Solve the "weak man crisis" in 4 words or less

Solve the "weak man crisis" in 4 words or less

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Kill yourself faggot

a world war

Accept dominance of BBC

Big titty Dom gfs

Expell the Jews from our society.

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Become a strong woman

Info wars penis juice

Don't be a coomer.

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deportation from a rooftop

I'm ok with this.


If my son was doing gay shit like that I would drag em behind the house and put a bullet in his ass.
Fuck that faggot

Rebuild the nuclear family

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Does anybody have the version with audio?

good reason for 109

More protein, less onions

Executions and concentration camps

>What the fuck dad
Was about to say based dad, then realized the tranny is the dad's fault

Death camps, mass graves.

Bullet to the head

Wash your penis.

Corona Chan.

Samson yourself Herschel

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Shotgun to the head

Mandatory military service

vacation in africa

Turn off the internet
seriously, people being socialized remotely is not good for us
there is an entire generation of people who generally have never had to back up their words and actions with their face

It's true, though.

Kill all jews.

this, deshita.

roid rage / involuntary euthanasia

Mandatory military service

Kill all jews

you do not, period

Universal mandatory national service

More meat, less onions.

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>What the fuck Dad!


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I'm convinced that there's something in starbucks drinks that turns men into faggots.

Testosterone in the water

Mantadory military serbice

The last brings up a good point. The Gen-Y millinials were the last generation not to have a full-online childhood.

squats and oats

>bullet in his ass

It's literally the sugar.

Admit it, you meant penis

Wtf is the bullshit.

More protein, less onions.

We need a good war to wake people from their slumber.

Theyre not harming anyone

who cares. its eugenics.

All jews must die.

My alpha dick going into his weak ass
>problem solved

Kill boomers.

lift weights, complete goals

Rare wise leaf

I love you

They're harming themselves. There is a lot wrong with the James Charles types and it's going to bite this generation in the ass.

>t. Seething wanna be steamer zoomer

Coronavirus pandemic

cold showers, no fap