I am just as British as you. Why do you want me to leave?
I am just as British as you. Why do you want me to leave?
what an awful heritage lmao
You will never be British you are African.
that's just depressing
You will never be British, you are German.
You need significant Celtic,Viking,Germanic mixture to be considered indigenous to the British Isles.
Celts, Vikings, Germanics, Saxons, Angles, these were all migrants. There is no such thing as indigenous.
so? do you belong to any of the three british ethnicities? no
>when you're a mutt even by american standards
>no beastiality
They are all indigenous to Northern Europe and more particularly to these British isles. We’re the white Northern Europeans and these are our lands that occupy the coastal waters of the continent.
That's right. Anglo-Saxons came from Germany, so Britons have no right to defend there homeland from Africans and Asians.
>be brit
>get cucked
simple as
>There is no such thing as indigenous
What are celt britons?
I would seriously consider suicide with results like yours. British? You are barely human.
You're not British and hardly european at all. You don't belong here and never will.
>7% European
>91% Asian
I'M LikE U, Y gO bAcK tO ShItHoLe bIrThPlAcE
Looks like a HIV spread map, I see proud bug chasing heritage.
You are lebanese a country of great heritage be proud you shitskin
Migrants from Germany
There are Americans with more pure European heritage than OP.
Who were indigenous to the British Isles you fucking idiot.
How can you claim to be British if you don't even know your own history?
He's not a mutt, he's just a sandnigger whose great great great grandmother got frisky with a pastanigger
wtf is your definition of a mutt then?
You should know better because you are one.
I'm completely European, unlike OP.
So by this brit's standards I'm not.
Emperor Caracalla is that you?
go back to africa
>Celtic Britons been in Britain for 2000+ years
>Anglo-Saxons for 1500 years
>Normans for 1000
>Random North African bottom-tier nigger for 30
Yeah, you’re totally the same Achmed.
That man is 100% anglostani.
It says Lebanese, retard
I guess that you aren't Arab because Arabs migrated from somewhere some thousand years ago.
he's almost 100% nigger and needs to go back, same as you needing to go back to china, you fucking virus incubator.
You seem more Swedish imho.
>Muh nigger mohammad tells me to argue with you while we breed you out since we can't win in a war yet
Anyone who is seriously entertaining this faggot, is an idiot.
Im not chinese dumbass. Also modern english people are niggers so I dont see the difference.
Indigenous Britons have been on the island in something similar to their current form going back about 5k years when the Bell Beakers came. All native British people are also descended from the farmers who arrived 8k years ago and the hunter gatherers who arrived after the glaciers rescinded at the end of the last ice age. There was no Celtic invasion of Britain, just a cultural exchange from the continent.
>I am just as British as you
>Literally has no English blood
Okay mate. Whatever floats your refugee boat to my country.
>is a leftist
kill yourself.
I speak English, my girlfriend is English, I commit no crimes, I have a high paying job, so what is the problem? I thought you were all about being civilised, well I'm far more civilised than UKIP and EDL guys.
don't care what you are, you aren't white and therefor need to fuck off back to the 3rd world or pay much higher taxes for leeching off our society.
If I were you I would have suicided years ago. One look in the mirror is all it would take.
>I speak English
Oh fuck my bad you're definitely British, thanks for clarifying.
The government and its idiot followers tell you you're British. However, objectively you aren't.
I don't see any British there, friend.
>I thought you were all about being civilised
correct, which is why keeping non-whites like you out of our countries is a priority. you have no place in europe, your countries are all shitholes and we do not want to end up looking like your country....which is why we tell you to fuck off!
Cope and seethe harder. Average anglo here has 10% nativenigger genes while I am pure white and I have a great pay job and pay taxes to this (((government))) unlike you worthless neets.
British in name and nothing else.
Muh nigga!
You're an invader who's there to destroy white Europeans and take their country. Even if you were physically and intellectually superior to every Brit that ever lived, it would still be imperative that they fight you, for their own sake.
ya but your IQ is probably higher than 90 unlike his
You're probably a slav. Inbred fake Canadian, at least Indians and HKers have some cultural link you bum, lol.
>well I'm far more civilised than UKIP and EDL guys.
There's a severe irony to people that misspell "civilized." It's like a 2 year old going "I'm a big boy now."
I got like 15 percent north african. But I am half Sicilian and Half Russian so makes sense.
We're full, fuck off.
I bet you are a turk with a fat British slag bird and your high paying job is working at uncles kebab shop while laundering drug money.
How based am I pol?
If you see yourself as british then you're a traitor to your own kind.. Which sounds british to me! Sold our race out to the jews
Actually spelling it with an s is standard in the U.K.
You probably learned American English though which uses a z for that sound, for obvious reasons. Easy mistake to make.
Based roman rapebaby
The genetic makeup of the British has not changed in 10,000 years kike
cool story cuck, go back to somalia.
if you actually are white and you aren't an ethnic nationalist then you're being stupid. non-whites will take over this country and every other "white" country and rape your kids and destroy your cultural heritage. all because you want to be a nice little politically correct cuck and pretend like ethnicity doesn't matter. the chinese are laughing at you.
British are germans. Even the irish have german blood in them.
Because you smell.
Very based Antonio
Settle down pedro.
His actual argument is the aboriginal in Australia aren't indigenous because they migrated there, or that the "native american indians" aren't indigenous because they migrated from Asia.
That's not true, but it's been fairly similar since pre-history. The idea that two groups of northwestern Europeans are as dissimilar as a European and an Asian/African is a complete joke though. Only Yas Forumscel retards push that shit, because they're scientifically and historically ignorant and think Americans invented the concept of whiteness.
>voluntarily taking a jewish genetics test
> so Britons have no right to defend there homeland
Everyone has the right to defend its homeland.
I’m 100% Irish and everyone says what we are white niggers Is it acceptable to be a white Irish man ?
Nigger my DNA results are more British than yours and I'm not even a British citizen.
Good point.
Irish are honourary British. It's just bants.