Today I will remind them

Today I will remind them.
If god is omniscient then we have no free will.
If god isn't omniscient then he isn't a god by definition as he isn't perfect.
Check Mate.

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Saying that God must be omniscient or he's imperfect is a personal definition. But God is omniscient and the average person cannot begin to comprehend the way he unfolds his will.

>“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9

>If god is omniscient then we have no free will.
You do realize that a good proportion of Christians argue that we don't have full free will? Or perhaps any? At the very least there's a structure and Acts of God.

It's not a personal definition faggot. He either does or doesn't know the future and according to "his books" he does. Anything you say that isn't sourced in teh Bible is pure bullshit. If god is telling the truth in the Bible then nothing we do matter as we have no free will just like Judas.

>demanding rationality in an irrational universe
Regardless of your belief system, sooner or later you will come to a logical absurdity.

>If we do not have free will nothing matters
this perspective is why God creates the illusion of free will

If we don't have free will then god created some of us just send them to hell. Cool god you have there.

Illusion of what?
He knows the future = one future that will actually happen will exist. The Universe is determined by god knowing. No free will.

Proverbs 16:4
The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.


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Fuck him them as he is evil as fuck and create humans just to suffer.

Enjoy, brother. God bless.

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Whatever reasoning He has is by definition beyond your judgement. If a God conformed to what you find acceptable he would be you and you are not God.

God knowing what you'll do doesn't mean you don't still decide.

But you're evil and therefore not qualified to judge him. It sounds like your criteria for God is that he agrees with you.

>Fuck him them as he is evil as fuck and create humans just to suffer.
What a weird way to look at life. Have you not been told something you desire in a deeper way by the act of suffering? Have you not learned something or tasted it deeper in a meaningful way?

>a good proportion of Christians argue that we don't have full free will
then they are heretics and not Christian

Omiscience doesn't work like that fagget. It's like Dr. Manhattan vison. It doesn't mean God is pending the will of people to change the future.

Congratulations, you just regurgitated the main point of a several thousand year old philosopher. I realise that your slavic brain isn't quite that of a white man, but still. If you haven't worked out that religion isn't about logic and facts then you have no idea what religion is. If you can't understand a subject then you can't disprove it. Epicurus was a wise man with many good points. You're just an autist.

an interesting point... perhaps he deliberately unknows to make it fun?

>If god isn't omniscient then he isn't a god
not an argument

The illusion of free will is that we make choices, that the universe could be any other way than it is, that events could have played out differently. We do "make choices" but we were always going to make them, to take the steps we were going to take, to break the "vases" we were going to break. We are spiritual machines and this is the way of the whole world, machines programming machines, altering and being altered through subtle gestures, signs and symbols, neural linguistic programming, all to fulfill the will of a Creator as beyond us as we are beyond an ant. This is too much to bear for most so the illusion falls back over our eyes.

Christcuck cope abounds in this thread.

In your everyday life you can see how your desicions have an effect and different choices lead to different outcomes.
What are you arguing, that its an illusion and predetermined since there is only 1 future? But thinking that is what will actually predispose your future to fail.

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܂>Thinking human rules apply to god
Every time

So what belive what ever helps you cope with fact that stars are burned out and died sky is black with our sun being only one left
Ultimate red pill is that even if you have no free will god planned that you would come to this conclusion it dosnt affect your life or mine hope and faith is for weak minded action and planning is for the strong

If you are going to base your arguments in logical steps then atleast dont make huge fucking leaps.
How does it follow that he is not good from not wanting to prevent ALL evil?

His motives are irrelevant. He himself told us to judge by deeds, not words.
He fucks people at random and there is nothing these people can do about it. If human actions are irrelevant to this god than this god is irrelevant and his existence is irrelevant. Worshiping such god and acting "good" gives you shit as you are predestined.

Seriously this. I can't imagine being so arrogant to assume you understand a higher being.

If you were watching a football game and knew with 100% certainty who would win, does it take away the agency of the teams playing? The answer is no, it's just not very fun to know for certain how things will be.

And this is with uncertainty we even know what "omniscient" means, if we truly were acting with free will it's possible that God is knowledgeable of quadrillions of outcomes. What if you were watching a football game and knew the million different ways the game could play out, one player twisting their ankle as an act of free will changing the fate of the game itself.

It's foolish to try to comprehend what a Creator of this universe can or can't do.

Or God could just realize it is way more fun to not exert his omniscience in specific instances. Perhaps he is hoping we transcend our meat sacks into something that chooses moral existence rather than being forced into it.

There isn't one future. There's one very likely future based on what happens now that most people probably won't escape, nor have any reason to if they accept God's will. Neither does that mean God isn't omniscient, knowing all that exists as it exists and the inevitable. If you had to answer whether God has free will, assuming God exists, you'd have to answer yes, because otherwise, Creation would not be His, but rather a random reality with no will behind it. And yet, assuming God is reasonable, God won't defy His own will, so it would appear that God seldom acts freely, unless persuaded.

Name an instance where God fucked someone at random?

Irrelevant. You can have infinite futures but if god is all knowing then he knows which one will actually happen in the end no matter what you do. He can't escape his knowledge if he is god.

>God works in mysterious ways
The s a d d e s t of copes.



>lame argument
checks out

You are forced into being reasonable beings or dying spiritually. You should hope to be robotic space infants dreaming realities based on the perfect reason of Creation as co-creators with equal access to God's power as trustworthy children admitting potential flaw.

>And yet, assuming God is reasonable, God won't defy His own will, so it would appear that God seldom acts freely, unless persuaded.
God is less free because God is more perfect.

>"God is free because we are: but he is not free as we are. He is at once everything that we are, and nothing that we are. He possesses the same attributes as we, but extended to infinity. He possesses, then, an infinite liberty, united to an infinite intelligence; and as His intelligence is infallible, exempt from the uncertainty of deliberation, and perceiving at a glance where the Good is, so His liberty accomplishes it spontaneously and without effort."

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>If god is omniscient then we have no free will.
God knows every timeline for every offset of time so whatever you do he knows it
His knowledge is a larger infinite set than all possible realizations of your existence

No, because if there are multiple realities, there are technically multiple yous, and God knows what happens to each one regardless. It's an omnipotent mind trick. It only seems to you it's all known relative to only one you, because you know one you, and it would change with you as you change.

Nice argument. Explain how and why you are able to discuss this.

And he knows the true possibilities or he doesn't know all, thus not god.

First off it's a story, not necessarily reality. You realize that the Bible is a mix of parable and "history" right? Regardless, in the end of the story Job is exalted by God. So you can either read into it as a metaphor of "life's pressures turns into diamonds" or literally "if you trust God even when he fucks you over you'll be rewarded". So you'll have to try better than a story that literally ends with "and he lived happily ever after".

> If god is omniscient then we have no free will.

This doesn't follow.
There's a difference between knowing all possible branches of a decision tree and knowing which decisions will actually be made.

Omniscience has nothing to do with free will. If I am put into a room with nothing but a pen and a paper and am told to write the alphabet, if someone watching predicts correctly that I will write with the pen, does him knowing what I will do mean I didn't exercise free will in grabbing the pen?

Are you stupid? I'm the one who dies in this reality. I'm 100% determined by god knowing my future and every other future.
Also, source.

God needs people of all levels of the intellectual hierarchy to unfold his will.

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The outcome is determined by your decisions. He didn't make your decisions for you.

His entire family, all the servants were killed. These were people, no?

>for every offset of time
Scratching this

Can God create a boulder so heavy even He couldn't lift it? If he can create it, then can't lift it, he isn't omnipotent. If he can't create it, he isn't omnipotent.

There are a million ways to look at it. Accept the Bible is nonsensical fairytales and move on to things that actually matter in your life.

If time moves in a circle and not a straight line why would god change anything?

>I will pick parts I like

What about Jobs servants and family that fucking died and never came back?

>he fucked him over but job wasn't mad so it's cool
I have seen the face of evil

I can't, no more than this guy can claim that because if God is so incomprehensible then nobody can know shit.

God needs to fit my arbitrary and specific criteria or else he’s not real.
t. Absolute fucking retard

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The workings of God cannot be captured by some """logic""" people made up

>First off it's a story, not necessarily reality. You realize that the Bible is a mix of parable and "history" right?
Only when it suits you.

Another difficult part of Job is that it seems to be a dick-waving contest between God and Satan. Why would God have to prove anything to a lesser?
t. grew up in the Church and has always struggled with this story

We can assume that they were rewarded in the afterlife as Job was. Also going back, it's a fucking story, most of the Old Testament is bullshit parables meant to teach a lesson to the reader.

Protip: Humpty Dumpty wasn't actually a person.

>god adheres to logic
>assuming time applies to god
user, this is babby tier stuff. Get theosophic or go home.

Oh did you look in the mirror?

>ITT a bunch of zoomers salty that their life is shit and try to scapegoat God and people who learn his message in an attempt to drag them down.
We've all been there. Just accept you fucked up and learn from your mistakes. Jesus is still waiting for you.

Is anyone claiming God should want to do the nonsensical? It doesn't mean he can't make it appear to make total sense or defy physics at any time, but then, it becomes reasonable and a new physics, and you would never know the difference. The question is flawed, and not God.

Lol the same can be said about you atheists or are we to believe that God and Satan were having a grand old Chess game like Xavier and Magneto? Here's the first rule of thumb: if it's Old Testament, it's bullshit.

You'd like to think it's that simple, so you claim to require an external source. But would any external source prove anything to you? No. Only your experience can, and your experience has not died in this moment.

>The LORD was with the people of Judah, and they took possession of the hill country. But they failed to drive out the people living in the plains, who had iron chariots.