How does Yas Forums feel about this book?
How does Yas Forums feel about this book?
I like guns and steel, germs are ok in small doses.
>phd vs some mongoloidal basket weaver.
yea, not gonna even read the post
False book larping as authority and facts
A massive cope to try to explain away white excellence.
it's shit.
It definitely provides some interesting food for thought, but the implication that all of human history relies on these tiny factors is silly.
>one picture shits on entire book
It's kinda sad desu
What a cute lil hammy
Some dipshits malarkey.
Yas Forums is generally uncomfortable about that book because it rationally (mostly rationally, at least. the book is not without its weaknesses) obliterates everything Yas Forums believes in
the attempts to deflect its arguments are usually pathetic, out of context and logically fallacious
Appeal to authority huh?
I agree with you. I found the book to practically ignore accidents and their role in progress to societies and cope hard on the race question.
With hippos too
Nothing in the book is "rational".
Garbage. It's amazing that it was even taken seriously, let alone published and run with in the media.
>sorghum turns you into a savage nigger, unless you also have cows
>if something hasn't been domesticated, it can't be domesticated
>a buffalo is impossible to tame, but with an aurochs it's a piece of cake
>most crops in Eurasia were only domesticated once
>wheat op, pls nerf
>tamed wild zebras are worse draft animals than modern domestic horses, therefore zebras weren't worth taming at all by anyone at any time in history (not that it was possible, see point number 2)
It's shit.
Why would Yas Forums be uncomfortable about a book that can be discredited with a picture of a domesticated zebra? Or that was BTFO'd be an user 7 years ago?
This is a very sad cope you have.
>one person vs the collected hivemind of thousands of people
So when the doctor tells you that giving your newborn son a circumcision for cosmetic reasons is a good decision you'll allow him to do it? Thank you for your service.
Its basic premise seems reasonable to me - geography has shaped the world history. However, Diamond dismisses the possibility of racial differences far too easily. If the geographical barriers between Africa and Eurasia were so great that the societies developed differently, couldn't it have led to some differences in development between the populations themselves?
"As noted by Russian paleontologist Kirill Yeskov, in his book Diamond takes a sound idea - that the transition to a producing economy is critically dependent on a set of domesticated animals and plants - and cites a huge number of examples to confirm it, completely ignoring the examples to the contrary and allowing “blunders obvious even to a layman ". For example, Diamond mistakenly writes that in the New World only the Incas owned the processing of non-ferrous metals, or leads to a higher level of epidemics that gives greater immunity, as an advantage for the peoples of Eurasia over the peoples of the Americas, indicating the mass extinction of the latter after the contact of civilizations - while for An analysis of the growing technological lag, according to Eskov, correctly considers only the period before the discovery of America, in which the level of low epidemics was, on the contrary, an advantage for the American population. Eskov explains the popularity of the book in the West with a culture of political correctness - an explanation of the successes of Western civilization from the standpoint of geographical determinism, in contrast to genetic reasons, avoids accusations of racism."
Either you believe in racial differences or you don't. If you choose not to, it's a fantastic example of the mental gymnastics you have to go through to maintain that worldview.
Absolute trash constantly cited by Reddit brainlets.
Jew also ignores the fact that the injuns in North America DID have horses and camels, but ate them to extinction instead of domestication.
Can anyone point me to a book that explains the disparities between cultures and their development that does take race into account?
Would be illegal
There's a nice 2.5 hour blowout almost point-by-point. It's not tedious to watch, though, it's like a well-illustrated documentary. I give you, Alternative Hypothesis's refutation:
(whoa; it's 2.75 hours. Still, watch as much as you need to convince you that Alt Hyp did more research than Jared Diamond, and btfos him).
How about The Bell Curve?
He disproves his whole book already in the preface.
This is what you're looking for
>if something hasn't been domesticated, it can't be domesticated
this was where I knew Diamond was full of shit when reading his book.
I recalled that they were able to quickly domesticate the red fox after just a few generations in Russia.
Our issue about domestication isn't a "can" but rather a "should" question, as there needs to be an economic reason to domestic and a market for it. Red foxes aren't that useful to us given we have had years and years of specialized dog breeds for our needs.
Meanwhile, in Africa, they couldn't get basic domestication down despite the plethora of sub-Sahara species available and the economic advantage it would bring. The thought never crossed their mind.
Isn't that exclusively about race? I was looking something that included geography and history, although I still want to read The Bell Curve, seems like an important book, really aplicable when it comes to interpreting modern reality, specially in México.
Looks interesting.
opinionated agenda trash
I actually read it and thought it had some interesting thought experiments but ultimately did not like it.
So much of it is extrapolating different data points to come to a conclusion he defines but science doesn't really work that way.
>Jared Diamond's Guns Germs and Steel
It's propaganda; a classic Jewish fairytale.
1. North America had bison, which could've been domesticated and farmed like European Aurochs.
2. South America had Llamas which could've been bred for riding.
3. South America had potato as a native crop from about 6000bc. Potato is actually a legitimate superfood in terms of calorific ROI (
By Diamond's own arguments, South America should've been miles ahead of where they actually were.
Australia also throws a huge spanner in his hypotheses.
The trashiest of white trash was dumped on the second-most uninhabitable continent on the planet. Now it's a stable G20 nation.
Imagine writing a book with the idea of excusing subhumans conditions on the environment.
"Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs and Steel" is much on my mind these days. Its thesis is that civilization developed in Eurasia fastest for ecological not cultural or racial reasons. Eurasia's size and eco-diversity gave it more species of domesticable plants and animals than other continents, certain favorable climates and landforms (a Mediterranean dry season eases grain-storage, for example), a long human presence (late discovery of the New World meant mass extinction of large mammals that might have been domesticable), and east-west trade routes (pigs and wheat do well in both France and China, but Mexican corn took centuries to adapt to Ohio). His theory's complex, and rather than discuss it, I prefer to sculpt it--I'm an artist, after all!
So here's a tilted Earth that should foster a quick, relatively even growth of civilization--if he's right. I've created the widest possible east-west zone by turning the Americas sideways. Africa froze, but in exchange, Australia and Antarctica turned green and the Americas linked to Asia over the now-exposed Bering landbridge. Half the world's in a single Jaredian climate-belt--tropical, as it happens.
Why Africa? Well, if I'm sticking to Earth's geography, only allowing myself to tilt the planet, the Pacific Rim is the most sustained possible east-west strip. And to level it, I had to put my poles in the central Pacific and Africa. At first I was upset over the sheer size of the resulting icecap--they generally spoil the climate for thousands of miles around--but to follow Jared's hypothesis, I needed a land-bridge over the Bering Strait anyway, and that requires a good-sized polar cap to lower the sea levels. So I went with it despite Africa. You win some, you lose some..."
Someone worldbuild (with math and etc... not just creativity) an entire world to test the idea
This might be the singularly most pathetic post I've ever read on this website.
>"You no haev papper!!! Retarf!!1"
Jewish propaganda. Sage. book form
It’s a guy who discovered eugenics and then bends of backwards and ties himself in nots to deny that it’s actually eugenics
It should be Trump's campaign slogan.
When people come with better technology they win. When an unprepared get a disease populist they get hurt.
Phd who wrote a book with zero citation
What stopped Africans from inventing writing and developing technology and science such as the wheel or domesticating animals?
Cringe midwit
Dammit, can't find the blogpost about Africa, but it followed r/K lines. That, blacks never escaped their environment, so it always kept up with them. Diseases and predators were always their equal, thus keeping the population low, and there was nothing they could do about it, except breed fast, and don't invest much in the children (r-selected). At the same time, resources were plentiful, because the black population was kept in check (by disease and predators), so they had little pressure to evolve brains - why? Fruit and cows are available at hand.
Doesn't this remind you of blacks, today? Males run around impregnating women, who are the ones left to take care of them, the men don't stick around, not much long-term focus.
That's the only one I've seen besides a guy who did a similar one for Afghans. One important thing is that, for any given culture, a population will evolve to do well in that culture - a people and culture co-evolve.
Dude, if you think Alfred Rosenberg echoes you've got a caved in skull.
>Guns Germs Steel and Race?
>No, that's racist.
The book 'Understanding Human History' by Michael H. Hart is the perfect antithesis to GG&G which posits that biological differences were largely responsible for disparate outcomes between countries and human groups and it was written by a Jewish astrophysicist. JEWISH. J-E-W-I-S-H. He was also a white separatist for a long time. As an astrophysicist he wrote the seminal paper on the Fermi paradox.
>Be Australia:
>Less habitable than Africa by every measure.
>A former British penal colony that had swaths of White slaves.
>Continue to populate one of the least hospitable pieces of land with uneducated White trash out of Europe.
>Australia becomes a first world country within a few hundred years, everyone wants to live here, even niggers from Africa expect us to take them in.
>Chinese and every other race flood this country to no end, raping its living space, country still holds up despite all the non-whites plaguing it.
Be Africa:
>The single most habitable and hospitable piece of land on the entire planet.
>Food grows year round, water supplies everywhere, perfect coastlines, everything.
>Former colony just like Australia.
>Still has slavery.
>Best continent on planet Earth is Hell on Earth.
>But why?
>It's the niggers.
Nice comment. Saved.
I prefer to get my information from white people thank you very much, keep your yid ramblings away from me.
>niggers couldn't build civilization for purely environmental factors
>zebras couldn't be domesticated for purely genetic factors
I'm convinced it won the Pulitzer not from academic merit but for recognition of the sheer magnitude of the chutzpah it's takes to write such jewish garbage
One of the big arguments the book makes is that it was too easy to survive and weather too linear. Didnt have seasonal swings that required you to advance technology in order to save more food to survive the winter and such.
Right here.
I just wished black people and indios stopped existing. This world was robbed of it's destiny.
The total aid to Africa from 1960-2013 comes up to over $5 trillion or the equivalent of about 50 Marshall Plans.
>its enviromental determinism
>its genetic determinism
its just determnism you fucking idiots, but that would be too 'black pilled' for you desperate faggots. Hence why he says his view wouldn't be changed radically by the book either way.
same as with this faggot
>people discover determinism, but bend over backwards
The wheel is actually quite high technology.
Making a sturdy and functional wheel needs metal-working, and decent roads on which to use them. Most primitive populations understood wheels in terms of cosmological phenomenon (and is visible in their artwork), but built sleds and sledges for moving things around because wheels are useless without roads.
Thank you!
If things are easy to survive then technology and services should increase not stagnate.
>he hasn’t heard of the genetic fallacy
>Rosenberg is considered one of the main authors of key National Socialist ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to what was considered "degenerate" modern art
The Myth of the 20th Century is literally the intellectual foundation of the NSDAP, but you knew that already, Moishe.
The biggest glaring hole is that the same
Way geography changes how cultures operate it also shapes the biological humans therin
Diamond is literally just explaining eugenics whole conveniently pretending that human biology does not adapt and evolve like plants and animals
Iq is real
Some white people are stupid
Lol stupid white people
Some black people are stupid
It's unacceptable!
Racism and evil!
It is low tier bait for retarded normies.
>Only reason Western people were successful was because their technology.
>If Brown people had same technology, they would have dominated.
Crazy insights from another kike lover.
Logical fallacies are strong in this one.
90-99% of black people are utterly retarded
Intelligence isn't real, we are all equal in our intelligence even if every other trait differs we are all equally clever.
Niggers are not even fully humans.
I wonder why GG&G won a Pulitzer and not Understanding Human History?
the books been debunked by leftwingers even, you dumb fucking retard NPC
kill yourself, unironically.
The premise is that:
>It's nothing inherent in their DNA that awarded them global power!
Jared (((Diamond))) is just another cultural marxist faggot.
>Nazis were literally Judaanic
No wonder they failed
It's the lack of curiosity of Africans. They never sailed the seas, explored, experimented, or really advanced at all.
Even Madagascar was colonized by polynesians and that was right off their coast, as opposed to thousands of miles away to the polynesians.
Based alt hyp watcher
I'd disagree actually. I was very bluepilled when I read this - I thought it was going to be great but I was disappointed, and left with more questions than answers. It was actually one of the things which made me really question whether or not race was actually important, and so it indirectly red-pilled me actually.
No it’s just half a theory
It is determinism, the reasons whites and northeast Asians are more effective than blacks and Abbos is the environment they were evolved in.
I actually firmly believe native Americans would have become fairly advanced as well but they simply arrived so late to North America that they didn’t have the time to develop before the old world, 10k years ahead of them showed up.
The Central American and North American tribes were very similar to pre Iron Age Mediterranean civilizations.
But basically yeah diamond puts forth the eugenics argument but then ignores treating humans the same way he treats animals ie creatures that are shaped by their geography
is that supposed to be a good thing? It's not a scientific award lmao