You’re paid billions to now lead all of Africa. What do
You’re paid billions to now lead all of Africa. What do
That would be racist.
Sterilize everyone.
Unite the stable nations and fuck a lot
Execute Order 66.
Activate multiple hydrogen bombs, genocide the vast majority of the australopithecus bloods in an environmentally friendly way.
Jew spotted
Apply free market principles to economy, enforce a strict death penalty for any crime, petty or severe, doesn't matter. Reconstruct or build up a native language to a more sophisticated design and structure. Add eugenic incentives to society, encouraging high IQ people to breed, then after four generations. Everything should be okay.
Billions of nukes
basically that scene from the simpsons with the aussie governor
mobilize them for a full on 3 billion man army attack on israel
Genocide blacks, fill Africa with Mediterranean people
Hold Jews hostage
Sterilize the blacks and give it all to the remaining whites.
Literacy programs
Educational refor-
Haha what am I saying? I leave Africa.
start exterminating 80% then managing them like in a big factory, only smartest with tests will receive education and those who fulfill requirements would occupy high positions.
Introduce eugenics and cull all the below 70 IQ
Create in time indian caste system
Preserve nature
Sign of land as biggest national park where people live fenced in towns away from nature.
Use gibs in actual infrastructure and law force of foreign mercenaries.
Sell out resources in good deals without fear of bunch of armed chimps starting overthrow
take American and Europs blacks back to use as middle class temporarly (not ghetto niggers)
Eventualy build a nation and new race by force.
>Instate National Socialism
>Give them a common enemy since they're all so divided (see to guess who the enemy 1 is. Enemy 2 are the mudslimes that control North Africa, Enemy 3 are the chinks trying to exploit Africa)
>Teach them to far and charvest africa's resources
>Make French (for memes) or English the official language so that they won't be divided on language anymore
>Make them study European history, art, architecture, tech, and philosophy in school
>to farm and harvest*
I would build a safe compound to live in and have fun.
lead it into the ocean
This is a better idea, but I instead tell them that Israel would be glad to have them if enough show up.
Fuck that, if everyone was white this world would be boring. Nig nogs have a unique difference in some cultural practice and appearance. Which would be interesting to see developed further. Imagine avatar, in a more industrial way. Basically. Their only set back is a speed limit IQ. Fixing that problem with selective breeding could make Wakanda real.
Turn all of Africa into a military dictatorship
So, just be in charge of Africa
make a harem
Enforce a continent wide caste system, based on IQ.
Niggers with an IQ above 90 can be military, get free education, etc...
Niggers with IQ above 100 can get free uni and be police and be public officials and so forth.
Start by civilising one small part of the continent and then expand out from there, securing resource rich areas and allowing foreign firms to develop their infrastructure there and employ the dumb nigs in factories and farms and all that.
Use a Corporatist government-business relations model for all domestic firms and ban any kind of political donations since we know these people are prone to corruption.
Oh, and ship all the cute jungle girls to my pleasure palace.
march them all to the sea.
VerigoPolitix did a video on this recently. You should check it out.
>3 billion man army attack on israel
Why? Just convert them all to judaism and show up for your right of return.
Fund a programme to return all descendants of Africa in other countries back there, peacefully and for their own wellbeing. Except females aged 18-25, they will be encouraged to stay in their host countries.
There are many smart African tribes, like the Igbo who are supposed to have an IQ significantly above white Europeans.
I'd bring all Africans to ~110 IQ via eugenics while retaining their superior physiology. After that I'd build an army to invade Europe and Middle East. White people, Arabs etc. will be enslaved and used as workers in mines and on fields.
Yeah this pretty much.
Some sort of corporate fascism like china has seems to be the quickest way to raise material living standards. I'd definitely make sure to have a harem of beautiful black women to breed .
>give everyone free machete
>announce that everything is open for anyone to claim within the next 48 hours
>rise from the ashes and announce that the continent is open for business
>only allow whites to purchase land
Utterly retarded
>superior physiology
Oh nononono, aaaahahahahaha
Someone tell him
IQs were unironically rising from the 1900s-70s in blacks in the US, specifically because of segregation and Malcolm X. An "iq raising movement" here would be a good start to try to do a whole continent.
Lol "flood them with infinite niggers"
Based up until the jungle girl part, unless you're brown yourself. Otherwise very good ideas dude
See ^
Teach them to swim... one mile out into the ocean.
I'd quarantine it. All non-blacks are made to leave, and no one else is allowed out.
Only blacks are allowed in too. If niggers act up in the West they get dumped in Africa and aren't allowed out.
It'll be an awesome experiment. No funding for them, no arms, no food, no medicine, no nothing. Just let them get on with it undisturbed.
Basically we send them back to pre-colonial times, then we send drones in to observe them.
Invest part of my funds into mining, machining, genetics and farming. Build giant industrial base for weapons, genocide israel. Practice eugenics and crispr and form a new superior race of highly intelligent muscled super niggers.
Rush european border and give them aids an corona
Country full of tiny, gracile manlets.
Hand Africa over to the Chinese, while developing a virus that only kills Asians.
Oh wait, that's actually happening.
>eugenics done in my life time
>thousands of years of mud cookies and bug diet for superior physic
>building anything in Africa that'll threaten even arab countries in one lifetime
Begin breeding delicious African big booty bitches, kill most of the men
She Only fucks white men
Look up the Toyota war.
Start the ethnic cleansing.
I'm not seeing data or evidence. Only a seething diaspora nigger.
basically this
If you're really interested, I suggest you look up 'ACTN3 and race', 'fast twitch fibers and race', 'bone density and race'.
>>Unironically as if COVID isn't doing that for them.
Build a giant dildo and fuck yourself nigger
France using weponized niggers and their army vs Libya
Im talking about you building it and using it without foreign help
pick up tribal chicks
My army of 150 IQ nigger Spartans won't even need superior weaponry when fighting 90 IQ Celts and Slavs.
Sounds like a really bad investment to me friend.
You mean they reason they are inferior at swimming, weightlifting, mma and cycling? I know about that.
I’d start bleaching negresses
Besides my mulatto heirs will be instructed to continue my policies ad infinitum so it doesn't matter.
Kill everyone and sell the land
Ray Williams is the strongest man of all time.
Jon Jones is the greatest fighter of all time.
Those other sports are for corny crackers.
Step 1) Kill the niggers
Step 2) Import whites
Step 3) lol
Step 4) PROFIT!
Like i said
You imagine making 150 IQ mutts in your lifetime when nature failed at 50k or more yrs
The Bantu are actually a young race, they only started expanding in the Iron Age.
Take the billions and do nothing. Just phone it in and say you're doing stuff. Nobody would recognize the difference because the problem with Africa is that it's full of Africans.
Distribute half the money to africans with a note in their respective gobbledygook non-sense language explaining that whites are never coming back to help them and anything that attempts to leave or enter africa will be blown to hell by a massive fleet of drones, which will be paid for with the other half of the money.
t. low IQ
I would ban all emigration out of the continent and ban any kind of rythmic bongo music to decrease the level of fornication and rape.
Afro-German detected
Nah, just educated.
Not bad, Nigel. Very Imperialist of you. I like it.
Force all the central banks to adopt the Akoin standard
Take the money, and move to Europe. Let them know it's a lost cause.
>kill (((NGOs)))
>send airplanes and boatload and caravans to Israel
>destroy parts of the wall too
Should've put Jannys on there too as "They do it for free"
>strongest man of all time
Louis Cyr
>Jon Jones is the greatest fighter of all time.
Is that your idea of a joke? Ohnonono, aaaaaaahahahaha
>Louis Cyr
19th century faggot with zero evidence for his feats vs actual powerlifter.
Why do all these tribal chicks always have puffy nipples?
That makes me extremely hard it you know what I mean
Niggers don't even get good positionings in weightlifting, nor hold on to titles in mma if they even get them. Not compared to whites.
How is it to live in a white world, weakling?
>That makes me extremely hard it you know what I mean
How would anyone not know. You just plainly said it. It completely misses the point.
Organize a warband to conquer northern africa and subjugate the nig tribes. Once I have them under one banner I arm then and send them into the middle east promising the greatest warriors swaths of land once the middle east falls. The worst of my people will now suicide themselves against the arabs while the civilized bits build up the north to have a civilization