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Never met a spic but niggers are fucking awful.

No argument from me.
t. spic

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Lucky bastard. Even young children at my local Walmart speak Spanish. It's fucking disgusting.

Is it only ok when white people speak it?

No, the entire language is tainted by these ugly brown people

Niggers just do what their monkey instincts tell them to.
Spics have the benefit of being able to do more, but choose not to. That makes them worse


Spics at least have varying percentages of European genes in then. Nigs are simply devoid of any.

For proof just compare Latin America to Africa. Both suck, but one far worse than the other

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Literal North American Jews
Both subvert host nations
Both wear stupid hats
Both eat circular bread with toppings
Both brown skinned desert tribes
Both practice human sacrifice
Both see themselves as the next "White people"
Both pretend to be white
Both support illegal immigration
Both support refugee relocation to host nations
Both refuse refugees into their own country but help them get into other countries.
Spics are American Jews.

it's perfectly fine when anyone speaks it so long as they aren't living in a country that doesn't speak it.

Jews from Spain had a large influence on the evolution of Hispanic culture in the Americas.

I've met plenty of spics who are perfectly normal people. the worst ones are generally the ones who hang around niggers anyway.
niggers can't even pretend to be human. even the "good" ones always have some fucking unbearable nigger tendency that they just can't contain for more than 2 minutes, whether it's being ridiculously loud or just starting shit with people for no reason. they're worse in every way.

t. Ramirez who will bring Hispanics is not a race

nigger kulture is the worst, spics can be as low as niggers too....but not always

California in reluctant agreement here

Not worse than nigger...
say a Mexican gets killed trying to grab a cops gun during a botched robbery where the man is being arrested... the Mexican dies. Don't expect Mexicans to support him like he dindunuffin... dindunuffins on the other hand...

Say what you want about niggers, but they have been here for centuries..Unfortunately they are a part of America and its history....But their population is actually decreasing....they were 15% in the 1960s and 14% now due to abortions....I dont have to "worry" about America becoming Africa 2.0.....Mexicans on the other hand, are pieces of fucking shit. And I would know because I live in San Diego and work in construction.70% are on welfare, they send half their paycheck back to Mexico (hurting our economy)....they steal Social Security Numbers, they all pop out 6 kids so they can get food stamps....they litter, they park shitty cars everywhere. they play horrendous ranchero music.....they are cocky as fuck and think Mexico is an amazing place (yet they flee it)....I could go on and on.

Daily reminder if you support rap / sports you are supporting more niggers to infest your country and neighbourhoods.

Solution: Turn that nigger music off.

Nigger music comes on the radio? Turn it off. GF wants to listen to nigger music so she can imagine good ol nigger dick in her pussy while you fuck her? Turn that nigger music off. Watching sportsball? Turn that nigger shit off. Never allow rich niggers to run around the country to impregnate your women you absolute fucking retarded mutts.

I would agree only because Spiks have 34 Latin American nations allo third world, Niggers in Africa have 54 Nations all third world, so Niggers have more third worlds, however percentage wise they are both 100% for third world,,,,,,,,,,,,, so not much to differentiate between the two low IQ people.

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I can agree.

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Learn how to write English and lurk moar before you decide to comment, chink

niggers stick to their inner city shitholes and just maintain their population. spics are an ever expanding tumor that move as close to whites as possible and shit out 10 kids a pop.

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>young children at my local Walmart speak Spanish
where is this?

New Jersey

Niggers tend to like staying in their containment shitholes. That's why the government constantly has to put the foot down and spread them into white communities with housing projects. There are also far less of them.
Spics on the other hand are as numerous and free roaming as any other kind of vermin.

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True but pol is filled with spics
In 1999 they had 47% of all time f America’s gangs
They have easy hot women so incel fags over look it
I thought u fags were about statistics and data first. Of course you’re barely gonna get spainish colonial tourists with bad
You get English ones

Just wiki homicide crime n rape rates then shit post an act like u got an iq

That pic lotta bros n dads say that an I wonder same thing. If you’re a mobster u don’t think my cousins so t retaliate

If it's brown
Put it down

Isaiah 3:32

Idk about that but at least nogs aren't as coordinated and bloodthirsty as the cartels. They're doing some fucked up inhuman shit down there.

I always why have black n muslim hate thread when latinos are worse.
Even in own country Brazil Honduras Mexico Colombia etc are worse then India Kenya South Africa Iraq Iran .

Compare USA vs Europe on crime except Russia, America blows Europe outta the water and it’s Latino gang homicicdes are bad

Only thing I see is that black n Muslim women are loyal and ugly while latinas are hot and easy .

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>about niggers, but they have been here for centuries
>i live in SAN DIEGO
It really makes you think

there's literally nothing worse than a leftie

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But that’s Mexican culture even random spics chimp out n try n mog gringos

And what point are you trying to make retard? The beaners invading weren't living in San Diego 100s of years ago.

Honestly user you may be on to something.
Consider the case of the "based black man". The based black man HATES niggers. He hates them more than anything in the world. He wants nothing to do with them. So he dresses white, he talks white, he votes white. He's not trying to fit in and fake being white, he knows he'll never pass. He just hates niggers THAT much. This doesn't mean you should necessarily make him your ally of course, but his hatred of niggers will make his attitudes on certain topics consistent enough to plan around.

Now consider a white-allied spic. No matter how much he might tell you he hates illegals, he's never quite fully on your side. He's always still got just a little bit of pride in his spicness and refuses to back down if it ever gets questioned. Somewhere he's still got a mexican flag hanging up on his wall. He still speaks spanish when he talks to his abuela. He'll never truly be on your side; deep down he's still jealous of the white man more than he dislikes his own subhuman kin.

> Only defense is calling me chink
Fuck off spic roach. You're not white or wanted. Get used to it.

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Fucking CALLED IT!!!!

Spics are evil

spics arent as bad as niggers but breed like locust

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they'll never acknowledge this, no matter how many times you say it. all they do is make excuses for themselves. at least with blacks they'll just straight up tell you that they think you suck.

>latinas are hot and easy


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t. guy who's lived in spicville and niggeropolis for 7 years each
Spic > niggers because at least spics will work.

Why so rude, did cholos dismembered your family sweaty?

This, it is impossible to escape from them.
Niggers are actually relatively well segregated into specific cities and states.

White Americans survived with niggers for over 400 years, spics will destroy America before 2045 (80 years).

Seen both and I agree with OP. Negros can be funny sometimes and dont vote. They keep to themselves for the most part and just do stupid COONSUMER shit. They at least speak a form of English and do not want to enforce a culture on whites. While niggers in big cities are dangerous and are violent they are not smart enough to destroy a nation and keep their numbers low.

Spic on the other hand come into our school and take most of the funding into their English as a second language programs. They speak Spanish in public and expect you to learn.

Some spics at least have a work ethic. Niggers are dumb AND lazy.


As much as I hate spics i hate niggers more.

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I agree. Spanish is a disgusting language.

>spics will destroy America before 2045 (80 years).
That's for disstabilize the Middle East and fill Europe with rapefugees

True because whites won’t generally breed with niggers but they will with spics

Thanks for the info Lamp shade.

Watch out for young school children.

The bottom line for me is violent crime and niggers are the absolute worst in that regard. Rape, home invasions, knockout games, flash mobs against whitey, niggers do the most crime and I hate them the most. That doesn't mean they're a lesser problem than spics. Spics are the demographic death looming over us, but at least that's a slow decline under our Jew masters. Niggers are african brutality showing up at your grandmother's house to rape and beat her to death.

All this jibber-jabber about niggers and spics only address the symptoms. We'll eventually have to address the (((real problem))).

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Fica chorando por nos

i thought you were describing anglos for a moment

>1 post by this ID
Every time

Didn't we just have a few threads of 15 blacks ganging up on a girl to steal her sneakers? I never see spics or whites pull that shit in the US.

checks out

it's not slow, we're already replaced. white infants are officially under 50%. in 15 years you're going to wake up one day and find yourself in a foreign country.

>Implying that you can differentiate where the jew's mutilated cock ends and where the anglo's man filthy mouth begins

Fastest growing minority group are Asians. And not the ones you think. Seems like demographics will always be changing in this country.

Blue California soon blue Texas hahahahaha having babies and crossing the border. Its just so easy. Took over the trades in the next twenty years we'll be in the boardrooms. Now get back in your lifted truck with your sagging pants and blast the rap music , don't forget to hang your sleeved arm out the window because your a badass remember. Seethe

we're not in England, pablo.

since you have a meme flag I bet you never been around either one...
spics are 10x better.. I grew up in So cal and on a street with both.

I like Mexicans

I wouldn't include spain in the 1st world either

The average American nigger has 12% European dna

We're smarter and stronger then you

Viva Azlan!

Both have their downfalls. I much prefer a pack of spics over a pack of niggers though.

What? This isn't new information:pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/09/08/key-facts-about-asian-americans/
>The U.S. Asian population grew 72% between 2000 and 2015 (from 11.9 million to 20.4 million), the fastest growth rate of any major racial or ethnic group. By comparison, the population of the second-fastest growing group, Hispanics, increased 60% during the same period.

>In a survey, Asian-Americans reported a lower likelihood of filling out their census forms than any other demographic group.

You do realize what's going on in the US now, right? In fact the whole world? Before long you'll be running back to the border hoping to god a batallion of rednecks doesn't snipe your ass. When bat virus takes down society we're kicking all you fucks out and there will be no one to stop us


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>per capita
how fucking stupid do you think I am, pablo? you're not shirking the blame for the death of America. history will mark you as the perpetrators.

>how fucking stupid do you think I am
Sub 90 IQ at best.

Thank you, from a southern white man whose family has been here for 300 years. Broward is fucked from spics, send ape help

There are far more spics but pound-for-pound, niggers are by far the worst.

Valid argument. spics breed like fucking rats. Niggers do to but there lower iq ensures that prison and death will keep there numbers more or less stagnant.

White liberals

I'm a Puerto Rican girl who only fucks with white guys. What are you going to do to me Yas Forums :))))