Corona map update

New countries today:
>Turkey (kara boga roaches BTFO eternally)

New fake countries today:
>Northern Cyprus

Africa finally starting to get officially BTFO.

Note: Africa is most likely heavily infected, but due to poor government organization and health service capabilities there are very few official reports.

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is anyone else shocked that Africa has been so clean thusfar?

>Note: Africa is most likely heavily infected, but due to poor government organization and health service capabilities there are very few official reports.

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>not a pandemic bro

Been hearing this for a month on nothing burger general waffle man. Surely we should know by now ?

Oy vey you are not supposed to know about these, goy!

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africans die all the time is this news to you?

Why did the roach delete its post lmao?

>fucking Macedonia

of course they havent got it yet.

user... that's Montenegro

But now they have a novel thing to die of.

Where are the t*rkey posters lmao? They were crawling all over these threads in the last several days.

a / Italy # infected (1) = 300
b / Italy # infected (2) = 10,000
c / # days = 11
d / Daily Growth Factor = 1.38 = (b/a)^(1/c)
e / USA # infected (1) = 808 = 3.10.2020
f / Daily Growth Factor = 1.38 = d
g / # of Days = 30
h / g Growth Factor = 15,717 = f^g
i / USA # infected (2) = 12,699,422 = e*h
j / ICU rate (Italy) = 12.5% = Italian authorities
k / USA ICU Need = 1,587,428 = i*j
l / ICU beds available = 100,000 = US authorities
m / USA ICU bed shortfall = 1,487,428 = k-l

Italy death rate is around 16% at the moment.

Gayreeks shitskins spreading the chink virus to Turkey

t. pedo worshipping sand nigger

>t. Kike on a stick worshiper Gypsy shitskin

What’s up with Central Asian Turkic countries? ACE2 ?


>>Note: Africa is most likely heavily infected, but due to poor government organization and health service capabilities there are very few official reports.
kind of like America's under reporting huh?

this whole point of thread is you a BulGAYrian seething at his Turkish masters

But but but just wait till it warms up bro
>forgets that when its winter in northern hemisphere its summer in southern and vice versa

Nothing better than muslim butthurt. That cognitive dissonance when your prophet and perfect example is a fucking pedophile lmao!

Attached: lel.jpg (430x378, 36.26K)

What the fuck.

Potassium exports.

(631/(1004+631))*100 = 38.6%


Based Montenegro

Exactly. I don't know what's going on, but 10 149 infected and 631 deaths is roughly 16%.

That's not math...


Big dick energy

Corona is going to wipe everyone out but the niggers, and then they'll starve to death since no one's around to feed them

>Nothing better than muslim butthurt
keep projecting Gypsy, the Turks civilized your shithole but you being the subhumans you are kept chimping for 5 centuries until someone else came and give you the independence you couldn't get by yourself
>cognitive dissonance
like how your God is a dead kike but you still hate jews?

>Big dick energy
based BulGAYrian experienced with all kinds of dicks

Pedophile worshipper tears lmao


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look at this Gypsy he found himself with nothing to counter my arguments so he just keep repeating the same old record of ''pedo insults'' over over
the absolute state of Christcucks, this ignorant probably don't know that Mary was married at the age of 14; and so Joseph is a Pedo hahahaha

You don't know how many of those infected will recover or die, so that's not a true mortality rate. This is also why judging the mortality rate of a virus so early is also not advisable, as it might lead to panic due to small data. One shouldn't panic at the start of the virus with stats, but you also shouldn't relax until you're sure of the virus true power level.

Regardless, Italy is at 38% mortality rate. S.Korea is at 20%. China at 5% (if...)

Tell us about Aisha the 6yo child that your pedophile prophet fucked. LMAO!

Attached: aisha.jpg (1836x1146, 607.19K)

>You don't know how many of those infected will recover or die

Neither do you. Currently it is at 16% factual mortality rate, your meme numbers have no basis.

>thinks Joseph fucked Mary
Go fuck your goat, Achmed, whites are talking here.

Kosovo has no cases

Why doesn't Cuba have coronavirus?

>D.C. health officials are also retracing the steps of one man who visited the District from Nigeria and later tested positive at a Maryland hospital.
Some random guy from Nigeria just happens to have contracted coronavirus but they only have two confirmed cases? If it is widespread there you can forget about warmer weather stopping it.

Kosovo doesn't exist as an independent country.

Probably do, but are either hiding it or can;t detect it. Should pop up in the next few days.

>Kosovo doesn't exist as an independent country.
Yeah it does. UN approval doesn't mean shit.

>the Gypsy ignoring that i just proved Pedophilia exists in his Cucktian religion and keeps calling others pedos
anyway how about you tell me about your childhood when the priest used to touch your pee pee at the Orthocuck church
>whites are talking here.
where? all what i see is Mutts and gypsies

it does exist and you can do nothing about it Balkanigger
daily reminder Bulgaria is a rightful Turkish clay

No it doesn't. US recognition doesn't mean shit.

I feel like Canada and the US should be broken up by province/state. I doubt Newfoundland will ever get the virus. Nobody comes here.

Big talk, killer.
We all know Bulgaria is rightful Macedonian clay, you dipshit.

Yeah? Let's see Serbia's military step foot in Kosovo and see what happens, you mutt-brain.

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If you mess with Bulgaria you have to go through me first, Ghaddafi

>rightful Macedonian clay
at least you admit that you BulGAYrians aren't suitabke to rule yourselves, whether it's Gayreeks,Huns or Turks you Blalkaniggers always have been ruled by foreigners


Based and redpilled

>you have to go through me first
you must zoom the world map to clearly see a glimpse of your small meme country
we can crush you in a matter of hours Monkeydonian

Trips of Truth!
You sandnigger, bow down before my master!

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Can't make exceptions, sorry, Either everyone gets subnational divisions or no one does.

Nope, we slaughtered half the turkoids in 1878 and we slaughtered the other half in 1912

well the game ain't over until madagascar and island fall