He's earned my vote back!
Link to specifics?
deficit don
Sure... For employer contributions only.
Need sauce.
This is why he is big on tariffs, to eliminate the income tax.
Is now the time to finally start a business, Yas Forums?
you forgot the part where he wants to bail out the oil company's also
if he doesnt we will be forced to by saudi oil for 500$ a barrel
i so want to hatefuck this woman so hard that she becomes a perfect conservative.
you do realize that even that proposal you still have the pay taxes? It's a suspension, not an end. You just won't have it taken out of your paycheck during the crisis -- but you will still owe it. Which honestly is worse.
how about instead of this stupid shit we give everyone PTO and Paid sick days? That would be a real fucking solution.
Um honey US shale oil costs 45-60 dollars quit your bullshit.
Why the fuck are these politicians always bailing out wall street and big oil while fucking over middle america?
where does the money for paid sick days come from?
Who the fuck cares?
We get free money, he can do whatever the fuck he wants
He always had my vote, but this makes it even better
He had my vote when I got a tax break in my paycheck. I only make $32k a year and I really appreciated that. I didn't vote in 2016 but will be voting Trump in 2020
Yes please do. That would save me thousands a year, which I will turn around and spend on preparations.
Have some crumbs, goyum
I could care less as long as my paycheck still has more money in it
>never let a good tragedy go to waste
Trump is learning the game, smart move.
imagine the mic being a dick and cum dripping from her face over her boobs
it is the Saudi's flooding the market with cheap oil at the moment that is causing this
thank you sir, saving to my "milkers" file. Any nudes of AOC?
>getting 23% of your paycheck back
>that's a bad thing, goyim
Yea that's never happening
income tax is the most immoral tax ever imposed in a population.
This would be cool in theory, unfortunately we are all going to die from Corona Chan.
im not a trump dick sucker but that would really help me right now
Republicans are literally complaining about increase government spending to combat the virus. This is how retarded these people actually are. Yes, that's your big winning issue faggots, cutting virus emergency spending
As a neet why should I possibly care
> I got a small tax cut
>as soon as I saw my paycheck was a tiny bit bigger he earned my vote!
What a cuck
even more than a property tax?
Watch as the cost of goods and services rise and the 0% payroll tax does little more than send money to the hands of big business.
How can you retards not see he's just trying to damage control the markets? It's only for this year, anyway. Maybe instead of focusing on the markets he should actually take rational steps against corona. Oh wait his boomer base thinks it's a leftist conspiracy or something.
>%12.4 total
>if you're sick, you can't work and obviously gain no benefit
paying taxes is theft in any way, moron
Federal income taxes are used to provide for national programs such as national defense; veterans and foreign affairs; social programs; physical, human, and community development; law enforcement; and interest on the national debt.
So how will we pay for these programs
>if you're sick, you can't work and obviously gain no benefit
I don't give a fuck if those people die or not.
Because they are kikes.
>free money
Shut up you faggot commie.
Yeah man, your employer will just add that right to you paycheck, are you retarded?
Paying for something you already own? Now that’s a scam.
I have a decent amount more in my paycheck. If you weren't an unemployed tranny then you would too
>Who's gonna pay for it?
(You) do
What a fucking jew. Yas Forums got baited so hard into campaigning for this kike.
Reminder that income tax used to not exist.
Tax people that arn't me
This is just what middle class Americans needed through these hard times. They needed their bosses to pay less in taxes. Thank you Trump!
>kill income tax
>implement national sales tax
>pay more sales tax than payroll tax in consumer society
namaste drumpf
>I don't get sick
>I don't care if sick people die
>I can't into civilization
>TFW Neet
fuck drumpf!
>It's only for this year, anyway.
it was already refused by the Senate seriously the american population is totally braindead at this point
that shit will never pass he did that to be able to say he proposed it that's a fucking clown show
the dem already proposed something way worst
>I hate socialism unless it is my candidate doing it.
>32k a year
Your tax cut was like 20 bucks dude. Are you retarded?
not only that, inflation is also running rampant. Quite possibly going to go parabolic if the fed keeps this shit up. Your extra table scraps aren't going to be worth shit pretty soon, as well as all your years of savings.
He's a disease. The whole world is waiting for white people to go extinct because of pieces of shit like him.
we'd pay less too bozo!
calm down kike
The kikes in congress will never allow this.
Deficits are a meme as long as the US military can kick anybody’s ass who the fuck cares.
>t. actual kike
Tell me about it. Principal and interest is only half of my fucking mortgage!!
Ask me how i know you're unemployed? Thank God Bernies campaign is dead and he will never be president
>Now please for Boine Sandals ;_(
lel, this
>$1 trillion in debt a year
>unable to cut the military, Social Security or healthcare despite massively growing costs
>cutting taxes
Are Americans allergic to fiscal responsibility or something? Do you want to go bankrupt when Biden starts the next trillion-dollar overseas war?
>yang offers free money
"Based! Secure the bag! "
>Trump gives free money
tariffs, and consumption tax.
>People fall gravely ill and can't work
>Trump will refund their PAYROLL taxes
Only if someone manages to add emergency funding to Israel (6 billion/15billion/24billion/33billion) to "fight" the coronavirus.
I doubt Biden will even still be alive in 2024 when Trump's term is over
fed receipts are up since his tax cut, its spending that is the problem and good luck getting that cut with democrats in control of the house.
>people dropping like flies
>resident evil zombie scenario
>spending is the problem
Thank you user, that made my day.