Christians what really convinced you that God is real?

I was baptized as a Catholic and have always been raised in the faith, but one thing that really convinced was the lightning striking the Vatican on the night of Benedict's resignation.

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I don't need proof. I have faith and philosophy.

Globohomo faggotry ruining the world just like the Bible says it would and then God protecting me against all odds somehow from the globohomofaggotry by having the faith of a mustard seed


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Lifelong atheist, recent convert to orthodoxy here. I spent years reading hundreds of papers and books on the topic. You find out pretty quickly why throughly history millions of men have dedicated their lives to figuring out the intricacies.

you can't even ((())) right.

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I've always had faith and never really needed proof, it was just one of those crazy moments that made it even more real for me.

>natural phenomena happens
>durp must've been gud

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Actor who portrayed Jesus Christ -- Jim Caviezel -- was struck by lightning during the filming of Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ.

Yes, it struck on the very anniversary of the treaty of the Lateran (Feb 11)... cf Luke x 18... it struck twice too... 'Fallen, Fallen' (Rev viii 2)...

Watch this.

Which group have you joined ? ukrainians or russians ? they've anathematized each other (meaning if one group would be the one true church, the other goes to hell). meme religion...

> populace rejects Filioque despite legates (theologians) accepting it at Florence (sin of pride)
> see Constantinople fall on the day of Pentecost (literally 1 chance in 365)
> have your leaders become 'christian' puppets to the Turks, then the Russians, soviets, etc, always under subjugation, always answering to a higher authority... as punishment for having refused the one true authority

Mt xvi 18 : And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The above is nonsense and means nothing if you follow the 'Orthodox' 'church'.

Yet given the moment this was pronounced by Jesus Christ, it is obviously of great significance.


On a separate note, Revelation tells us man shall rise in the temple of God, elevating himself. This is happening (in the temple of God, Rome, thus proving Rome, the place where Peter was buried and where his successors sat, was indeed the center of the Church all along).

Not even 70 years since the Great Apostasy in Rome. How are we doing ? How is the world doing ? Does this not feel like it could end any moment ? How can one deny the direct correlation between the state of the entire world and the apostasy in Rome. The former is to all believers a direct consequence of the latter.

Orthodox play no role in this. They broke off.

On Protestantism :

I need a Christian to corroborate something with sources:
a very religious friend of mine, training to be a priest, claims that there was a (relatively recent) case of a miracle when a priest doubted his sermon for a moment, and the holy bread in storage turned into literal heart tissue, supposedly scientifically tested to be real heart material, but the only ultimate source on this seems to be the catholic church itself and it alone

God is natural phenomena

Observing nature and education. Once you are smart enough, you move from Atheism back to Theism.

I always believed God is real. The issue is too many people stop there and end up crypto-deists. Spirits are real too and exercise influence in this world. Denying that fact is heresy if you're a Catholic but yet many Catholics don't believe in spirits anyway. It's nice to start out with the faith of a mustard seed and believe in God but eventually you have to grow in faith or you will always be only a step ahead of the damned.

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I wouldn't say I was convinced by a singular event or argument. Its was more like a culmination of everything I've learned externally and experienced internally. Studying math has also supplied me with a complex of structures and ideas that make theology must easier to understand.

god is a supernatural explanation for the natural

I asked him for help to cure my alcoholism and he did but that was a gradual thing that come to a head one day I was watching ken hovind and realized how BS darwinism is and it blew my mind from that second on totally knew god is real and amazed how long i was blind

I prayed for a loyal christian wife.

The next month I got a message on a dating website that I been subscribed to for 4 years by a woman who looks like Asuka, which was, at the time, the person who I considered to be the hottest woman in the world. The woman who messaged me was loving, unmarried, and a virgin, who wanted many children.

I'm a fatass with a 10 bucks an hour job.

We got married.

It's far more likely that God not only answered my prayers, but gave me something I was too humble to pray for, than me just being that lucky.

>inb4 white roasties crying about racemixing

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Back to /x/ christcattle.

Islam detected.

No, you just have the same idea of God as children
You are missing the point.
Is there Truth? Is anything knowable?

The good ol book written by god’s chosen people

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Suffering isn't evil
There is nothing wrong with some people living miserable lives; what matters is how they live it

The starving child obviously has not faith

children think god is a white bearded man who lives in the clouds

>Is there Truth? Is anything knowable?
I assume there is because truth and knowledge have applications to my life. could be that there isn't but there's no use assuming that

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I think you mean Yahweh and not God.

True words. And then the current "Pope" trolling the Franciscans by taking the name of Francis while the Jesuits blaspheme the Church.

oh noes dood... the problem of evil/suffering has truly destroyed 1000's of years of theological discussion about that very subject. Fuck man, I wish I wasn't such a skydaddy worshipping cuck :(

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my faith is my shield

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Then what is objective Truth without a Creator?
The existence of laws of physics, the plenitude of order that surrounds us, goes directly against the approved narrative that everything came from chaos and randomness.
Somehow, entropy decided to stop working on Earth and allowed for proteins, then cells, then organisms, then thinking beings made in His image, to form out of nothing.

Yas Forums is a Christian board retard, fuck off to reddit

>Believing in pseudoscience

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That the universe went from chaotic to ordered. Order and thus meaning had to come from somewhere when meaning was not, therefore, meaning existed before space-time, and thus logic could only have come from another logical entity, that entity must be God as it existed before the universe was logical.
To be more clear, consider the following:
Why does 0 = 0? what logic behind it makes this statement true? The answer is the ability to compare it to NOT 0, therefore something must be for the 0 to mean nothing. According to what we know about science, before the big bang, there was no time, no space, no physical laws in general (which I know it's redundant to say), so it could be said that meaning was not existent, and thus things like x =/= x are valid statements and invalid at the same time because nothing is defined. The natural question is how did the universe pass from non-definitions to defined things like constants and such? How did the universe go from absolute disorder (meaninglessness) to order (meaning)? The only possible answer is God because you need something to be defined for everything else to logically follow.
If we define God to be logic, then it is he who rules the universe with absolute power, it is he who created it by giving meaning to it, it is perfect, it is just and impartial, it is truth, it is immortal, it is omniscient, it is objective, it is beauty, it is truly divine (pic related). NOT your kike God tho, that one is fucking gay and autistic.

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Come on, man. You guys are just Jews who eat pork and/or pagans.

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The older I got the more I realized the bible is correct about everything.

Having struggle here on Earth while trusting God will greatly reward you in the afterlife. I'm 19 my Mom is 62, my Dad got locked up in Jail after I was born and then slowly faded away from my life. I dropped out of school, ended up getting my utilities in my house turned off for over 5 months because we were too poor to pay our bills and my Mom's health was declining. I ended up losing my childhood home and then living with my Mom's ex-husband and now he's my Godfather and one of the best people I've ever met in my life. Now I'm taking care of my Mom because she has glaucoma and can only see 1/3 of her eye the other one is completely gone, and all my siblings are 10+ years older than me so I'm currently the only one who is capable of taking care of my Mom. I still have faith in God though and never complain about my struggles.

Faith alone is the article on which the Church stands or falls, If you believe works are needed then Jesus life and death were not enough, and the Gospel is for nothing.

Physics, I'm not joking after studying physics and the concept of entropy defined by Boltzmann I understood that God/Aditi exists.


Except he's a hundred percent correct. I too was indoctrinated into the roman catholicism religion aka the babylonian myster religion. It was one of the hardest things I ever allowed myself to research with an open mind.

I will probably never go to church again but if I did it would be a Christian church. If they taught us to read the bible in its entirety in our CCD classes during our indoctrination we'd have figured out what RC was all about. It is the ancienty mystery religion nothing more nothing less.

No amount of evidence or argument is required. When the time comes you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that god is in your life. Spend your years as an athiest decrying the lord. When hes ready he will change your mind

>Suffering isn't evil
we all hate suffering, and we consider making someone else suffer evil. we have entire industries to avoid suffering. it's retarded to think god intervenes in lighting and helping people land a good job but not in childhood poverty, cancer or abuse

There are plenty examples of God helping people with cancer, abuse, and poverty you just have to look for them lol.

The Lord will come to judge the living and the dead.

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if you need help, read some tolstoy

If I was a cointelpro jew would I post this link and ask everyone to read the book in this link titled My irrelevent Defense on Jewish ritual murder. Plus recommend reading Ariel Toaff's Blood passover, on Bloodpassover,com.

The first book I recommended will strengthen any mans faith in God. The jews go through great lengths throughout history to torture and kill virgin Christian children on their holy days. That alone is enough to make anyone know the truth of this world and that God does indeed exist.
Watch this thread get nuked now that I posted that link. The pdf is there or you can buy the book on amazon.

>what is objective Truth without a Creator
I don't have to know if it is obvjective or understand it, it's just exists. this is the world I woke up in. it could be beyond anything I'll understand and that's fine

needles in a haystack

I saw the covenant of Noah fill my vision and it filled me with the love of God for the world. It was overwhelming to say the least

Having faith in God while struggling is rewarded the most in the afterlife.

niggers aren't human beings. Gods greatest creation was the white man. I wonder if he even created niggers and just looks at them as learned mistakes. If niggers were considered human Africa would be a world superpower. The niggers commit untold demonic rituals and human sacrifices and gain nothing from it at all because satan doesn't even acknowledge they exist. That speaks volumes on whether or not they are considered human beings.

I spent a lot of time around niggers growing up and they are indeed subhuman animals capable of the most brutal horrific acts.

mans inadequacy, god will never disappoint. In Deus Ex the AI believes that god is a lie designed to create the illusion of perfect governance

>just wait til you die lol

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The star of David (aka remphan) wasn't for Paul you ultimate faggot

Can you yourself prove anything in that image is correct? Can you even prove yourself that space is real? I personally don't believe anything they tell us and would just as soon believe that space if fake and we are living under a firmament. Both are just as possible, we don't know the truth either way unless we are involved in the research and we took part in space exploration. People like you are fucking morons you have faith that what these people have been telling you your whole life is real.

This brought tears to my eyes.
I’ve never been the same after reading War and Peace

I had a similar experience to John Newton, the man who wrote the poem "Amazing Grace," which is actually about the experience he had where he converted to Christianity.

I work as a merchant mariner, in my free time I have an old wooden ketch (almost 100 years old) that I like to sail all over the place to get the experience you don't get in the merchant service anymore. I was raised Lutheran but like many I lost my faith in my youth.

Anyways, one time on a voyage to Ireland from Maine I got caught in a big blow off the coast of Greenland. The mizzen was demasted, my rudder had been severely damaged and was barely functional, and finally a big swell put enough green water on deck to sweep me off my feet and I was almost taken out into the sea, the only thing that saved me was my suspenders getting hooked on a cleat. At this point I was resigned to my fate, so as quickly as I could I made my peace with God and asked for forgiveness, but not mercy, as I was sure my death was inevitable. A Bible verse I always liked came to mind, and I stood up and said:

>"And now why tarriest thou? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord."

Shortly after, the gale subsided and I was miraculously still afloat, though only barely. I jury-rigged a few things and made it back to Nuuk in Greenland for repairs. My faith was solidified after that. I know most people here won't read this big blog post and fewer will believe this actually happened, but that's my story.

"And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

And He said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?

And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"

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The Star of Remphan had nothing to do with Paul. Luke (Paul's personal physician who wrote the Book of Acts) was the one who called it out as a demonic symbol.

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First was the Logic of it, basic Logic makes an omnipotent, eternal being necessary, I kind of always got that, but didn't really care.

Then many year later I decided to put God to the test( which you are not supposed to do), Then God was revealed over and over again in many small instances, especially when I out loud said prove youre real, For intance 2 nights in a row at 3;16AM when I lived in the mountains I said OK at this exact time give me a sign in the sky, back to back nights at the exact same time a bright shooting star went across the sky right after I said those words. it was quite shocking, I have no need to put anything to the test anymore.

no matter what it stands for there's a kike star on his fish mitre hat.


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>be African, a place full of violent degenerates who worship demons and eat each other
>wonder why it's a cursed hellhole

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occams razor


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