An entire state can't be wrong, Yas Forums

An entire state can't be wrong, Yas Forums

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>as Rome burns....

Why is New Jersey so consistently shit, really what makes the people from there so stereotypically douchy and hated?

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New Jersey sucks more dick than Rupaul on a coke bender.

Trying hard to out do new york city

I used to only hold my breath around niggers but now I do it to chinks too

>never heard of Illinois
>never heard of Maryland
>never heard of California
yeah how could a whole state be wrong?

Chinks eat wild animals in disgusting conditions, it's not racist to simply acknowledge this.

I hated chinks way before muh coronavirus.

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Chinese Coronavirus. Chinese. Chinese.


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I wonder how much money the sick man of asia gave them to countersignal

Not that it matters, but the person who runs the NJ Twitter account is a fat Jewish woman.

this country is such dogshit

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>world going to shit
>muh racism

Oh yeah?

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Little brother syndrome. Oklahoma has it too trying to outdo Texas. Most Okies are insufferable faggots with little dicks.

>An entire state can't be wrong, Yas Forums
this fucking thing says you're wrong about that

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Is this the mere mention that it started in China and das raciss, or people going around disinfecting asians or something.

NJ has it even worse since its both NY and PA's little brother.

Why does Oklahoma even exist lmao. Never realized just how small it is.

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Racism doesn't exist, it is an antiwhite marxist concept which has no basis in reality. There is no equality of people or races that the idea presupposes. It has no reason to exist in the vocabulary of any logical person just like sexism, classism, islamaphobia, or homophobia because none serve any logical purpose and none exist outside of the framework of marxist nonsense which is contrary to all logic and reality.

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They also have terrible taste in restaurants.

Incredibly cringe. I'll be as racist as I goddamn want, virus or not

My state cares more about it being called "chinese coronavirus" than the mortality rate

I'm sure New Jersey's population of Italian-Americans appreciates this tweet.

It can when that state is fucking New Jersey

it's the armpit of America

Not every white in NJ is Italian.

Why though? It's not like we are talking about Florida here with its fucked climate, why are New Jerseyites hated and different from the rest?

>taps mic
New Jersey is the worse state in the union.

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redskin containment zone
The panhandle was ceded to the Feds by Texas because it was north of the slave line; Kansas didn't want shitty borders so it ended up tacked on to Indian Territory.

North NJ is essentially part of NYC, south NJ is part of Philadelphia. No one likes those cities either.

Literally jealousy. New Jersey gets shit on by surrounding states because most retards fly into Newark airport, never see the rest of the state, then write it off as an industrial shithole, then see Staten Island fucknuts party on our shore and deem us obnoxious guidos, when in reality we're the most based state in the US.

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actually it can.

*taps mic*

coronavirus IS an excuse for racism.

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because fuck you faggot

*Drops mic*

Fucking epic, epic and powerful

let's consider.
>jewish lawyer from new rochelle gets lots of publicity for spreading corona.
>recent rise in violence against jews in nyc (real or imagined)
>general public about to get angry against the causes
>national guard sent to new rochelle "to contain"
>not protect
within a week this tweet will be shown to be about racism against jews and not asians.

Yes, entire states can be wrong, have you not heard of california?

that hell hole is a modern gomorrah

Goddamn, the Leprechaun speaks, and this is what he has to say?

Correct. The rest are irish. Both are shit.

Base-ed are the neet, for they shall spit superlative keks.

Yes they can be

Is that really a baby yoda avatar? Most basic bitch faggot shit I've ever seen. Fuck this clownshow

>He intentionally committed bioterrorism
Hope he gets fucking executed for treason while his ass tries to hide betweeen municipal laws


Niggers and Jews

>Why is New Jersey so consistently shit
hrmm, i don't know... why are people fro NJ angry and biiter all the time

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>Can't be racist if everyone is dead

I fucking hate New Jersey, how much would it cost to get the fuck out of here to literally anywhere else that isn't California? Hoping to bail out when Corona chan is done killing us

>An entire state can't be wrong, Yas Forums
If any state can be wrong it's that one.

haahahahahahahaha, really america?
some fucking nigger diverisity hire is running the twitter of an entire state?
*taps mic* y'all should lynch him

Like I needed an excuse

Bat soup, and the mother fucking bats still had hair on them. Wtf who the hell wants hairy soup?

the NJ government is filled with niggers and women

The kike Trotsky—born Lev Davidovich Bronstein—helped to mainstream “racism” into the western consciousness. It’s Jew trickery.

>Implying I need an excuse for racism.

You couldnt afford to live here even if you wanted to sweaty. Keep the supply of trashy alcoholic nursing hoes coming though!
t. LA native

Coronavirus is no excuse for racism,
because racism doesn't need an excuse.

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Pretty crazy. Imagine going back in time and telling its founders their state would end up being nothing more than a commuter state for not one but two better states and cities.

Are you American and goto Mexico to post this?

Are you scotophobic, or something?
Why won't you eat me? My bat hair?

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>better state

You're a joke

Do you know where the first case in my state was? In fucking chinatown boston. Fuck chinese, they should have stayed in Wuhan instead of visiting their cousins over here.

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Clown world honks to the very end, fren.

I admire their tenacity.