>but what about Medicare and social security
>Trump admin: what about it lmao



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this is actually good news unless you're a champagne socialite catboi or follow carlos maza on twitter

>no taxes
>boomers already losing their 401ks loser their medicaid and social security too
>and they're the highest risk for corona virus
>and they get nothing out of it because most of them are retired

This is the best news ever unless you're one of those faggots who came in from /stormfront/ in 2013 or the_donald in 2015

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Fuck yes, let's do this!!!! Cancel student loans and suspend payroll taxes.

Read between the lines. If he's throwing out bread to keep us fat and distracted, what could possibly be bubbling up in the back ground?

inb4 salty bernie fags who don't have a job and hence don't pay payroll taxes being seething and demanding gibs instead

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just not particularly impressed with trump throwing out pie in the sky promises with zero intention to actually commit anymore. idk why you retards are

Nah keep student loans. Unlike taxes, millenial retards actually chose that over trade school or small college/tech school

You're right wtf I hate having more of my own money now :(

If you put all that into your 401k while the market was down wouldn't you be like 10x or better returns compared to the shitty SS returns?

>Oh no the world is being stricken by a terrible disease

I have no words

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MASSIVE if verifiable

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cut taxes for everyone
Get a job, faggot

I care more about the impressions of my neighbor's regarding the flavor of the bone I tossed him yesterday than your impressions on anything political or otherwise shillfaggot.

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Rich don't pay payroll taxes

This is for payroll tax. AKA all wagies. Retard.

They already gave us the largest cross the board taxcuts since taxes were around. Why do you think this is pie in the sky?

Its not about the money its about how bad is the corona and the economy actually getting that he has to do this and how fucked will we be even if he does this.

>when your talking points are retarded, but you post them anyway

This will increase your net taxable income. Thus you'll be paying more in income tax. Total con job.

t. CPA

Why would I be upset at free money? Seethe and cope, demonrat.

>0.00% understanding

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haha maybe, this is a nice excuse. Gov wouldn't be able to refund anyway if it got that bad.

gib I want my additional 30k

So what do you propose, doing nothing and letting everything crumble?

Yeah and I work for NASA and my dad who created Nintendo says you're wrong.

unless you are like today's boomers watching their 401k evaporate lol
Trump makes big promises and doesn't keep them. why should i get excited about him saying shit again. i'll be interested if it goes anywhere but not until then. this is just some "sources said" bullshit.
>Why do you think this is pie in the sky?
for one thing, i think the current market turmoil shows tax cuts aren't the be all end all to economic stimulus. trump's corporate socialist policies only exacerbated the flaws of the obama "recovery". for another, most of the benefits of trump's last tax cut went to kushner's pals. unless the banks and corporations are getting a huge slice, the GOP isn't going to push a cut. there is little chance of the Dems passing another corporate tax cut with Bernie storming around.

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>So what do you propose, doing nothing and letting everything crumble?
that would be the best thing to happen. this system cannot be fixed, only replaced. the fed needs to die. and a lot of the people keeping their scam going need to die as well.

Fuck off, political hack. The take home will increase.

It was nice knowing you all. He can't do anything to safe you and your families now.

so am I fucked as a salary employee?

I do. Fuck social security. Fuck medicare. Fuck Niggers. And fuck jannies too.

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Not paying payroll tax doesn't help if you're not getting a check.

I think he just knows this virus is a nothingburger and hes trying to mitigate some financial market damage until people realize it and settle down.

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>most the benefits went to Kushner's pals
Except they didn't, you just consume too much media or shill propaganda. My best friend works at UPS and no longer pays taxes, plus got a minimum wage raise from 10 to 14 dollars an hour because the union argued the tax cuts generated enough disposable income. 4 dollars an hour + literally not even paying taxes is a huge difference in the working class life.

You might not know this but the rich got the most money back out of tax cuts because they pay the most in taxes. If you cut 100% of a lower classes taxes and just 3-5% of the rich's, they're still going to benefit more money wise because they're still putting in way more, doesn't mean people literally not paying taxes don't benefit. It's simple math.

If you receive X dollars, you receive X -Y% and they pay Y% for the state, you will now receive X dollars. Unless they reduce your wages, you will get more, while the rich people will waste the same amount of dollars they previously wasted

Payroll tax as in for employers paying the FICA and Medicare 6.2% for employers or employees?

>federal assistance (socialism) for the shale industry (the rich)
How lovely.


Too bad only corporations enjoy lower payroll taxes. If no one is on your payroll, you get jack shit.

Guess that sucks for niggers?

Itt retards that don't know the difference between payroll and income taxes

Wait so what taxes would be taken out of my paycheck then if this was to happen

>payroll tax
That requires a job to understand what is being discussed you commie

There is a lot more wrong with the economy than chink bat aids

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Both are theft, retard.

>he's throwing out bread to keep us fat and distracted
Its exactly opposite, he is taking free bread from social parasites

Something is always bubbling in the background.
Epstein didn't kill himself. Assange is still locked up.

Best take I've seen in the thread.

>an unemployed commie doesn't know what payroll tax is

>today was my last day of work because I am going to put more time into my own business.


>implying the rich pay taxes let alone payroll taxes

Asssange and WL doxed ICE agents because muh evil racist institution. Fuck him, he gets no pardon.


>My best friend works at UPS
Yeah and I work for NASA and my dad who created Nintendo says you're wrong.
>You might not know this but the rich got the most money back out of tax cuts because they pay the most in taxes
You might not know this, but everyone "rich" and poor got like 3-4% reduction. Neat but corporatrions got 14% off. that's fucking gay. AND they get the gibs from trump's constant market interventionism.

also see I know what it is.

Everyone seething that taxes are cut for (((the rich)))
Fail to understand (((the rich))) dont pay taxes.

It's gibs bribery for the election. All of his campaign promises have been either ignored or outright broken, and the only positive thing he's had is muh market and muh GDP which just got torpedoed this week.

Explain this to a tard like myself. Would this just wipe out the Social Security, Medicare, and Federal witholdings from my paychecks?

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It's actually a huge tax cut for the working class and poor.

Is this user's leak legit then?

boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/thread/246338388#top

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It wont pass.

Oh no, corporations got tax cuts too that ended up allowing multiple companies to raise wages and bring more jobs into the country lowering employment drastically. How horrible :(

Trump can't lose in the situation
It passes and helps
or Dems refuse to pass it and it gives him ammo.

Good, payroll tax is illegal anyway.

Paid shill

Not actually sure about federal witholdings, but the other two yes.

Less payroll taxes we are saved from corona! How about free healthcare and sick leave so we don’t have millions running around with corona.

yes, that is what I said

According to the constitution so is income tax. But they done went and fucked that too.

Bread? This shit is like three michelin star full course meals he's giving out. I'm okay with it.

What happens if they all say no
dems and reps

“Payroll” would mean employers, meaning they don’t have to match what you pay

Fucking moron kids here think it means they will get money. I guess they’re all job creators.

You do know they’re just going to take it all back when you file in 2021 and say it was a “temporary aid” so you could buy coofer meds, right? The juice aren’t going to give your money back

Please return to your containment thread

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>throwing out bread
>letting workers keep more of their own money.

the stock market deserves to feel the punishment of free market economics and crash, these corporations kept aloft by Fed reserve market interventions deserve to to go bankrupt, these banks subsisting off trillions in repo welfare deserve to fail. Trump and the corporate socialists are the biggest spenders on social parasites.
They used the money to engage in stock buybacks and are crashing the market atm. Its why growth has maintained the same rate since the later years of kings nigger's reign. Trump may as well have just signed a check from the tax payers for them to buy back their stock with.

>didn’t withhold anything because I am too lazy to figure it out
It’s a stimulus you fuck

republican tax cuts have always had an eye towards provoking a terminal crisis in what's left of the welfare state requiring its being reformed out of existence

As a self employeder I fucking hate payroll tax so this is ok with me


a "Thank you" would be nice

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Out smart him by mailing cash directly to the House of Representatives

>>boomers already losing their 401ks loser their medicaid and social security too
It also means Trump loses reelection.

he can't do it anyways, it's up to congress. when they say no they'll be the ones who decided to keep taxing working americans during this dire crisis, and on the off chance they do it was trump's idea. how can you not make political hay out of that during the election?

>keep reducing taxes in an effort to stretch out this bubble as long as possible while foreign nations capitulate one by one and are forced to make deals with US
>finally reach the brink where no more rates can be slashed and no more taxes cut
>print treasury dollars backed by gold/silver secured (if possible also make it secured by smart contracts, not sure how this will tie to the physical asset though)
>print infinite fiat to pay off all debts
>economic reset complete
>no one wants to go back to taxes after tasting true liberty for the first time in over a century
>also strike down unconstitutional gun laws somewhere in the midst of all this
If he could accomplish the above he would be the greatest President of all time and rightfully dubbed God Emperor.

this is fucking serious then. the government actually helping people?

> literally

It's finally happened.

We did it boys.

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If you think this is libertarian, you don't have a sufficient understanding of libertarianism. Trump has been increasing spending, so in effect, we are still being taxed heavily

Wouldnt't this be like a major stimulus? Like 700-800 billion dollars worth?

>Payroll tax is a percentage that you withhold from employee wages. You must withhold 7.65% of each employee’s gross wages from their pay. And, you contribute a matching 7.65%.

half of it is. Other half is companies. They can either hold onto it or give it to the employee if it's slashed down. But saying you don't want almost 8% of your paycheck because a company may or may not get to keep 8% of their money too is the stupidest take I've seen in a while.


that shit will never happen how fucking god damn stupid do you have to be to believe it?

If my taxes were cut to zero I could pay off my student loans in just a couple years by applying what used to be taxed to my loans. My expendable income wouldn't change at all.


If you're self-employed you pay it all