Oh no no no

oh no no no

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Is that the " I am a hag", sign?

10 pounds of makeup on this pounded specimen

>all niggers

lmaoing so hard at you

Holy shit there's no white person

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She’s forced to support trans women’s rights as well... sorry should have typed Womxn.

I kinda feel sorry for Harry, but then again it's a bed he quite literally made for himself.
Good to see them fuck off to Canada now. Rule Britannia!

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Monarchy bootlickers are peak retardism

kek just found this one

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>Don’t touch me there! This is my no-no square
She’s teaching minorities how to avoid rape, bless her soul

What is she doing? I don't get it

Better that than your kind

Imagine the smell

is that the fucking trans british commando that joined islam?

the glory of the anglo saxon empire

reminder they're canadians now

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I think it's the song "Don't touch me in my square"

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= / = equality - the dumb fucking royal cunt

you sure the macarena isn't making a comeback?


>mfw she's the whitest person in the room

They will be purged

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That's a charter school specifically for immigrants, I have one near my house.

She's not royal anymore, thank god

>not a single white in sight

europe has truly fallen

She will run for Governor Of California.

She will be elected.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer State....

I fucking hate this bitch, shoving her nose in the royal family. No wonder the royals hate her. Kate on the other hand, I used to have a crush on her in grade 8 in 2012.

Representative Monarchy > Democratic Presidency
As Sargon put it once, a royal family is supposed to be a corner-stone of society. A moral and traditional role model that transcends generations and provides the citizens of a nation with a good example of leadership and cultural refinement. Not some dipshit that gets elected every 4 years just to go on and come up with nonsense like "Islam has always been a part of Germany".

she is a disgrace

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Which African city is this?

Dat retard's face. he legit thinks she is hot.


Your average school in London and I'm not even exaggerating

What’s the average IQ of this picture? Say there is a god who knows absolute truth and he comes to earth and asks you that question? He asks, “do you think these people deserve where they are based on merit alone? Yes or no?” You answer wrong and you die. Do you think even Redditors would virtue signal in this case?

where is this Africa?

Wonder what Harry thought at that moment

Just a typical London public school.

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Company I work in celebrated international womans day yday -pics of men & women from all the different offices doing the same hand signals - imagine being such a fucking cuck male to do this - pure brain damage

That big guy with the black scarf look white.

Cope. If you had a Kaiser now, German national morale would have been 10.000x higher.

doesn't matter. she doesn't really care what he thinks.

Ive pulled hotter slags with more status without near as much sacrifice. Wtf harry


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My school and college were even less white than this fucking school. Growing up in London as a white person is shit. Pic related is unironically what one of the teachers in my college looked like.

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One day such photos will be held up as the final evidence:

"And this, class, is what a century of white women being allowed to vote did to London, a city form white white men ocne conquered the world and built an empire that took centuries."

This can not be real.

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imagine the smell

Brexit was no naive move

my son

>tfw I have literally no indication of what country this is in.

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She is pretty

Is that a real baby? Why are they all fighting?

Looks German/Turkish


>why are they fighting?
you must have missed the skin color.

Is that what the guards do when she tries to approach Windsor Castle?

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Guys I think she's a flat earther

London is a sad place. If you don't live here you should be thankful.

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Meghan is cute as fuck, especially compared to Kate

l loathe her.

I wouldn't mind betting white kids weren't allowed in the picture, they're ignored quite a lot in British public schools

Reminder that we're going to die a despised minority and there's absolutely nothing we can do.

That Polish girl is beautiful.

White skin makes people looks 10x prettier.

Kate was a lot moar attractive before her first kid though.

Needs to fuck off too.

Did you mean "Unloisenced" mate?

why the fuck would this be funny to you?

bet youre a faggot kike


She is getting uglier and uglier every few months

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The women can stay. I don't care if they turn into babushkas in their 30s, pump and dump at 18 and it's all good.

But gah, if she had a little more freckles and blue eyes then she would be even more perfect. I love seeing her mog the ugly somalis, pakis and sandniggers.

So the queen disowned her right?

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