Fuck the chinks

The Chinese are really fucking asking for a war aren't they?

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More like, fuck the Jews who offshored drug production.

wondering what this virus will look like in a few years when it mutates into something more, it might be deadly as people fear but it'll still make you deathly sick PLUS its stupid highly contagious, you get it just by breathing... look how far its spread in only a few weeks... its already all over the world

Chinks are niggers who act like jews

At what point does the myth that the USA needs china end? We have some rich people that love making billions shipping shit from there and exploiting what is basically modern day slavery. That's the only reason we are doing business there, nobody in the USA ever asked for this shit.

the OP has never stepped into any biotech lab in the US becuase if he did, he would know that literally every scientist & worker in any pharmaceutical lab in the US looks like this

Attached: chinese scientist_01.jpg (512x340, 54.25K)

when chinks quit screaming it in nervous desperation.

everyone knows its really the other way around.

This. No one asked for our manufacturing jobs to get shipped off over there. It's just a bunch of traitors and kikes making us reliant on the chinks.

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>everyone knows its really the other way around.
it's both at the same time.
mutts and chinks are basically the same fucking country at this point.

We truly need to turn this around. I'm sure that there are fine and ethical scientists from China, but the Chinese government is hostile and has planted spies and saboteurs among them. We need to incentivise our bright young people to go into biological sciences, and if we have to put quotas on the Chinese, well, that's life.

And not a single redditor will be fighting in it. Fuck off.

How you got into the position where you relied on China to supply 90% of your pharmacueticals is beyond me,

>it's both at the same time.
yeaaaaaa, no. if we completely decouple, america hits a speedbump while we get production going here again.
china otoh will loose out on like 80% of their exports, have a massive recession, massive inflation while the party trys to prop up non existant numbers, and probably mass riots when most of a billion people suddenly have no income and no way to pay for their closet sized apartments or a package of ramen for the days meal.

china is so hopelessly reliant on exports to the usa its both hilarious and pathetic.

Based Chinks.

that picture's from china. i can't find any pictures of american labs full of chinks.

>relocate production to the US
But it's not just the factories and slave labor, they also have all of the raw materials. We would still need to import those in order to make anything.

If we fight anyone in the coming years I hope its them.
We would absolutely ravage them.

Raw materials that only China can supply ?

and china can either sit on those raw materials and be poor, or sell them to us and be slightly less poor.
you act like merely having them in the ground gives them power. its really the only card they have on the table.

Over 90% of American antibiotics is produced in China. If they decide to fuck you black death will look like "just a flu bro" in comparison.

>the Jews offshore production of essential stuff to Chyna because it's 10 cents cheaper
>Chyna doesn't want to play ball anymore
Typical conservatard. Always looking at symptoms, never at root causes.

New sources are being researched, this will not be forgotten.


>asking for a war by not exporting stuff
you have no idea how retarded you sound, I guess

and? are you positing that its impossible to get that shit produced here again? are you implying we dont have the people or knowhow anymore? whats your point?

as i said, speedbump while domestic production gets going again.

im also not stupid enough to handle while prarie dogs so im not worried about black death.

*handle wild prairie dogs*

It's millions of corpses not "a speedbump", pumpkin. And bloviating retards in your guberment won't start "fixing" anything shit before SHTF. But at least it might redpill some people.

Oh okay so we'll just make it here, and probably spark a new pharmaceutical manufacturing boom in the process. Long term it hurts China, cause we'll stop buying from them at that point. Fuck chinks regardless, everyone knows only non-whites die from coronavirus.

Did the chinks create the virus or not?
Huh? Who started this whole shitfest?
Tell me you nordic fuck.

I doubt the Chinese with their 3rd world health system will be the first to develop a medication anyway. Much more likely to be from the US or even Australia

Why can't just every country be US but without niggers?

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>asking ?
they declared it

Attached: NUKEM.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>implying millions will just suddenly die of black death without china
>calling me pumpkin
china is pathetic, and completly dependant on usa customers for its existance, and nothing you say or think will change that.

>China, through tremendous sacrifice and effort of Chinese people under vigorous leadership of the Party, manage to contain virus and buy world several months to prepare
>cumskins sit on their ass and think it will be fine if they wash their hands
>it was not fine

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For things like this you need the State to run the economy. Now all the shit, drugs, clothes, phones, cars, etc. are made 90% in China. China has problems, cuts the production and the world runs out of many things... What a stupid system.

We need a significant ramp up of the US manufacturing industry.

Tucker has been warning about this sort of thing for years.

>no basic medication
>implying millions won't die
It is but reverse is true too for no reason. You not only made fucking bugpeople into a superpower you also fucked yourself in the ass in the process.

How could you blame the chinks for that instead of blaming your own Jew government for outsourcing medicine production. Slave mentality cuck who’s too scared and brainwashed to criticise your overlords.

I wonder when more people will start to realise how a certain group were working in partnership with China with the sole aim of destroying the US economy which would have been followed swiftly by a total collapse of the country.
I wonder who Adam Schiff is really working for, my bets would be on China

keep shilling chang, it would be a speedbump for us, and death to the party.

This shit has to stop.
Let the chinks make cheap plastic toys, but keep essential industries in the country.
Globalism was a mistake that will cost us dearly.

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You are literally braindead, huh. The fuck hapenned to Yas Forums in a last year

to be fair you do need china at this point
you COULD have produced everything domestically and kept wages high and boost your own economy but the eternal jew will never even consider a 1% decrees in revenue

They created this plague in the first place so I say nukes are long overdue.

FYI typically things mutate to become less lethal

I've noticed that no one has dared mentioned the gword at all when talking about all of this (((financial uncertainty)))

Not the point. The point is that you are a good goy with a slave mentality who refuses to lay on blame on those at fault, your own kike government.

>Blame The Chinks who view this as a war while the US doesn't.
>Blame the Clintons for giving China a massive trade advantage.
>Blame the colleges for spending decades educating our enemy.
>Blame the jews for outsourcing all of our critical industry.

Not even sure if there's enough rope at this point.

I think the government made the plague on purpose, to get rid of the population growth.

Attached: thatsterror.jpg (200x200, 13.34K)

Can't start a war if you're sick, US.

They already know they’re fucked. They’ve unleashed a pandemic and the world is too occupied with simply weathering it. When shit calms down though? China is getting economically fucked up the ass, to death.

kek in the state you'll be in within two months the only thing you'll be fighing is Corona Chan's sweet embrace.

Keep voting republican then I’m sure they will save your jobs

>Glass the Middle east
>Glass Israel
>Glass China
>Glass Africa

World Peace can be achieved in this decade.

drugs do not work against corona-chan

You're the one to talk bongo. Don't you need a license to even be on the internet?

>can't do anything when you're sick

That rules only applies to work, we can still pillage and murder while ill.

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world war can be archieved in this decade

>things mutate to become less lethal

things are faggots

Why waste nukes on Africa? They are no threat if we just close the borders. Stop sending them aid and the problem will correct itself.

Whats the betting those 30k emails that disappeared were China related ?

It was already everywhere, the testing is simply being rolled out with a time lag for maximum panic.

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I hate my government. I don’t get manipulated into supporting treasonous rats like Zion Don like you do, fat.

>its the chinese gov't fault we don't make our own drugs!

how do they convince people of this shit

>to be fair you do need china at this point

Watch the fucking machine of which the US is soon.


Attached: 1583879332178.jpg (1920x1080, 674.11K)

the world ain't seen nothing yet.

USA is about to fucking dominate the world again for the next 60 years.

by then the Democrats will corrupt the whole system again and we gotta do all this fucking bullshit over again.


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Listen to what this guy says... And now this headline... Hmm...