This thread is a perfect case study of the desperate attempt at information suppression likely by JIDF and CIA together, going by the psyop techniques used in that thread, and anything wuflu-related.
The techniques used include:
>destroying the credibility of the leaker
>rejecting the info altogether
>spouting proven falsehoods
>downplaying the virus
>moving the goalposts from "only asians die" all the way to "only elderly die", "virus is a hoax" and "muh mild cases"
>"illusion of consensus"
You niggers rarely ever call this shit out, rarely name the glownigger. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're bombarded with grade-A psyops, and you don't even notice it? You're smarter than this, Yas Forums.
Corona-chan information suppression, disinformation
When glow niggers, faggot fbi, moshe kike legion tells you it's nothing, it is something. Ignore those fuckers, inform your family, friends, your friends' friends and so-on.
So you can’t dispute the virus bc the MSM “narrative” is gospel. Got it, thanks user.
I had to inform the hivemind
Let's play spot the bot
Btw this bitch is being slid HARD
Remember user, the flu last year killed more people than this COVID-19 could ever be, right? Btw, do you have some based links on the virus? I remember some stuff recently that suggested it was similar to HIV, is this bullshit? Is the whole SPORES thing bullshit?
a / Italy # infected (1) = 300
b / Italy # infected (2) = 10,000
c / # days = 11
d / Daily Growth Factor = 1.38 = (b/a)^(1/c)
e / USA # infected (1) = 808 = 3.10.2020
f / Daily Growth Factor = 1.38 = d
g / # of Days = 30
h / g Growth Factor = 15,717 = f^g
i / USA # infected (2) = 12,699,422 = e*h
j / ICU rate (Italy) = 12.5% = Italian authorities
k / USA ICU Need = 1,587,428 = i*j
l / ICU beds available = 100,000 = US authorities
m / USA ICU bed shortfall = 1,487,428 = k-l
They aren't testing anyone because they don't care about saving anyone. They care about tracking mutations.
Oh, i forgot to add
>derailing discussion
I'm literally not. I was being facetious. What kind of information do you have to convince someone from the outside looking in? I haven't been following this happening quite that closely, and offline for quite some time recently.
Checked, but Yas Forums has a general dedicated to the corona virus, you should ask there
Contemplate eating bat soup
Reminder follow their actions not their words
>China a soulless manufacturing profit machine shut down 60% of their factories for over 2 months
"It's just a flu no need to panic"
>Sports events being cancelled / played in front of no fans first time ever for a virus outbreak
"Bro it's just the flu"
>Italy goes into full lock down
"Dude seriously just the flu."
None of these things ever happen for just a fucking flu. Stop listening to words and start looking at actions taken to gauge the severity.
Can you give me a qrd?
I have verification that the virus actually raises IQ and makes you irresistible to the opposite sex. No one has really died. The MSM does not want you to know this. They want to keep you "healthy" they do not want you to enjoy life and get this "virus" they want to instill panic and have you consume toilet paper and hand snaitizer.
Shit's fucked big time, and subversive elements are trying to create a veil of confusion/ bamboozle dummies so their plans are carried out uncontested. This user is right.
Thank you kike, very cool
Well. It is true though. Corona. Binds to/feeds on ace2 gene. 1000genomeproject. Slanteyepeople have most ace2 genes ergo they get struck harder if hitler would have been proud of you.. you most likely dont get sick as much from the chan.
Facts. Science. Reeeeeeeecism. Are great.
inb4 nothing of major consequence happens. Unironically its just the flu. Happening retards ruin this board.
>Let's play spot the bot
reminder to sage and hide disinfo, market manipulation and alarmism threads.
1/ I may be repeating myself, but I want to fight this sense of security that I see outside of the epicenters, as if nothing was going to happen "here". The media in Europe are reassuring, politicians are reassuring, while there's little to be reassured of. #COVID19 #coronavirus
2/ This is the English translation of a post of another ICU physician in Bergamo, Dr. Daniele Macchini. Read until the end "After much thought about whether and what to write about what is happening to us, I felt that silence was not responsible.
3/ I will therefore try to convey to people far from our reality what we are living in Bergamo in these days of Covid-19 pandemic. I understand the need not to create panic, but when the message of the dangerousness of what is happening does not reach people I shudder.
4/ I myself watched with some amazement the reorganization of the entire hospital in the past week, when our current enemy was still in the shadows: the wards slowly "emptied", elective activitieswere interrupted, intensive care were freed up to create as many beds as possible.
5/ All this rapid transformation brought an atmosphere of silence and surreal emptiness to the corridors of the hospital that we did not yet understand, waiting for a war that was yet to begin and that many (including me) were not so sure would ever come with such ferocity.
6/ I still remember my night call a week ago when I was waiting for the results of a swab. When I think about it, my anxiety over one possible case seems almost ridiculous and unjustified, now that I've seen what's happening. Well, the situation now is dramatic to say the least.
7/ The war has literally exploded and battles are uninterrupted day and night. But now that need for beds has arrived in all its drama. One after the other the departments that had been emptied fill up at an impressive pace.
8/ The boards with the names of the patients, of different colours depending on the operating unit, are now all red and instead of surgery you see the diagnosis, which is always the damned same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia.
9/ Now, explain to me which flu virus causes such a rapid drama. [post continues comparing covid19 to flu, link below]. And while there are still people who boast of not being afraid by ignoring directions, protesting because their normal routine is"temporarily" put in crisis,
10/ the epidemiological disaster is taking place. And there are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopedists, we are only doctors who suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us.
11/ Cases are multiplying, we arrive at a rate of 15-20 admissions per day all for the same reason. The results of the swabs now come one after the other: positive, positive, positive. Suddenly the E.R. is collapsing.
12/ Reasons for the access always the same: fever and breathing difficulties, fever and cough, respiratory failure. Radiology reports always the same: bilateral interstitial pneumonia, bilateral interstitial pneumonia, bilateral interstitial pneumonia. All to be hospitalized.
13/ Someone already to be intubated and go to intensive care. For others it's too late... Every ventilator becomes like gold: those in operating theatres that have now suspended their non-urgent activity become intensive care places that did not exist before.
14/ The staff is exhausted. I saw the tiredness on faces that didn't know what it was despite the already exhausting workloads they had. I saw a solidarity of all of us, who never failed to go to our internist colleagues to ask "what can I do for you now?"
this has been going on almost 2 months welcome to the party. and they are just following orders to stem panic. remember the first few generals China had 13 cases........and ever since every 2 weeks then Xi has come out and said they're getting back to work in 2 weeks. we are in The Happening. there is very little doubt about it.
15/ Doctors who move beds and transfer patients, who administer therapies instead of nurses. Nurses with tears in their eyes because we can't save everyone, and the vital parameters of several patients at the same time reveal an already marked destiny.
16/ There are no more shifts, no more hours. Social life is suspended for us. We no longer see our families for fear of infecting them. Some of us have already become infected despite the protocols.
17/ Some of our colleagues who are infected also have infected relatives and some of their relatives are already struggling between life and death. So be patient, you can't go to the theatre, museums or the gym. Try to have pity on the myriad of old people you could exterminate.
18/ We just try to make ourselves useful. You should do the same: we influence the life and death of a few dozen people. You with yours, many more. Please share this message. We must spread the word to prevent what is happening here from happening all over Italy."
20/ I finish by saying that I really don't understand this war on panic. The only reason I see is mask shortages, but there's no mask on sale anymore. We don't have a lot of studies, but is it panic really worse than neglect and carelessness during an epidemic of this sort?
19/ Full post here, you can DeepL:
yes elevate the fearmongering
Spread lies
Spread disinfo
Spread FEAR to the sheeple
so they
It wasn't this weird before. I've been here at the first /cvg/, and i can tell that something is different about this batch of shills. They're more sinister.
t. pic related
I know user. I see the shills everywhere, damn them. I think you should just assume the real consensus is closer to what you ACTUALLY think and feel, as opposed to what the spammers make you think Yas Forums thinks.
That is, I totally empathize and fully agree with most rhetoric coming from the nebulous truther and alt right movements. The truthers don't want to be painted with the same brush as the "alt right", but they're conjoined at this point. I'm more truther than alt right, like for instance, I don't even particularly want to live in an ethnostate, nor do I dislike blacks... but on the other hand, I hate niggers and I want Europeans to own their own nations. But to me a black man is not a nigger.
I'm not prudish, I've explored my sexuality enough to know that it becomes whatever I feed it, and I can genuinely understand the excitement of sexual deviancy. On the other hand, there's mountains of research and wisdom saying that most of these activities are detrimental in NUMEROUS ways. I see the cultural weapon that is faggotry.
The consensus isn't a polarized caricature. It's ambivalent and conflicting; torn between what we want and what we need.
You might even find "normies" are more based than you realized. It depends on the subject. The media and academic brainwashing conspiracy has fucked all of our minds up in different ways.
For some people, it takes effect by making them believe the Satanic-"Jewish" science monolith without question.
For other people, like anons here, it takes effect by making them believe CNN's made-up bullshit consensus polls, or Twitter's for that matter.
Even I can't appreciate all the little ways in which they've fucked our minds.
It's annoying, but it should only be another couple of weeks before this gets so big that the only people who are still pretending this won't affect them are mentally broken from all the reports in their areas,
Fucking normies can't cope with real shit.
Is it over? Had the Jew won yet?
Thank you user, you're doing god's work
Also I believe that Jews are controlled by a hidden Satanic class that uses the Jews as scapegoats, and Jews aren't all guilty of world Jewry. On the other hand! Jews are just really awful people on average compared to any other race. On the other, other hand, the word "Jew" has lost all meaning, considering I may be a lost Scythean Israelite while they're all Khazar converts who are "technically atheists" anyway.
And I think Hitler was a tool of the Zionist/Luciferian Cabal. As was Marx.
The consensus of Yas Forums is probably close to what I think, but the (((consensus))) will loudly and furiously disagree.
Have you read their own prophecies? There is no winning for them. Not for those who say they are Jews but are not.
The fantastic thing about this kind of shilling is that it's self defeating. They are so egregiously and demonstrably wrong that you don't really need to do anything but mock them. What we are discussing, in regards to the Communist Chink Coronavirus is patently obvious to even the most delusional retard and every single day it continues, the more obvious it is.
So, to deny the Communist Chink Coronavirus doesn't really require a lot of push back. It's real. It's happening. All we need to do is keep posting facts as they come up
>Communist Chink Coronavirus
Funny how you've hidden psyop in plain sight. You even repeated it for enforcement in the subjects mind.
Fuck off JIDF, soon everyone will know that you kikes released the virus on China
>to create a veil of confusion
The doctor in charge of the virus in my city posted an article saying people are "recovering" from it just fine, that the mortality rate is very low (using the inaccurate numbers), that this is a nothingburger, etc. The guy has a PhD. If the horror stories I read on here are true, we're fucked big time.
He's probably being lied to, or he was told to lie. No one is immune to propaganda.
And remember that Yas Forums is always right.
>When glow niggers, faggot fbi, moshe kike legion tells you it's nothing, it is something
how do I know it's the glowniggers saying it's nothing
Yas Forumsacks claim to be able to spot glowniggers but it's only ever the people that are posting things they disagree with that are "definitely glowniggers"
>not being able to detect subversion
I was with you until you said "GOOD GUYS MIGHT BE REAL" because bruh, there are no good guys. We're all good and evil, we just choose with which part our actions match with. But I guess that's a bit nit picky, and that's probably why I don't have any friends.
On the other hand, I'm sure most real human beans on Yas Forums just want to be left alone with their waifu of choice and an acre or three of land.
that's my point
everyone "thinks" they can but they're just screaming shill at everything they don't like
Here it is if you're interested:
I'll paste some parts from it (short article anyway):
>HOUSTON - Despite the hysteria, the vast majority of people who contract the coronavirus COVID-19 will have very mild symptoms, according to the CDC and the World Health Organization.
>New data shows the illness is not as dangerous as some had thought, according to HCA Houston Healthcare doctors. COVID-19 was previously thought to be more deadly than the flu, but as the virus spreads around the globe and more data is collected, the virus is turning out not to be very deadly at all, according to Dr. Mujtaba Ali-Khan, the chief medical officer for all 13 HCA Hospitals in the Houston area.
>"The mortality rate that was initially reported of 2 to 5 percent is actually around what the influenza virus is--around less than one percent,” said Ali-Khan.
>About 15 percent of people do develop serious symptoms, but for most patients, the virus goes away in a couple of weeks on its own.
>"From the data we're seeing, it does self-resolve--similar to a common cold," said Ali-Khan.
>not being learned in neuro-linguistics
But what do they know that we dont? If hardly anyone has died what are these extreme measures for? Why have they tanked the economy for so few deaths?
they do these techniques on any good information from China too.
People just believe what they want to believe. That's why earth is a shithole all the time, no matter how the productive forces develop.
False gospel.
vpn? if not tell me how things are in china in regards to coronachan
>follow their actions not their words
Exactly. They can’t hide the actions but they can manipulate the words.
It's just a CDC article with the name of a doctor stapled on.
This is to fuck with the noise-data ratio, as i mentioned earlier.
Yes, shills were deployed day 1, but this wave smells like kikes.
Ok goys, I'm going to bed now, it's getting late 'round here. Take care
Fuck, it's really late, i misunderstood you. Every country has spies, and countries can trade intel. Many people already know about the (((perpetrators))), and the motive.
Like they're bunkered or aylmao or preditor
This, plus, there are a huge number of top government officials in multiple countries who have it. These are people who normally would have the best protection.
Extremely high quality post.
Most of the people I talk to about this irl, don't give a fuck. It ends up being a debate on how they are right and I am wrong. I try to care, but I honestly don't anymore. They can't logically look at this situation, and see that this is far different than anything we've experienced in modern times. Logically, they can't see that the MSM had nothing to do with countries closing their borders or countries quarantining millions upon millions of people.
(The Official Story So Far)
>Ladies and gentlemen the press conference will now begin.
>Here's all the information we have at this time:
>A snake with a snake virus was eaten by a bat
>The bat mutated the snake virus into batsnake virus
>Chinese man who coincidentally lives next to the only level 4 bio-weapons factory in China happens to eat the only bat with batsnake virus
>By some as yet unexplained magic, the super-mutated, super-deadly batsnake virus made the inter-species jump to humans to become the manbatsnake virus. Probably through the well known "bat soup" theory of virology
>Virus just happens to have an almost unprecedented four changed amino acids, but please don't ask about that
>It only kills the elderly and the infirm. Except when it kills other people who aren't elderly or infirm like the Chinese doctor who coincidentally tried to warn everybody
>It only kills 0.1% or 5% or 3.2% or 10% or something. We can be absolutely sure that the number is somewhere between 0 and 100%
>There's no need to prepare. There will be no shortages. Except for all the shortages that there are
>Keep sending kids to school. School is completely safe until we decide to shut all the schools down for being unsafe
>The best way to stop the manbatsnake virus (that definitely isn't a bio-weapon) is to "wash your hands while singing the national anthem"
>We are still in the "containment" phase (phase 1). Except sometimes we're in the "delay" phase (phase 2) or the "quarantine entire EU countries" phase (phase [shrugs])
>Shutting the borders wouldn't have worked you big racist. Something something GDP
>Also racism is worse than manbatsnake
>Also self preservation is racism. Not letting Chinese people coof on you is racist
>Don't wear a mask because masks don't work. Which is why a mask shortage would be bad
>Car crashes caused by climate change kill far more people with the flu every second of every day
>In conclusion : orange man bad
What is your opinion on China? Are things going back to normal?
Did you know that Jews are the orange men? Almost all (if not all) oranges that are sold in my country, are from Israel. Israel is the country of the jews, jews are the salesmen of the oranges, jew is orange man, orange man bad, jew bad.
In conclusion: Orange man bad is just code to Fingolians for Juutalaiset on huonoja.
China is returning to normal, but it has not yet fully recovered
shill more since you are them.........