brazilians are genuinely repugnant to look at. They are loud and disgusting. Not only that, but other European countries, not like Portugal, fortunately have in-group preference. Brazilians and the portuguese are blind since they don't have this racial-ethnic lines with them. So that's why they seem rude to you. Not only that but you have to put the fact that Brazilians are loud and disgusting to look at. I'm very sorry.

So, Africans born in Norway are Norwegian? Cause you acting like geographic location changes your genetics. And if you mean culturally, well, Poland and Portugal have different cultures, and the Americans didn't sprout out of the Appalachian ground, they inherited the European culture of their forefathers that tamed the continent.

sorry but we are not sending our best
I hate most bostilians too

Brazilians all have this hustler mentality of fucking the other. Even if they are being friendly, it's never honest friendship.

Burgers are weirdo rejects that left Europe cause they were aliens here. Quakers, Terronis, the Irish, mornons and whatnot all mixed into one giant pot of weird anglo values. No thanks.

If being a mix of Northern European makes me a burger mutt than so be it


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Daaaw cute

>found the Italians pleasant
cool story bro

I’m half polish and half Scottish. My ancestors left in the early 20th century to escape the filthy Jews that run Europe

dios mio

Implying that the people I quoted and I are black.

First of all
Second of all they probably hate you foreign scum and would accept me, me 100% Bavarian phenotype face, instantly

Nice you, but isn’t that saying Spanish not Portuguese?

Mutts are such a disgrace. They live in a completely sealed off world and I can confirm many of us, especially here, are fucking delusional.

I have brazilians in my uni. They are not dumb, or criminals, or other things. However they are genuinely disgusting. I always avoid being with them or speaking to them and they noticed it already. I don't care really. But they cause me an unmeasurable aversion that I subconsciously try to keep way from them. And even these uni guys are loud.

Based Japanese Loli

ah thanks thats the word I was looking for when describing ahMEDs. Seems like brazilians are the same way by the way you describe them.

>My grandfather's sister said she found the Italians pleasant and the Germans not.

Maybe because your grandfather's sister was a stranger to those germans while to Italians she was an exhange student prehaps. You don't give any background how long she stayed in each country and what she did in each country. Do you find it reasonable to invite people to your house that speak broken english and not your native tounge?

I'm a happy person and happy to see other people happy but please just fuck off and leave me alone if I don't know you.

Pretty much. I've lived in Northern NJ for 31 years, 20m from NYC. If somebody I don't know comes up to me, they want something. If somebody I don't know touches me, we're gonna have problems.

Probably because you're a half breed nigger descended from slaves

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I live in a higher-end, "white" neighborhood and every single one of my fucking neighbors acts just like every other goddamn weekend they have a gathering with their entire extended family blasting the shittiest music known to man and laughing hysterically

it's driving me insane. I fucking wish I lived in a civilized country. it's literally the only thing I ever wanted. fuck.

Wh-what if u want to be your fren IRL?”

Powerfull and Brave

In my experience some Europeans(such as Germans) don't like the fakeness of particular interactions that to us are normal. By that I mean, we pretend to be nice when we don't actually mean it, even to those we don't know personally. It comes off as two-faced. At times I tend to agree. Sometimes I'll smile and offer an ear to someone talking to me, but I obviously don't care.

bro you are describing ahMEDs wtf.

Fuck white people

Kek. Consider his Mart sharted

That's the portuguese culture. Here it is the same.

>blasting the shittiest music known to man

Like this?


I think its italian like mama mia

People that actually care about others?THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!

I feel like I should punch you in the face for that picture not being full sized hi res

How make ferns with Europeans? I don’t want to bother a stranger but a stranger is just a fren you haven’t met yet

Good luck leaving this freemason and jew controlled shithole. They hate when people escape this hell.

What in their behaviour disgusts you?

yes I barely have friends people just disgusts me, I get blamed for being too honest and retracted like they describe europeans

bruh, never travel to a 3rd world country. You would probably get mugged or even worse on the first night with that kind of thinking


All new worlders are backstabbers. Europeans just know the old ways. Way she goes

My neighbourhood used to be calm and quiet
Since you mulatos and other apes started arriving it's slowly turning into a jungle.
music blasting through windows apartments, macacos de flip-flops na rua como se tivessem na praia, é tudo vosso.
dito isto, não gostam, ponham-se no caralho, fiquem no vosso país com a vossa "cultura"

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this, holy shit

Nah, it's rated shithole, which is just about right.

that's close enough, yes. that shit goes on for hours, sometimes well into the morning.
and if you call the cops they'll just shrug because that's fucking NORMAL in this hellhole.

japs are absolutely 100% not like that. they will go out of their way to engage you if you reach out to them unless their english is incredibly poor. europeans are just stuck up fags and they have no reason to be seeing as how their continent is a literal shithole that is being used as the world's toilet


Those are Mart shatters I want European frens

this happens to me all over the world as a handsome white male
I don't have to go to some nigger'd shithole

If you travel here, it's a regular shithole, but if you live here it's worse than many other comparable shitholes because people are demented subhuman retards.

It will become the first ancap country in america as well