She has 2 delegates. How the fuck does she expect to win?

She has 2 delegates. How the fuck does she expect to win?

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She could be president of my house?
Petition to have mummy Tulsi read me a bedtime story and ruffle my hair before tucking me in at night

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I want her bad

Because Biden and Sanders are both on the verge of death as it is. When they inevitably catch the virus and die, that'll bump her up to first place.

She doesn't expect to win. She expects to 1) stoke political pressure for her chosen issues 2) increase her national exposure for the benefit of herself and her Hare Krishna cult

Slow and steady.

Vote for mommy

what happens if both sanders and biden die before the election??

She has an equal chance of winning as Bernie so what's the problem

Biden and Bernie will die of the coronavirus because they're old men with pre-exsisting health issues. 12D intergalactic go by Tulsi

She's Samoan, which means she could rip your dick off with her thigh muscles during relations

She should run as a Republican in 2024.

Both Bernie and Joe could die before the primaries are over.

Seriously, anyone who wants another "Hawaiian" in the Oval Office is an idiot.
Fuck that homo traitor Ayers.

Anybody can win on a second ballot.

She's just staying in the race for the sexual benefit of all the shills on pol who aren't turned off by the moonscape acne craters on her face.

She's the only Democrat who is even remotely sane. She needs to stay in just for that.


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she's suing hillary for defamation, her poor performance helps her case

everyone dies from corona chan

When Bernie drops out after Michigan, his delegates, and voters will go to Tulsi.

Tulsi Pizzaface

It's not over until the last delegate is revealed.

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At this point I'm hoping Bernie has a heart attack, and Biden has an obvious demented episode so that she gets the nomination.

Bernie is old, very stressed and had a heart attack. Biden is also old and losing his sanity. Anything could happen.

>he doesn't know

Tulsi is good you guys

Once the boom booms ages catch up with them (or coronachan) and she's the last one left standing

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Survive corona, win by default

Yeah just what we need, another open borders, gun grabbing Republican.

because you're gonna vote for her or I'm gonna beat the shit out of your minecraft character.

Corona Chan. All the others are old fags meeting hundreds of people. Its only a matter of time.

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technically "suspending" your campaign doesn't mean youre not still in the campaign.
Tulsi is losing to most of the people who suspended their campaigns.... she wouldn't win even if Bernie and Biden died.

Whatever. You know you would kill for chance to have a go at it.

After a long day of campaigning I just want her to step on my face with her smelly stockings and say I was a bad boy for not getting enough delegates for me

Tulsi is continuing to campaign because she is going to run third party if Biden wins the nomination.

Came here to post this

Joe and Bernie are virtually guaranteed to catch Coronavirus if they continue running a normal campaign and shaking thousands of hands.
At their age, they both have a significant chance of dying.
She could literally be the only democrat (who hasn’t dropped out) who is still alive in a month.


She’s going to suck the delegates out of my cock.

Sanders dies of heart attack #2. Biden strokes out or dementia becomes too obvious to ignore. Hell I'd stay in too, I like my odds.

Could you repeat that?.....AGAIN!

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She waiting for offers for endorsing, after tonight expect an endorsement of Biden.


She doesn't, she's only in it to hurt Dems' chances of winning.

-2 delegates for Bernie.

Tulsi also removes malarkey.

>Bernie dies
>Biden arrested for corruption and fraud
>Tulsi last person running
That’s how she will win. I voted for Tulsi!

Barry was in no way Hawaiian

i did

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She doesn't, she's just doing it for the lulz at this point and is building a campaign for 2024.

controlled Op of course

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>She has 2 delegates. How the fuck does she expect to win?
TWO is all you need

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if bernie drops out before the convention and then bidon compleatly tanks, like just some undeninable dementia event and then she is the only option.

She'd win if biden gets arrested for being a pedo and bernie croaks.

> mommy dump

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>> mommy dump

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She can have my delegate if you know what I mean

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I would assassinate biden and bernie (in minecraft) for her

>if you know what I mean

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She's there to prove a point that you don't exist in the media or debates if you don't suck ZOG cock.

Coronavirus kills bernie and biden and she's the only candidate left.

>At this point I'm hoping Bernie has a heart attack, and Biden has an obvious demented episode so that she gets the nomination.
Hillary would have a stroke from that result.

You have the one of her playing the mandolin?

mecca lecca high
mecca heiney ho

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>You have the one of her playing the mandolin?

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> How the fuck does she expect to win?
Bernie has a 33% chance of a heart attack at any time.
Biden's brain is probably going to be mush by next Friday.

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> glistening

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