The Cornovirus is no worse than the flu, Change my mind.
The Cornovirus is no worse than the flu, Change my mind
I agree bearing in mind that the flu kills plenty. All the places having trouble are places which did not take quarantine seriously.
In my city 20 infected 4 dead Italy montichiari
All you have to do to not get coronavirus is have reasonable hygiene.
What do you mean by worse
>Has a higher infection rate due to longer dormancy and more successful transmission than flu
>has a higher mortality rate than flu
Not really, no
Washing your hands doesn't stop other people from coughing in public
It's just a flu with a few severe imprevedibile cases of interstitial pneumonia
its better because it kills nonwhites
It’s only bad in dirty cities. And countries. Wash your hands.
What's a comfy steam game I can play while hiding from the world? I like RTS like Red Alert but would be up for a /comfy/ 1st person puzzle game or open sandbox world.
Zinc and Vitamin C are a part of 'reasonable hygiene'
Countries wouldn't quarantine entire cities, shut down schools, and lose millions in profits over the simple flu.
I guess so, if you want to make up a new definition for hygiene
It's Italy it's a rich suburbs you can't get cleaner if you tried they wash the fucking streets every week
>american hygiene
Can't change stupid
Not official sauce you brainlet. You deserve to be infected.
>no worse than the flu
Flu killed 50 million when introduced, and continues to kill thousands every year.
Yet your rich fine on maggot ingested cheese. Explain.
Isn't it legal to masturbate in public in Italy?
If you liked tiberian sun there is the stand alone mod Twisted Insurrection. IIRC it is mainly based if nod won the first in war and has it own story. They even got Frank Klepacki to do some music for it
That's the South this is the North. You have rednecks too right?
First Tiberian war*
...until it mutates!!
You have no mind to change, you retarded brainlet if you think it’s just a flu get on a flight to Seattle or new rock city faggot.
Seasonal Flu
SARS2 COVID Boogaloo
Can anyone explain to my why folks are mass buying toilet paper instead of food or water. I'll admit im a youngfag and this is the first disease scare im cognizant of. Is there some trick im not seeing here? it just seems so dumb
Our rednecks tend to be cleaner than the cityfolk. Or at the very least, less diseased.
Come and try it see how it works out....
The disease is similar, problem is that nobody is immune. If nothing was done to slow down the spread, too many would get sick within a short period, causing serious social and economic disruption that would also increase mortality.
Q: Why do shills intentionally misspell words?
A: The subconscious is flagging the lie so that others will not suffer on account of it.
You missed the opportunity to name that Webm
>Pentecostal church
Italians aren't white!
> Change my mind.
Simply lurk more faggot...
Standing within 4m of an infected asymptomatic person is close contact.
The way airborne transmission was discovered was in Hong Kong. A known case infected fellow apartment dwellers who lived on different floors. It was spreading through the HVAC system. This same method doomed the Death Princess and will also doom the Gore Princess.
>added supplements
Just neck yourself you narrative spouting tard.
I doubt that and if true I'm sad for you. Italians are clean people in general, in fact most people go overbord with how many products they use
precisely this...
the fact that its super contagious may be the reason for the extreme decisions being made by govt bodies.
however, it could be that they aren't telling us everything about this virus... so they downplay the severity to suppress fear meanwhile putting a ridiculous amount of effort to prevent the spread.
something doesn't quite add up with what they are saying versus what they are doing.
Sure but there not blacks either
It’s air-born viral cold that causes pneumonia and suppresses your immune system while killing your kidneys, and your testis.
Also can cause permanent damage to infertility as well as lungs, and kidneys.
Last when you are declared “recovered”, the virus goes dormant in your intestine bacteria and shows up on fecal matter meaning public toilets are now out of option, if you take a dump somewhere someone infected took a dump you get corona-chaned.
Last the virus can hide in your brain membrane like SARS and MERS.
Just a flu bro
All right. Pick any European country that you would be surprised it got so many cases as Italy... That's right, pol always copes with this x country has a lot of shitskins.
Countries down go on lockdown during the flu
Fuck your mother.
Shut the fuck up contrarian faggot
it's quarantine angst. they are afraid they need to stay put for weeks and apparently shitting is most important. (or paper runs out in shops easily?)
Doesn't change the fact you are descended from the mores and will not be joining us for the fourth reich.
going to need sources for all of those "points"
You're not wrong. Happening losers need the dopamine rush of prepping for their Fallout fantasy. Their reality is wage slaving every day, coming home and fantasizing some more on Yas Forums. We lived through y2k, sars, avian flu, swine flu and many more. Reality is much more boring than everyone hopes for. The kikes are pushing the sensational alarmism and these faggots fall for it hook, line and sinker.
This. The permanent after affects will make life hell on earth for many. Fibrosis kills within ten years and requires a transplant which if that gets rejected start making funeral arrangements.
This is nothing to do with the virus. It was some stupid fucking art project.
source or didn't happen
You talk about rugged individualism like it's a bad thing.
If there is a country that can restart humanity its this one it has before it can do it again
Even if it was just a flu, when was the last time you had influenza? Full-blown influenza? I've only had it once, and it was fucking brutal. "Flu" is not the common cold.
You are much more likely to get this because there is zero herd immunity. If you're lucky it will be "just a flu" (fucking horrible) but it's around a 1 in 5 chance that you'll have difficulty breathing and will need hospital support. Even if you live, pneumonia and assisted breathing is no fun at all.
>bad thing was nothing before so therefore all bad things are nothing
its the easiest to carry and your stockpile looks massive. No real value in case of shtf
The fun thing about the virus is that everyone thinks it's not a big deal until the hospitals fill up. Then everything goes to shit. That's what happened in Hubei and Italy.
It's because people often run out of it anyway. Nothing worse than taking a shit and then finding out you've run out of toilet paper. They think "what do I run out of a lot?" and the answer is "toilet paper." No logic to it beyond that.
yep. and COVID-19 is much more severe than the flu in general (higher % need ICU support) so it'll be interesting to see what happens within the next couple of months
The exact opposite of this
Look you retards all this shit isn't happening because it's worse than the flu, which it totally may be but it's far too early to tell, it's because this is new and scary and we don't know what the fuck to do yet. Additionally it has something like a 20% mortality rate for people over 65 or something don't quote me on that but whatever it is it's fucking significant, and we can't do anything to stop it yet.
>no vaccine until 2021
imagine the rest of this year....