/GBG/ - Greek Borders General - SHOTS FIRED


Updates 10/03
Greeks built embankment as second line of defense at Evros border creating a strong barrier and choke points (video on mediafire)
Turkish Coast Guard KAAN29 class patrol boat TCSG107 violate Hellenic Terittorial Waters near Vatos (blue square) islet in southeast part of Oinousses islands. Karaburun peninsula (red square) in background can be seen.
HellenicArmy SpecialForces pair of RHIBs Magna 960 patrolling northbound Chios Strait in east Aegean Sea. Hellenic Security Forces in high alert ready to intercept rubber boats with migrants from Turkey to Greek islands
HellenicNavy Roussen class Fast Attack Craft P-69 HS Krystallidis spotted today afternoon northbound Chios Strait in east Aegean Sea
the Exalco company donated to the military a truck full of materials to reinforce the border such as barbed wire and other military essentials
Poles and Austrians to join Greeks in defense efforts
Oguz Bulut, indicted in the Ergenekon case and a former MHP (Gray Wolves) youth president in Sivas (Turkish City) was arrested for sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy
Video from inside Greek Navy Vessel in Lesvos where illegal immigrants have been transferred to


Turkish Forces Shot directly at Greek forces trying to escalate situation, the shots were not fired into the air

Latest CNN interview of PM mitsotakis: youtube.com/watch?v=GqU022LgT-M

>Videos and images

For this full list check the pastebin

Poseidon's Wall (Shoutout to CzechBro)

Previous Thread

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Good luck Greece

I never get tired of this one

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is he spraying them with pig shit? lmao

pig shit AND urine*

Nth for retaking the holy city

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Don't worry

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this one also shows how brilliant those roaches are

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>Hello, roach department?

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Now will the EU say something about turdshits opening fire at our guys?

the video with subtitles is on the mediafire folder

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Lol bro science from turkey "we are immune ""cough" trust me bro !"

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WOW! A rare flag

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Wich part of the DNA they carry is immune? The greek , the albanian , the slavic, the anatolian, the kurdish,the armenian,the yakutian or the kazakh ?


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its because they know most of them are insects, insects cant get the corona

>Now will the EU say something about turdshits opening fire at our guys?
Never. Germany will deny and assist T*rkey all it can along with the Netherlands, too many diaspora that can cause problems.


If you notice lots of authoritarian regimes have claimed no coronavirus. North korea, Cuba, Turkey, etc.

Is it happening? Are we going to get war finally?

Best corea killed the infected.

Bulgaria joins the fight

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Add Russia to that list. Isn't that interesting; nothing to see here

i cant see a video of turks shooting

>how based are greeks?

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So will the Greeks be accepting international volunteers?

EU is busy blaming Greece for it as they value roaches and mudslimes over Europeans, Fuck the EU.

holy fucking shit
yeah they're definitely dead. if it takes over central turkey they'd have no way to hold the coast

its not a video of them shooring, its the video of the news channel that reported on it, the third archive link also leads to that same news channel with the video

I dont think it would be possible to record that anyways, the Greeks are yet to build watchtowers and I dont think their army carries cameras for that purpose

I think you could patrol along with the citizens but not with the army lol

yeah i cant play any video

that's actually a good point

Where does your nation stand in the fight against the bugs? Enlist now for roach removal opportunities.
Would you like to know more?

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Do as you have always done greek bros, let no barbarian pass!

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why are we light blue?

>New caledonia
Didn't even know there was an old one to start off with.

yeah, you cant play videos through Archive.is

that is why I make those videos available on mediafire, you can also copy the original URL at the top of the archive page and go to the news channel website or twitter post if you want

I don't think France and Italy would join because they've got problems at home
Similarly, Egypt and Lybia wouldn't because they'd never ally with the Christians in order to beat up muslims. That'd be the reason Saudi Arabia wouldn't send financial support
Israel wouldn't join because that's what they were planning for all along
Georgia would because sweet sweet irredentism
Ukraine, Albania and Romania would be so neutral it'd hurt, but some Romanians would probably volunteer
my beats, anyway


its scotland right?

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No forces committed at this point as far as I knew.
V4 has committed, Italy and france have ships in the med to guarantee cyprus. Israel and egypt are also in an alliance to help if shit goes down on cyprus.
Russia, Syria and Libya are in active combat.
Serbs, bulgarians and greeks have a defensive pact.
but here you go

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Poland on the side with Russia


I think you ignore the biggest factor of all. Kurds and the PKK would go apeshit because it would mean they have a chance of forming Kurdistan. Never mind the Armenians wanting payback

imagine thinking france is there to help, and not there to ensure germanys ottoman cargo and investments are safe...wew

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It does though, it specifically says
>Turkey will charge deep inside Greece and will concur the most of the Greek territory
>The time will come that the world will think Greek people will vanish
in regards to

i fucking hope
i also think that some escalation may occur when some soldier/policeman/border guard from another eu member state would be injuried
also genuine question:
What's nato stance on aggression between two member states?

you just send forces to the greek border, russia is in active combat, different front so you shouldn't bother each other. but hating turks can bring people together

yes theres been tons opf paisios prophecies out there, the "original" was very short and simple: If the war starts from the north, it will be devastating for Hellas, if it starts from the south, Greece will be almost unscathed but there will be big hunger.

we sent a ship and around 10 policemen

>too many diaspora that can cause problems.
obtuse politicians are to be thanked for it. truly, germans and dutch are the same people as we have the same suicide politics implemented.

I dont know man, the EU is too cucked

unless someone gets shot or they have proof with a recording AND audio, the EU will be silent

>killing roaches =/= same sides as russhits
nigga please

Is bong posting the new muttposting?

my bad, but it's corrected

>Meanwhile,in turkey...

>but hating turks can bring people together
more tolkien stuff.. too many similarities damn it


Well what's the EU going to do? Sanction them? Send in the EuroPEON army? which by the way is the GAYEST thing iv e ever heard.

this is pure russhit delusion.
turkey first, mongols later

we're talking about who's against roaches, you don't have to join an union with russia ffs.
just have a common enemy in the coming war and go back home after to go back to your dick measuring contest.

send them more money hoping they will change their mind kek

are you a mouthbreathing retard with somalian IQ?
let me explain again, like i do almost every day for the last week or so
>germany IS the EU economy now britain left
>germany doesnt have the force, france does
>germany has a shit ton of investment and production in turkey
>germany has been lining the pockets of ottomans and pissing in your faces this whole time
>germany, coincidentally also wants alal these shitskins terrorising europe
now tell me, mensa member, why is france there? when germany sends no fucking end of money to turkey, has a shit ton of investment and production to protect, whilst shipping that same turkish production germany owns into the EU states? tell me...if you do not understand how geopolitical and economic forces are at play here, you quite frankly should not be here discussing anything

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Yes and the us will send them more military equipment to change their mind

yes, yes goy, good thinking, keep sending money

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I have also problem to be in V4 with you but it is how it is. How long will you be butthurt about your total failure in WW2? 500 years? Maybe focus on real enemy once.

this, it's pretty influenced by ruskies as well. Wouldn't trust any kind of prophecy, but Yas Forums prophecy seems very eerie.

checked, need US equipment for militias, stingers and ATGMs preffered. Why just give them to jihadis?

Turkey will never be European

but erDoggo just said that Europe's borders end in Syria.

Would rather give them to the greek bros, sadly us government is full of kikes and cucks

He thinks Europe is T*rkish.

>now tell me, mensa member, why is france there?
Maybe just maybe they have bought a shit load of gas/oil drill licenses in cyprus together with Italy and in greece together with USA you ultimate brainlet

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negro plox
it's not like germans can move their business elsewhere
i'm disgusted by even remote propability of any sort of alliance with russhits
first of all never trust a ruskie
secondly good ruskie is a dead ruskie

Yeah thats why the announcement of Merkels support for Greece is confusing. But even so , one has to imagine that the European institutions of defensive alliances are more important than the economic interests of a single member, even tho it could be said the most important member. And btw , France has been a stalwart military ally of Greece for the past 200 years.

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>Main battle tanks per 100k people
We are ready

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Are migrants getting through?

What's the situation with the migrants currently in Greece?