Well? I'm waiting

Well? I'm waiting....

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Lazy nigger parents.

Because their parents are spending all money on drugs.

>I'm waiting....
for your tendies?

abuse of ebt by nogs

Niggers don't feed their kids if the gubmint schools will do it for them.

>someone somewhere has a shitty life, how is the economy so great?
Nigger logic, everyone.

that's their chief concern because they don't have any real concerns

Niggers need to feed their kids instead of their crack habits

My SO teaches elementary grades at one of these schools in Harlem.
First year she cried almost everyday at home. Kids are horrible and lack basic life skills. 90% of the teachers are completely checked out / do not want to get sued / do not want to talk to parents.
It's a real fucking problem and I don't think anyone is doing anything about it. Entire generation of lost children who can't behave and are often times violent to each other.
I don't want to seem all negative here. She says out of 35~ or so students there is usually one "good one".

>Import millions of poor uneducated poeple for decades
>why are there so many poor uneducated people

Stop trading your ebt for Newports, lean, and weaves and baby can now eat. Wa la.

Because they're being raised by single mothers too poor to raise children. Zero fucking responsibility having retarded ass subliterate...humans. and you motherfuckers on here want to make it harder for no impulse control idiots to get abortions. Fuck my life.

Not the job of teachers to raise kids. The situation you described is a result of shitty parenting. The goal of good parenting is to make your child not a fucking pain in the ass to be around by the time they're 4, so their peers want to associate with them, and other adults want to share knowledge/resources with them.

Because Queen had to spend that on extension, bitch. If you hungry get a job nigga. You uncle can get you in the game. Little nigga like you can mule shit anywhere.

Because those children have shitty parents, probably niggers

I agree but it’s voila not what you typed, dumb fuck.

You just summarized the problem with niggers.

stop trading your food stamps for drugs

No you retard. Niggers want to live in the jungle. If you take them out of it they will do everything they can to make their new environment into a jungle.

Blacks, latinos, and white trash leasing cars, buying $900 phones, nursing a weed, heroin, and/or crack habit, and being unwilling to use condoms tend to rely on the state for things. They've become so fat and lazy that the idea of boiling some rice and beans is so far beyond the scope of their lives that it never even crosses their minds.

Nigger parents

Because niggers are impulsive animals who don’t have the brains necessary to plan ahead for the well-being of them and their children

This crap is so retarded.
A year ago it was all about poor children getting fatter and fatter and now they're suddenly starving.

Think how better the economy will be after we let all the poor and elderly die in the next 12 months.

This is the correct answer.

So I went to this lady's twitter, and she says this:
"It’s absolutely a parents responsibility to feed their own kids. That doesn’t absolve government of its OWN responsibility to create the circumstances and climate for parents which make it easy to do that. "

It is a two way street, though. NYC is one of the most expensive places on Earth. Social safety net works much better when paired with a sense of personal responsibility.

Kill them all


Walla is a Yas Forums meme

Because niggers and other shitskins reproduce without thinking about how they'll care for their children.

this 100%

wasn't there just a twitter outrage because the parents have to pay for school food? isn't this a bit contradictory?

As a full time school teacher in Philadelphia I’ll say this.

This whole city would shut down if we couldn’t babysit these million wild children for hours at a time. 80% of schools here have asbestos, and 34% have lead water. But they can’t close any schools because the system here literally can not handle it.

Coronavirus will ducking destroy Philly.

Parents:"My kids won't eat unless someone from the government feeds them for free."
Criticize the parents for being shit at caring for their own children?
Criticize the government?

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Based queen informing us we can’t close because of starving negroids
>close anyways

Don’t have a child if you can feed them nigger

This is proof of overpopulation.

>risk getting other kids sick so the nigger kids can eat.
Fuck niggers and fuck nigger logic. The world would be a better place if all niggers starved to death.

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If schools close, it will expose what a third world shithole America is. I hope they do it.

Trumps economy is great if you arent a citizen

Ayyyyy fuck the PSD. 440 should burn and all the incompetent fucks skimming millions off the top should be locked inside. So should 98% of the student base. Really just nuke this whole city.

>T Roxborough

No one relies on school food, if you did you would starve because the other part of this that the left spergs out about is that it's inedible and still costs money.

Students normally are responsible for paying for their own food, while lower income students can get subsidies for food. In some school districts everyone is poor enough to qualify for free lunches. I just have an account for my kids, and I get an email telling me if the account is overdrawn. My sons can only get the basic meal until I've deposited money.

It's not that they're lazy, it's that they're too stupid to offer any value to an employer.

Becuase your parents are niggers, just like you're a nigger, and your nigger parents spent their $1,200/month of food stamps on steak and lobster while buying you lunchables for dinner, selling what was left for crack, and then leaving breakfast and lunch up to your school- becuase niggers.

Their crackhead parents are too lazy and neglectful to feed them. Its because theyre shitty people who starve their kids while they club and get high, not because theyre too poor to eat

Thank god i live in the middle of nowhere

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Just saving up money and getting certs together to hopefully one-day start a homestead.

Shitty parenting is the cause of all the problems in our society. It started with how the boomers were raised and the cycle continues

>steak and lobster
Thats an odd way way to spell drugs and newports

She should make them a sandwich. Then the problem would be solved.

What happens during holidays?

I spent some time working in a grocery store, they literally buy expensive shit for themselves and garbage for their kids.

Id recomend northern new england either new hampshire or maine stay away from vermont it fucking sucks
T vermont

They go hungry or subsist on snack food.

My fiance also works in the district.


NOBODY in America can not afford food. there are obese hobos who live solely on the largesse of strangers.

food security outside of warzones is basically a solved problem. even poor countries have more fatties than people starving

Because when niggers know the state will feed their child they use their money to buy shit for themselves. Never forget that all Blacks see their children as a burden and nothing more.


1 post by this id
Fuckin jannies clean this shit up

Nigger will trade their children for crack, feeding them isn't high priority.


>if the economy is so great, why aren't the babies eating?

Because their parents are shit, and spend their welfare money on drugs.