Basically what the Jews have done is destroy or nearly destroy the most ancient fabrics of western society. The basics...

Basically what the Jews have done is destroy or nearly destroy the most ancient fabrics of western society. The basics. So now a group of people called “Yas Forums“ who browse this Internet forum have started to band together as a group and embrace these millennia-old norms of society. They embrace the things which not only are most existential to human society and have been attacked by the Jews, but they also embrace certain things which provide a maximum of closeness or of banding together, a sort of tribalism, of people, namely nazism and Christianity, end-times Christianity to be exact. So now there exists in modern times this group of people who are bound together by common ideology and faith, in a time of ultimate degeneracy and trial, where there is prevalence of a total lack of meaning and of morality, and where there seems to dawn the end of all of history, the end of times. This group of people has formulated some kind of dogmatic adherence to a common principle, which goes by the name of “Yas Forums“. All of those “before Yas Forums and after Yas Forums“ memes really do have a deeper sense. They show how this board is not just a board, not just a website, but something beyond. Not even a religion or an ideology. It is something that changes your life forever. It is like waking up from a lifelong dream. An electronic end-times cult. This is Yas Forums. Your thoughts?

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Other urls found in this thread: - Great Jewish Masque - Arnold Leese, 1878-1956.pdf

>any thoughts
I'm thinking that you're a faggot

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Social contacts influence the way you're thinking. Of course pol being massive it has a huge effect. Although I rly dislike how hiromoot removed any means of being non anonymous.

The nose knows!

I think the word you are looking for is metaphysics

Attached: Gab_4chan_pol.gif (425x325, 322.89K) - Great Jewish Masque - Arnold Leese, 1878-1956.pdf

so you mean to say that without the jews you would still be backward tribal pagans like niggers?

I really wish this vile cesspool got shut down before it got so many people believe any of that bullshit white supremacist propaganda.
But ultimately the truth is, there's no all-powerful conspiracy that could've done that. And deep down, you know that. You're just using the conspiracies as a justification for your vicious bigotry.

Who is “you”? I don’t like to think of some things that would be and wouldn’t be. I face reality. And the reality is there is an enemy to mankind and one remedy. We as Yas Forums have found it.

Shut the fuck up kike.

Die in a hole, Nazi scum.

no, get out or neck yourself shill

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This board isn’t pagan, kike.


lol check this guy out

Kill yourself faggot.

What makes a Japanese person browse Yas Forums and not Japanese forums? If I may ask.

The most important thing you can do for yourself and your race is keep your own life in order. You can and must become focused, disciplined, reliable, and , to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life tend to trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising self reliant children? If you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, be nice to yourself, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That's very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life.

And then you wonder why there's a "double standard". Why people deem your bigotry to be the purest form of evil. Why people think your vicious ilk deserves everything coming your way.
You're a bunch of despicable sociopaths. Why SHOULDN'T you be violently shut down before you get an opportunity to harm innocent people?


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It’s an English teacher or a muhreen.

the whole West would be without the leadership that Jews have bestowed us with

That is masochism. The Jews are the guys who lurk in the shadows trying to make the west fall. But they will not succeed before the end is at hand. I believe. They aren’t shit.

Ah nice writing idea. Just watch out being so heroic epic poetic around here. There's "evil" here that does not sleep and they will attack your efforts with their entire retarded power but partly that is because of the chance YOU can be a troll on an vpn fishing for attention and writing some meme rant.
Either way son. That's the bottom line cause very the nature of anonymous forum said so. If anything this board is a warzone of posts.

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the Jews control the West and the West is strong and prosperous they are a chosen gift from G-d to shepherd mankind

Oh, I see. You’re a kike.

As if any of us care about the accusations coming from a person who most likely fucks children physically or mentally.

As long as we exist anonymously on the internet and not as brothers in arms in real life, the kikes will continue to do what they have always done.

I like where this is going. But we’ll have to wait some years for that I think. Silent 20s, like one hundred years ago.

Its 2020 m8 get with the times. Wake ul

vague blather and delusions of anonymous or genuine proven Jewish leadership who is deluded?

you fuck are the victim of propaganda and your too intolerant to notice

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Groups are already forming, I'm in in one now.

The problem is that whenever anyone names a specific network to join, everyone says that it's a honeypot. The feds have neutralized a lot of people by making them think that any type of organizing is a honeypot - luckily that is fading

Imagine what will happen when all those memes and racism ooze into society and what will happen to all those young men disenfranchised with the system. Most of us are in their early twenties. In 10 years this board will be filled with 30 somethings, marked by this board and it’s users. I don’t know what they are going to do but it will be glorious.

Antifa model

It's boring. I follow coronachan mostly. Biohazard lvl 4 shit.

Triumph of the will I would say. Make destiny, user. Godspeed.

The fire is rising.

No, we would probably still be thinking about how much 'progress' we've made, instead of realizing that we were born into a fucking sewer so that we wouldn't realize we were in a sewer and wouldn't realize the shit that keeps getting dumped on and around us isn't actually normal.

Attached: dystopia.png (1278x2506, 3.85M)

what is last image user?

Attached: DwhPgkUV4AAxj5J.jpg (848x1200, 134.8K)

This thread is now infected.

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Chicago World's Fair.
Google and let the rage flow.

imagine being the sort of faggot that takes Yas Forums this seriously

I imagine your real flag is Israel’s. Don’t worry kike, you will get the bullet eventually.

>I imagine your real flag is Israel’s

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end-times cults are gay, Yas Forums is more of a "well, the world is jewd, lets do our best to unjew ourselves and as many of the common folk as we can", so in essence a let's-prepare-to-survive-the-shit-that-is-obviously-around-the-corner-and-have-a-good-future-for-us-and-our-families,-our-volk

Very well. Some gook is telling me about western culture and civilization. At least you tried.

I'm american
>Some sandnigger is telling me about western culture and civilization

Memeflag is only the first layer. There could be a whole arny of posters in a bunker somwhere on state the art comps on some shadow gov payroll for any secret service. Thats what i believe that this is a whole warzone of paid posters and glowies working for the big blocks world wide. Thats why i like ebolachan so much and now coronachan because the shills nos have to be very cautious cause you cant shill the facts if they are open for all to see. It brings people on this board togheter. In the end were all coofers anyway.

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You can’t deny that this board has produced a tribalistic, cult-like national socialist type of thing. If you don’t see that then you’re missing what many other anons have posted and you don’t see the bedrock of this board, the people who form the culture of this place. You’re just a tourist, you have no clue what’s going on.

>Memeflag is only the first layer
vpns/proxies are a thing you know
you really think that paid shills wouldn't have those?
lol ur arab

I’m not even Arab you fucking kike I’m here with Saudi aramco.

Honestly ? Yes.
I fucking love this board and all the beauty and disgust it brings me.

Attached: The power of the redpill.png (1908x1464, 357.56K)

post hand muhammed

Pol is simply the board that humanity uses to concentrate the global consciousness and efforts in regards to the eternal battle humanity fights with itself.

The general population of any place must always be eternally vigilant if they wish to keep authority structures from taking away the liberties granted to them since birth.

Du juden-Knecht hast keine Ahnung was hier passiert. Verpiss dich.


speak english faggot

It's 90+% jewish shills pushing repetitive cringe stupidity and less than 10% of real content.
Nobody is getting anywhere here and I'm here just to publish information that might be useful for other bad goys and vent.

>I'm here just to publish information that might be useful for other bad goys and vent
I'm here for funposting
also there's some interesting info here sometimes

We don’t tolerate American chauvinism around here. This is an aryan/European board, not just an American one. I am as you can deduct from this conversation obviously from the German-speaking part of Europe. Which one I’m not feeling confident to tell however. Whatever though, it’s not like your opinion matters to me personally.

>We don’t tolerate American chauvinism around here
Shut up faggot
>This is an aryan/European board
no it isn't shitskin Yas Forums is an anime website
>I am as you can deduct from this conversation obviously from the German-speaking part of Europe
No all you proved is that you can use jewgle translate
you faggot lol

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>I don’t believe you
That’s your problem.
This board has nothing to do with anime. It is a nazism board simply put. Maybe you don’t know the history of this place. Not your fault.

Oh yeah you’re definitely wrong with the global order of things. Disregard my based last post as you did not deserve the knowledge and you will never truly understand.

I will say this though, and if you disagree then it’ll show your colors.

Keeping in mind that this place employs free speech laws that only exist in their current fashion, is the greatest country in the world the USA.

So adding to this knowledge, we also are the only country in the world where you can defend yourself with weapons legally, even against our very own government! Again only we do this.

And all other liberty based modern ideologies in the the world owe their existence to the USA.

So, the question friend is, when did you realize the most based country in the world whose laws can safely and fairly encompass the entire planet, was the United States and that in effect means we are the true last stand humanity has before we once more are ruled by indifferent selfish global deciders that lead to us being meteors?

Awesome picture man

You know, this was a well reasoned and articulately stated post, except the last statement
>An electronic end-times cult.

This is not true. An end times cult is not trying to fix things, change things, save anything. They don't care about truth, logic, justice, common sense.

A doomsday cult is a doomsday cult. Pol is a political discussion forum dominated by outcasts who are rapidly having the issues of being an outsider in the best of cases dramatically worsened by having internationalists target and replace them in their own home countries.

In other words, you articulated well the banding together, but your sumation is lacking. You mesed up the effort you put into stereotyping pol accurately by using that to claim that pol is a 'death cult'.

Do you actually know anything about death cults? Have you read about any of them? Pol is anything but a deathcult. Deathcults require charismatic leaders.

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>It is a nazism board

Almost got us CNN/Fox brainwashee.

In all fields!!!!!

Hey OP
Can you give a bit of an insight?
How is Aramco feeling? For how long will Saudis be able to keep the prices low?
Very important questions, bitte respond, OP.