does veganism physically weaken people or just spiritually weaken them?
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Vegans aren't people.
heres some context:
we are the best running animal on land, we didnt evolve that way to chase down berries and nuts. veganism is retarded.
Humans never "ran down" prey. We're tool users and have been since the hominid days.
Spears have been in use for literally hundreds of thousands of years.
Both, also what he said
watch a documentary on african hunter gatherers, they usually have to track animals first to find them and then after they injure them (with tools) to find their bodies
Depends. If you're spiritually adaptable enough you can eat all the meat you want even humans.
What I mean is that "spiritual" people avoid meat because they're hyperaware of it/feel it e.g the suffering that was caused to the animal before it was killed and so on but mostly it has to do with a reaction to do the body. It "weighs you down" so to speak. This is also the same deal with human meat or flesh or killing in general. If you kill someone it's like you absorb them and it's generally not a pleasant feeling of knowing you just killed or ate yourself when you can just establish a psychic connection or feel someone when they're alive. It's all situational.
dude stop listening to indian people that was retarded
>Humans never "ran down" prey
I've been killed by vampires so much so that I keep having this weird twitch/pleasant feeling on my jagular as it was getting ripped follow me into this life.
Humanity is really diverse and im not just talking about race.
sorry, it is you that is retarded
>I'm a special "spiritual" person
kill yourself you sanctimonious retarded faggot
Vegans are already spiritually weak but they're additionally weakened physically
acturryyyy ur wrong
humands had the power of sweat, unlike the animals they chased down. they injured prey and chased them down.
Humans are the ultimate pursuit predator, our bipedal gait consumes way less energy and our ability to sweat and keep cool + carry water and weapons make us biological terminators.
Herbivores are prey animals
Veganism is a cult. Only a deranged cult member could see the negative effects their diet has and assume it's because they're not going hard enough. Also the handful of fake vegan bodybuilders that get posted don't prove anything.
That's the thing you're not special if you're like that quite the opposite you're becoming normal since this is what we should be like by default.
e.g you as a baby vs you as you are now
you're trying to be like the newborn you in your adult/child body.
Vegans are mentally weak and latch onto group think.
Actually makes you mentally ill. B12 deficiency is no laughing matter.
True spiritual liberation is when you connect with the fetus you. Everything you've missed out/withheld when you were asleep/NPC will retroactively become known to you.
We are all still in the wombs of our many different mothers.
>finding a wounded bleeding-out animal is "running down prey"
the body needs to be able to sustain itself the way it was built.
the movement comes with a creed that requires total assimilation, like Islam. until that happens it'll keep pushing like cancer.
Not sure what vegans you know that don't take b12 suppliments
animals run miles after gunshots idiot, imagine a spear seriously google it before you respond
This dude actually thinks berries and nuts are diet.
Like forget about wheat and grains.
Some of you all don't know the difference between eating only fruit, vegetarian, and vegan.
We have the most stamina, not the most speed. It makes more sense we are made to walk long distances without tiring, eg foraging for berries and nuts
If you require supplements, it's not healthy. Don't know why this isn't more obvious to people.
is that gabagool? AY, OVER HERE
Meat also has adverse affects and the large majority of vegans aren't vegan for health. The b12 argument is a weak one at best
Are you retarded or just stupid?
This, lmao.
>"Veganism perfectly viable" HE shouted while taking 40% of his caloric intake from supplements
Ayurvedic is Aryan. Dumb mutt.
no retard, we used to chase prey until they get tired and some tribes still do
>Meat also has adverse affects and the large majority of vegans aren't vegan for health
You have just proved that they're all faggots
every foraging animal also evolved to be hairless and sweat great point
The vegans not for health are the worst.
They show off all the imitation meat they buy from the store. who knows what its really made of, but its unnatural.
I'm annoyed honestly when people ask me if I eat beyond burgers. I'm not eating that shit ever.
I've got a vegan roommate. He's the most beta guy I've ever met. Everything about this guy screams beta and it's making me sick. He's balding, can't grow more than a small mustache to cover his tiny mouth, he slouches like the typical virgin and the widest part of his body is from belly to back. If he disagrees with anything he doesn't say a word until he throws a fit. He eats the same processed shit every fucking day, and buys bottom shelf produce. He's likely to interrupt a conversation to say he's sorry about what he said earlier in case it hurt anyone's feelings. He despises women, but can't stop talking about how sexy a select few are. And his breath is literal death. I can't even share a car with this guy without smelling it.
Vegans are lesser people, so desperate to find something to identify themselves with that they blindly follow a lifestyle as if they were cult members. Make an attempt to reason with them on the subject and they shut down or get mad and walk away. I can't fucking wait to move out.
No, human endurance is better than any other animal, our ability to hunt and track animals is unparalleled
If you can't spiritually connect with all lifeforms, including fungi and vegetation, you are a bugman
Most vegans cheat and eat animal product in secret, but rationalize it by assuming that by going overboard promoting veganism they are kinda offsetting whatever damage they personally are doing to the animals. Or they are just complete frauds selling ebooks and courses and have zero interest in the ethics shit. Fakes, frauds and phonies all over the place. I got wrapped up in this cult and could tell you hours of shit.
>Who knows
The faggots that approved it for consumption by testing it you stupid faggot
Veganism is aryan.
I eat meat with absolutely no prejudice. Perfect hair but little to no facial hair. Still takes so fucking long to put on muscle, I can understand why some men just roid out. t. 19yr old twink
does eating animals mean you have no spiritual connection with them? see
does he cook? or just processed foods labeled vegan?
Angloids can't even just decide to eat vegetables without getting indoctrinated into a marketing cult. You're so fucking stupid dude.
Kill yourself with your pagan bullshit.
This actually might be the case with most people given that if they were aware enough of their meat they would also be aware of their own body and how to manage it. They should just eat meat/normally then not be emotionally coerced or whatever.
People in africa still hunt this way. There is races in the UK with horses vs humans,, in long distance running humans generally win in warm weather and horses in cold weather. Humans are the best long distance runner on the planet both because of the design of our body (running on two legs is far more efficient) and our ability to regulate body temp through sweating (something few animals can do)
They wouldn't need B12 injections if chemical fertilizers didn't destroy all the B12 in the soil. Also, cows are injected with B12 before it lands on your plate.
Stop taking the mentally ill sveriges words as gospel, you dumb cunts.
Fair point Miguel
>mmm bacon is in the bible
kill yourself bugbrain
Yea I think I read something about cults malnourishing its members intentionally via veganism or other diets so it makes them more easily controlled because of protein or vitamin deficiencies. I bet those cult leaders enjoy meat in private. Wolves wearing sheep's clothing and all that.
>we're totally just about eating vegetables
>oh here look at this link on the philosophy of veganism and national socialism
there is literally not one of you that can "just eat vegetables" and leave it at that, you literalyl just proved in a few minutes between posts yourself. eat some meat and clear that brainfog up and you won't make such obvious mistakes again
I’m a farmer and this isn’t true or even close to being true. Honestly, bong. What the fuck is going on over there.
It's because they eat only fruit and salad - so it's impossible to get enough calories.
Imagine living off of just a single chicken breast each day
He "cooks" by putting french fries and vegan "sausages" in the oven. Once in a while he combines vegan mince, crushed tomatoes, tin can mushrooms, beans, tin can corn and peas - barely let's it boil and pour it over white rice.
It tastes like plastic and warm watery tomatoes.
Why not Both?
>nooo you were supposed to reinforce my cultural programming
boo hoo fag
humans need to eat meat, we are primary meat eaters. We can handle vegetables as well but nowhere near as efficiently.
Fpbp gabagooooool
assuming your tall and scrawny grow your hair out long and youl still drown in damaged pussy
I'm not sure if "spiritual" is the right word. It's more like understanding mixed with feeling that's reciprocated which results in coherence/alignment and resultant phenomena from that.
If you can't feel your own body and life force you can't feel anything outside(or should I say inside since you have to and actually delve into yourself) and I admit I suck at it but I haven't really been trying.
heck I haven't even done any drugs or shrooms
I did however managed to astral project a few days ago although it was weird and I moved/walked all sluggishly like I was in a pool of water but moving trough doors and walls was cool even if it was short and I decided to go back in my body because I felt nude
Why do I continue to build muscle? And grow facial hair?
I thought I was gonna starve and be super skinny like sv3rige said.
Which part isn't true? You are aware that B12 is produced by bacteria found in soil aren't you?
Also you're not a farmer, larping mutt.
Prove you're doing it without any supplements and steroids.
"spiritually adaptable" Turn to jesus christ. There is no hidden kwnolage only you know
Ancient hunter gatherers were almost as tall as modern humans, it was only during farming and agriculture that humans became short. So eating meat makes us tall and strong.
>nooo you have to join our knitting circle to know God
lmao ok paco
>Plutarch - On Meat Eating
>Porphyry - On abstinence from animal food
How will you believe me?