I have a sore throat this morning. I'm going to the Jewish part of town to coof on them. Give me your energy...

I have a sore throat this morning. I'm going to the Jewish part of town to coof on them. Give me your energy. Everyday I will go to the Jewish part of town and coof on them until I die or until I get well.

Attached: 35ED0BCB-1B2F-46D0-9578-F66E19644550.jpg (1242x1222, 157.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:



cope thats a photoshop of a blacked book... nice try whiteboi

Nice digits in this thread so far

Lol you wish, that's my wife. get COOFED on Hebrew

bro if you are sick you might want to rest at home instead of exerting yourself

Nice try jew

Sure you are pal.

Attached: I'll_be_there_in_30_minutes.jpg (800x800, 52.85K)

she has the modified version of the Mein Kampf, damn women are stupid.

Who is she?

Middle-class jews are as harmful as any other citizen, it is the mega jews that rule the corporations and the lobbies that needs to be eradicated

Don't care if you believe me. I'm not the only one either. Its like shooting up a synagogue but you don't get in trouble. Get coofed on Hebrew.

I'm finally given the chance to fight back

Any w*man who dresses like that clearly doesn't understand the message conveyed

Mein Coof

Giving you my energy. God speed, coronanon.

Then go coofing next to a corrupt senator or something, how the fuck does killing a 65 year old Jewish barman will change a thing about zionism and degeneracy. Then again you do you, I have frankly given up on arguing with nazi larpers

This will actually be a talking point soon, and once they start saying This in the mainstream we will know we are winning

Middle class jews are exactly the same as every other petit-bourgeois liberal, sure


>I'm going to the Jewish part of town to coof on them. Give me your energy. Everyday I will go to the Jewish part of town and coof on them until I die or until I get well.
You realize this is a type of assault that is literally classified as Terrorism in the USA, right?
Enjoy your lifelong watch list.

Thank you.

Get coofed on Jesus killer

coofspeed user

I'm already on a list faggot and obviously I was joking I would NEVER ACTUALLY DO THAT

Coof hard coof fast

Attached: F2RespectSnake.jpg (1920x1080, 71.83K)

the hero we need, fun fact is that the yids might be doing exactly the same with the goyim

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I'm sure they are

Then do and get some vids of you doing it.
We're counting on you.

Good luck with that one chaim, you're scared and you fucking should be. Prove that hes sick. Now prove that he's intentionally spreading the virus to others. Lmao how do you feel right now?

i love how this has blown up in the alt media over the last few months ..... the rats are scared

we're winning boys

Based and White -

Yeah during the Black Plague jews poisoned European christian wells on purpose


Found the kike that thinks you're stupid enough to doxx yourself. I live in one of the 3 parts of the country with an absurdly high jewish population and tourism here will never stop. Guess what I'm "converting" to if I get sick? Guess where I'm going to go to "convert" faggot.

>Give me your energy.

Attached: POWER GET THE POWER.jpg (840x544, 61.99K)

Digits confirm the deah of Israel

Just make sure you don't get any extra germs from them. Nothing worse than catching a virus that has been inside a jew.

Why is it always Americans that keep spouting buzzwords and that are too clinically retarded to understand basic sentences?

no dont do it, especially dont spit on the ground user that could be very dangerous for the poor people walking in it

Attached: when i see a merchant in the temple.jpg (593x767, 54.64K)

May your coughs travel far, Brother!

funneling energy to corona in your lungs bro. Godspeed

Nope I'm doing it and I'm not getting in trouble either fuck you fed

Kikes out in force over this one, thats how you know its effective

>Oh no, don't infect the cliquish groups of subversive Hebrews that worm their way into every aspect of government and culture!
Guess what? That corrupt senator is a kike from the same neighborhoods as these old jewish fucks.

Kikes scared of getting coofed on

Israelis really are stupid enough to think we are going to do what they suggest and that we dont know that they're jews. They really do go too far, every time.

the chad plaguebearer

Where do you think those mega jews come from?

Yep. All the stupid ones are happy with bread and circus, pol self selects

All pictures of even remotely attractive "Nazi Girls" are photoshopped.




And even if its real its for fashion or memes, no spiritual shit behind it

Don't feed the kike with arguments it only makes them stronger, just keep coofing on them, I'm very statistically likely to actually have the virus right now as im in a densely populated tourist area and work with hundreds of people in close contact daily and was helping countless, countless, countless Chinese people over Chinese new year. Its the end everyone. I've been in the same close contact with hundreds of people daily since chinese new year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Buy kosher foods or go to the kosher foods section, spitting on hands then touching everything is less visible than coughing as you can act like you're just wiping your face after drinking water or something. People will be concerned with you coughing on everything but no one suspects the spit hand.

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I would though. Put me on the list. Give me some glownigger visits. When I get sick I'm going everywhere and out of my way to infect as many prominent jews and politicians as I can.

good advice user

Are you being disingenuous by trying to argue that hot young women holding the autobiography of our fuhrer is a bad thing? You are either a kike or you dont understand how propaganda works. Kike.

Why not both? Its not illegal to coof. Which we should turn into a slogan for chinese nationalists who cry about racism which in turn will only make people more racist toward them. Lmao

Cough on the glowniggers and just act like you have no idea what they're talking about. Is this the new tactic when dealing with feds and cops? Just act like you have corona? Who would try to arrest someone and risk getting sick themselves?
If I get this I WILL be visiting federal buildings and touching all their shit. come at me glowniggers, this is a threat. Oh, I'm sorry officer, is it a crime for me to go to this public building? No? *cough* sorry officer I have as much right to be here as you.

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You didnt counterargument anything here, I also didnt deny that it could be more overt or subtil in order to gather space

I would say it really depends on where you are. If you are just shopping in the local neighborhood the spit hand is better as if you're a regular you don't want to attract suspicion. If you're going to some far away area coof everywhere. Make sure to spit / coof on the inside handle of bathroom doors too. You don't want people videotaping you coughing or anything so you have to be careful. If they get more aggressive with their corona countermeasures (they will) it will be much more difficult to hide it and you may get put into quarantine if you just coof everywhere.

You didnt counterargument anything here, I also didnt deny that it could be more overt or subtil in order to gather space

Never forget:
You are doing Gods work.

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unbelievably based

Not here in the US you will absolutely not be forcibly quarantined, we are far too liberal to force quarantines. People are too afraid of being called names to do anything drastic. I would say dont make it obvious that you're intentionally coughing on things. And this thread isnt about spreading to a supermarket its about spreading specifically to jews.

Based thank you God idea

No hand spitting and touching the kosher stuff was a great idea I'm definitely doing that too

It sounds like wherever you are is about to get fucked hard. Godspeed, man, we are rooting for you

Also user just thought of something more important. Jew sees you cough on his kosher food he doesn't buy. Spit hand near people, cough if you're shopping and there's few people.

Good ideas guys keep them coming


Based. Godspeed!

This is now a waiting room for the next palindrome.