Wtf is wrong with antifa?

Antifa is just a pedo street gang.
Hmmmm kinda like in the days of weimar republic. Very interesting.

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Screaming "pedophile" at anyone you disagree with is hardly better than screaming "Nazis!"

True, but their leadership has a high number of kid fuckers

the one on the right looks like a weird alien trying to fit in as a hipster. it makes complete sense

>Be antifa
>Be pedophile
>Get sent to prison
Enjoy your new friends faggot

>left wing
>child drag queens
>hormones for pre-teens
>LGBT advocates (40% of child molesters, 2% of general population
>Right Wing
>traditional values
>sex is for procreation

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There is no such thing as a group without a pedophile, especially when they're so useful as a divide and conquer tool. Same reason why men fear the rape word even when they are completely 100% innocent.
Retarded anons will fall for the kafka trap every time hook line and sinker.

>True, but their leadership has a high number of kid fuckers

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>Wtf is wrong with antifa?

So why keep using the Nazi ploy?

Man when you put it like that i almost feel bad for him.

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>defends pedo's and disparages Nazi's?

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reminder that this board is brigaded by antifa pedophiles 24/7, look at them seethe when you called this out

>r3ddit meme
>needs a source for antifa being full of pedo freaks
go back you fucking faggot

We have Antigua in my neighborhood. It's one faggy 24 Yu of that spray paints on walls on our beautiful heritage buildings. He's afraid of me but I can't seem to get him alone off public camera to beat his ass. Soon tho...

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Just start using Google Reddit pleb

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If you're reading this Braiden I'm gonna beat the shit outta you soon

>tranny kiddie diddling street gang

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>repeatedly makes claims
>doesnt provide source
not everyone is a redditrefugee, you seething kikes. is this the new meme in tel aviv? say everyone is a redditfag? just happened in another thread too, after years of not seeing this, twice in ten minutes. your noses are showing

i hope when the civil wars across the west kick off, this is the sort of people my killteam searches out and destroys

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Okay, pedo

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then lurk more you dumb ape

You’re a fucking kike jew!

Kid fuckers that were also Nazi's

Who knew that people who destroyed children's childhoods could be so passionate about social causes.

Every time you get a bunch of groomers together this happens. Makes you wonder how many of the trannies rape kids every day and its never discovered

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>Antifa r da reel natzees!1!1
You’re too old to post here.

Well no different than republicans.

>leftists are pedophiles
No shit. They Literally promote it. ANTIFA is overwhelmingly Jewish and LGBTQP and with that comes pedophilia. Just look at Hollywood.

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ok groomer

A kike is a jew you fucking leaf

OK, groomer

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Reminder that this is the same tranny groomer UK flag that larp as "far right" and seethes over Trump while trying to convince people to vote Bernie to "accelerate"
Xe got doxxed. Pic related is Xim

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Great political discourse, champs lmao

The republican right elected a man to the presidency that:

1. Partied regularly with a notorious pedophile
2. Is found in the notorious pedophiles "black book" 27 times.
3. Is on the flight logs in the notorious pedophiles plane (despite having his own plane.)
4. Hired the notorious pedophiles lawyers to defend himself.
5. Hired an AG whose father gave the notorious pedophile his first teaching job.
6. Oversaw the mysterious death of said pedophile and did nothing about it, just pretends like it never happened.

Why is this?


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>Been here for years
doubt. This shit has been popping up since pre 2015

shut up faggot

The middle dude was working for the brits.

The absolute state of leftist rebuttal

I cannot wait till the missiles fly, trotsky.

I refuse to even acknowledge that thing as anything more than a thing.

>Why is this?
Just a cohencidence

>Age of what now?

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Same with Clinton's husband.

I was talking more about antifa itself. Alt right are a bunch of glow niggers and antifa has a lot of mentally ill / having a descent number of pedophiles in their ranks.

>orange man bad

Almost 5 more years to go.
Or keep screeching and seething, that's exactly what you're going to do.
Pathetic little internet faggot whining to us online.

>Why is this?
he used to be a democrat

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Consider that as awful as trump is; he was still a more palatable choice to America than Hillary

>asks for source
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee go back to bleddit
you can also kys
kek. what rattled the nosetribe in this thread? rumbled?

reminder to you all
>you must be 18 to post here

nah, not like the interactions happening now over trivial shit

This. So many angry leftists in the responses when you highlight their side abuses kids sexually and physically mutilates them.

Kys leftists

That's bill and hillary clinton, faggot.

In fact here is a new name for leftists: faggoy.

and than pedo joe, and than the commie yid

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At least trump is not a mass murderer like the clintons

i wanted the sources to distribute. im fascist, not liberal
>dude trust me
isnt quite cutting it

>implying that giving a kid a kiss on the cheek during a political event is pedophilia.
ok Berniefaggot. Reminds me of all the gaslighting pedophiles who act like diaper adverts with naked babies is pedo-tier. They want to normalize their perversion and thus try to claim it's the same as innocent behaviors. Very old strategy

sauce for this neow

Imagine thinking that that thing deserves anything more than a straightjacket and padded room in complete isolation.

Is Penny Oaken one of them?

oh, it deserves a lot fucking more
and by more, I mostly mean worse

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no, i said lurk more, you dumb fucking nigger, because the sources are posted all the time and nobody wants to spoonfeed you, subhuman.

more leftist projection. epstein was arrested agin under trump, trump flew on his plane once just back to nyc, he banned epstein from his resorts, meanwhile clinton was flying to the island all the time.

you have no argument so you just start bitching about trump. kill yourself shill.

Atheists beasts care only for inflicting pleasure upon themselves

It's just an example of people with power fantasies powering their fantasies

You're country is the original jew controlled slave state ,you have never been brought to justice for the enslavement of the irish for 800 years, twice as long as the monkeys,and your pure idiocy in letting churchill run your shitty island. I hope covid 19 turns into 38 days later, the anglo is almost worse than the fucking ashkenazim.

You didn't deny the accusation though...

paddies are honorary jews and deserved it all, and then some
t. had a paddie grandmother

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Do they carry Crisco?

>trust me goy im le real nazi just like u
you are so fucking pathetic. kill yourself antifa shill.

the far-left has always attracted pro-pedo groups. such groups have often been a part of the broader "gay liberation" movement.

UK 1

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UK 2

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German Green Party 1

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German Green Party 2

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German Green Party 3

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>His post; Propaganda.