You lived long enough to watch Jew York City burn

>You lived long enough to watch Jew York City burn

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National guard called in to prevent large gatherings, centered around young israel synagoge in NY.



It's over.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-10 New York City ready to use Rikers Island inmates to dig mass graves.png (656x467, 65.72K)

NYC is probably the worst place for it to be, for us. People packed like rats. The entirety of Manhattan is a gathering. The tristate area is fucked

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oh no that sucks!

yes, just like how we have 7 more years before the planet is doomed to climate change.

Someone stream the riots when the city gets quarantined please

bros I live in NYC behind the enemy lines. I prepped for several months. Wish me luck.



>weinstein will dig your grave

i thought you had to burn them

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could suck for you bc that means the virus can mutate quicker

>sooooo many cases.

Send dem gibs!!!
Nobody sucks on Uncle Sam's tits like NYC.
Oh, except Israel of course.

Hope your apartment has thick walls

actually it’s the other way around, considering Manhattan is the economic capital of the world

Cityfags are about to get absolutely dabbed on.

Rural and suburban retards shall inherit the earth.

I spit all over the train seats and rails last night and plan to do the same tonight when I get home from work. I'm trying to infect as many people as I can, hail satan.

The fbi watches these forums


why burn bodies? there is no good reason to do this as the virus is uncontained and we aren't talking about black plague fleas and lice here

Stop fear mongering, these plans are made for any kind of catastrophic event from viruses to asteroid strikes.

Checked but fuck you.

can you do it in east new york please?

>suburban retards shall inherit the earth
Sorry to burst your bubble, but your average suburban sprawl is 20,000-50,000 people that produce almost no food or goods in general. They are going to be almost as bad as the cities.
Is it illegal to spit now officer?

Get a good vpn and a satellite USB wireless connector so you can post the carnage

>NYC is probably the worst place for it to be
no, It's the best place, blow up the bridges and quarantine the island.
Anyone outside of New York City who is found with the virus should get a free trip to sickfag island.

>normal people know coronavirus is a nothingburger
>only people wearing hazmat suits are autistic spergs
>coronavirus turns out to be black plague level
>the only people that survive and propagate their genes are autistic spergs
Is this the end of humanity?

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Why would I go to niggerville?
I'd rather infect white people in midtown

The hypochondric jews will flood the health system

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This is the collapse of modern civilization, not the death of humanity sadly.

>is it illegal to spit now Officer
Intentionally spreading a deadly virus with the open intention of getting others ill is considered an act of terrorism. Google the definition of terrorism.

Nah, autistic spergs deserve to inherit the Earth.

what if I defecate onto a napkin and rub the inside of car door handles?

what if I vomit into a jar and fill it half way with vodka allow it to ferment overnight and then create a makeshift molotav cocktail and throw it at a police cruiser?


this is the final solution if we can apply it globally.

this is absolutely bad news, the NY healthcare system will have a hard time dealing with this

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i've seen this one before!

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On the other hand it would take a pretty small amount of soldiers per block to enforce a quarantine.

Oh no 50,000 graves for 49,900 geriatrics
I really am scared of this flacid boomer bug
>what if I firebomb a police cruiser?

NYPD is pussy my nigga
hail satan my nigga

nah it's all fucked. My neighbor works in a school upstate and he just told me two students that came back from a trip to cali and tested positive for it.

Fuck the FBI. I'm a fucking nihilist anyway. What're they going to do, kill me?

Go to the synagogue. Go to the kosher section of the grocery. Go to federal buildings. Hail satan.

It's literally going to become 'The Division,' who else wanna go run some guns to NYC and get this shit COOKING?

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Sounds like suburbs are about to get fucked. Hope you own a rural property like me, suburban fags. Huge F.

Lol it's too late m8
By the time they even finish the paperwork corona will be devastating the US

Please tell me you mean real upstate and aren’t including WNY...where is this school?

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Gotta get some dat $8.3 billion boyeee.

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Will Trump Tower burn, I wonder?

I know who you are

I hope the feds get fucked up by this. We already have cares in D.C. this is an equal opportunity virus.
In fact, the infected are disproportionately wealthy.

>Containment circle
>Containment kikel
>Kike kikel

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ulster county

Ok that’s far away. I know it’s coming west but a part of me hopes even corona Chan hates the rust belt and thinks we are a shithole not worth going to.

ooooooooooo spoooogy, prove it faggot

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Corpses leech into the ground water fucking noob.

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hello, based department?

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And then they beat their mutilated mutt meat to tranny porn.

Yes and the fact that they're digging this many graves using prison labor all of a sudden after this virus remained at nothingburger status for two months tells even people tiny brains it's time to start thinking some big scary thinks.


>Rural and suburban retards shall inherit the
The age of the urbanite is over

In NYC right now. Normal vibes, slightly chiller.


proof its not just retards with colds?

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‘Judge, this man coofed in the jewish deli. We are seeking the death penalty for terrorism.’

Yeah, okay.

the shopping area in my neighborhood was basically a ghost town. usually it's swarming with people everyday

NYC people have the strongest immune systems in the world. All this will do is kill some old people and free up good apartments.

Door handles and light switches..

Spit and cough into hanky, people will smile and approve.

Around a different set of people, use same hanky to "clean" everything you touch.. those people will also smile and approve.

Be subtle user..


>cityfag flees the city
>gets a hotel in rural area
>hotel worker goes to the 1 diner, the 1 bar, one of several churches

they literally called the national guard out to serve and protect the new rochelle hassidic population

Sounds more like God’s work, glownigger.

They haven't dug a single grave

You do and should, but (((There))) fucking up so bad it only makes sense to fuck EVERYTHING UP!!!

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Restaurants are getting killed. Who cares?

DeBlasio has ordered the detention of diseased jews under armed guard in a containment center. Literally Hitler.

NYC will make Wuhan look like a picnic


fuck cali fag here, a nigger from new york was talking to me 2 weeks ago in person


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>de Blasio and his staff can't compile the simple data on 16 new fucking cases

What a bunch of incompetents.

>Paul (((Cottrell)))
B'nai B'rith Masonic agent provocateur.

Imagine actually believing this. I hope every NY fag does from this shit.

Self hating Jew?

A bunch of the schools here on long island have just closed down. A few bus drivers apparently contracted it, so that means kids have it too.

No, that's Jews user.

Spit on the faggot fbi too, their headquarters and offices are public information. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from going to a federal building and infecting every single person there.

Probably a Russian prostitute.

What a time to be alive


Good. I hope these libshits die.

>job finally let's me work from home because ab actual fag might have the virus
guys i think I'm going to survive this

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kids dont get sick user. thats what they say.

Checks out

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Guys can I catch coronavirus through the internet? What antivirus do I need to protect myself?