Corona producing SPORES!

Stage 1 is mild.
Stage 2 gives you organ and lung failure
Stage 3 attacks your nervous system and is causing you respitory failure
Stage 4 is giving you heart failure
Inside the coronavirus is a payload.
Its the DNA of the auris fungus that was transcribed into RNA and packed within the corona virus.

If you get infected you sweat spores.

Corona + Auris + Mycovirus + retrovirus (HIV)

They engineered some kind of hybrid corona/bacteriophage attachment protein retrovirus (HIV) that attaches to human cells, gets into cells, uses reverse transcriptase to produce a variant that then attaches to say mitochonria within those cells using the evolutionary rickettsia link to pre human evolution and use the mitchondrial dna hijack to cause some kind of horizontal gene transfer between cells without it directly affecting cellular nucleus dna, so the cell might not notice to put genes in other cells that then express those genes at some later date.

I think its theoretially possible but way out of our technological ability for hundreds of years, it would be a type of targeted retrovirus gene therapy tech directed at mitochondria

IE you could design a virus to enter somebodies respiratory system, for it to then hijack cellular mechanisms and shift genes into liver cells thats produce liver cancer. You would need a large multi ethnic sample of dna data like from one of those ancestry websites to build up large data stores of receptor information in populations, but it doesnt seem theoretically impossible, just technically very very difficult.

Attached: hospital.jpg (1200x652, 120.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The payload is a modified version of Auris.

They engineered some kind of hybrid corona/bacteriophage attachment protein retrovirus (HIV) that attaches to human cells, gets into cells, uses reverse transcriptase to produce a variant that then attaches to say mitochonria within those cells using the evolutionary rickettsia link to pre human evolution and use the mitchondrial dna hijack to cause some kind of horizontal gene transfer between cells without it directly affecting cellular nucleus dna, so the cell might not notice to put genes in other cells that then express those genes at some later date.

I think its theoretially possible but way out of our technological ability for hundreds of years, it would be a type of targeted retrovirus gene therapy tech directed at mitochondria

IE you could design a virus to enter somebodies respiratory system, for it to then hijack cellular mechanisms and shift genes into liver cells thats produce liver cancer. You would need a large multi ethnic sample of dna data like from one of those ancestry websites to build up large data stores of receptor information in populations, but it doesn't seem theoretically impossible, just technically very very difficult.

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kill yourself shill rat

XNA is key.

fragility of rna is also a factor i imagine ( it would mutate and break the gene expression), and the lenth of the viral rna/dna wouldnt be long enough for too many genes.

Wonder if it could be done at a molecular nanotech level not using DNA but DNA binding nanostructures, xeno nucleic acids i guess, ie DNA like molecules that trick ribosomes into protein encoding specific ways, there are lot of nasty chemicals that can bind to dna base molecules, granted all the ones i know about cause cancer as they fuck with dna encoding.
>XNAs have shown complementarity with DNA and RNA nucleotides, suggesting potential for its transcription and recombination.
And we technically know of about half a dozen xeno nucleic binders that can replace ATGC, so thats non classified information in the public domain, id imagine bioweapons research using non dna/rna genetic encoding would be highly classified, but theoretically possible.

>experiments in the model bacterium E. coli have demonstrated the ability for XNA to serve as a biological template for DNA in vivo
they can theoretically code genetic information to encode for genes without even using dna/rna.

And they've done it, not just theoretically but admitted experimentally with ecoli, and thats non classified information.

So if they are perhaps 25 years ahead of this in the classified domain, they might very well already have non dna/rna bioweapons that could hijack your cellular mechanisms for god knows what kind of gene expression.

Attached: 1581269935916.jpg (1440x1306, 776.03K)

COPE you nothingburger faggot

Nah, you're just a scared, panicky little faggot.

Attached: spray.webm (512x640, 2.91M)

>Its the DNA of the auris fungus that was transcribed into RNA and packed within the corona virus.

Is that even possible? Can a strand of RNA actually contain all the information of a strand of DNA? I thought RNA was smaller and less complex because it's a single strand.

You are starting to sweat spores.
The payload contains the DNA of Auris Fungi that was transcribed to RNA.
Its being reverse transcribed to DNA by the retrovirus (HIV) part and constructed by XNA and your sweat glands are starting to sweat spores.
The Auris fungi is laced with corona.
So that Corona can live inside the spores indefinitely.

Attached: 1581265162712.png (1976x1268, 1.8M)

DNA is only using one strand anyway. You can also transcribe and COMPRESS RNA/DNA with multiple transcription cycles.

Hey Rabbi,
What you doing in CERN?
Why you killing the birds
Stop doing that swiiiisssssi

As soon as a city is infected its near to impossible to clear it.

Not that credentials automatically validate/ invalidate your post.

But it would be helpful. Got any?

PHD from EPFL.

Why are they lying on their stomach?
I also really fucking hope you‘re not right.

To get the liquid out of the lungs and to make the ventilation (pumping in air) easier.

>virus produces spores

OK schitzo.

Its not a natural process. Its engineered.
Its a bio weapon. You can wrap any payload you want inside a virus, you would be surprised how long of a genome string you can fit in.

All countries capable of producing biological weapons do produce biological weapons. They're on the cutting edge of it, same with anything else such as chemical weapons.

Viruses never, ever under any circumstances produce any spores. Ever. Spores are unique only to certain bacteria, and has no way of utilizing a spore. You could claim a virus has some kind of resistant or unique envelope, but thats about it.

Look I know we are all keen to survive, but if you dont know what you're talking about, then dont say anything.

so when you say, sweating pores, u mean, sweating living organisms? would the spores grow into fungi on your body?

schizo been posting this pasta several times already

Did you read what i wrote. Yes in nature a virus cant but this is a virus with a payload. Read the whitepapers from Wuhan.

Yes living spores.
see here

Here we go again...

Attached: thisthreadagain.jpg (600x600, 45.21K)

I'm going to need papers to see this wacky claim man.


To make the claim that this virus utilizes spores would be enough to have to rewrite every infectious diseases handbook. Its a very bold claim to make, and quite frankly your post doesnt do a good enough job justifying that claim

Im sorry friend, you'll have to drastically rewrite your OP if you want to convince anyone

Attached: dumbass.jpg (480x564, 62.3K)

>still spamming the disproved LARP
Can't wait for you to get infected, kike.

Fuck off you paid off pussy wand poking freak of nature. Your hormones are Chinese. Watch those face hairs grow back

viruses aren't even real

>source:my gaping rectum
fuck off.

take your fanfiction back to /x/ faggot

Call me when it starts producing whores.

OP is actually correct.

It’s possible biotech we already have.

Not saying more but OP might get suicides. Save this thread.

Prepper General 5

Schnorre zue

>not saging this thread
OP is a faggot as per usual

wasn't there a prophecy post sometime last year about a deadly fungal infestation??

Attached: 1473088608463.jpg (900x900, 100.79K)

OP, you're not a bad LARP, but you're far from good. 5/10.

that level of shill...

I’ve posted in your threads before OP, and I don’t think you’re crazy. I do think that what you’re describing could be explained by lysogeny

>Some bacterial viruses, called temperate phages, carry DNA that can act as an episome. A bacterial cell into whose chromosome the viral DNA has become integrated is called a prophage.

I think it’s bacterial integration but that’s just my opinion

Call me shill, if you prove in a study that viruses can have spores you will become the most famous virologist of all time. Until then, this is a schizo thread.

a / Italy # infected (1) = 300
b / Italy # infected (2) = 10,000
c / # days = 11
d / Daily Growth Factor = 1.38 = (b/a)^(1/c)
e / USA # infected (1) = 808 = 3.10.2020
f / Daily Growth Factor = 1.38 = d
g / # of Days = 30
h / g Growth Factor = 15,717 = f^g
i / USA # infected (2) = 12,699,422 = e*h
j / ICU rate (Italy) = 12.5% = Italian authorities
k / USA ICU Need = 1,587,428 = i*j
l / ICU beds available = 100,000 = US authorities
m / USA ICU bed shortfall = 1,487,428 = k-l

OP seems pretty smart, dismissive posts devoid of any constructive conversation are the real low IQ posts

can it make me a Chad?

nice larp OP but virtually everyone recovers fully.

>if we call him a jew nobody will suspect us of being jews
>god we're so good at demoralization
Stick a dreidel in your anus

Can anyone explain why an entire rainbow of the same countries' flags show up to shit on OP immediately when he posts? Do these guys think we dont know what VPNs are?

LARP gone wild. How much do you disappoint your parents, user?

If it kills all the other Chads around you, than yes

who Knows if you know what the hell you're talking about but regardless that why I’m taking Stamet 7, turkey tail, and Amazonian Psilocybin Mushrooms.

Last time you said strains caused those different ailments you loon

yeah, good. okay

schizophrenic swiss cheese on the rant again

He is starting these pseudo scientific threads all the time. I have debunked it several times. There is no reverse transferase. A human cell can’t produce spores.

ok but why would somebody do that?

All the way at the bottom is the complete genome of the virus. Where in that genome do you see the sequence for C.Auris?

nah he actually makes valid points
why would someone make something like this tho? its sick

The depopulation begins.

Stop larping and fearmongering, unless you intend on dropping the stock market more. I like buying on a big discount, you clueless fucking neckbeard.