Older Millennials born in the 80s and Early 90s have it the worst

>9/11 integrated in childhood/young adult years
>Endless war in the middle east
>Major economic recession in 2008
>Open borders for all
>Less children, broken marriages
>Pandemic now in 20s/30s that will likely kill their boomer parents

Older Millennials really have it the worst

Attached: millennials.jpg (1000x2292, 500.34K)

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I work construction fuck my fat girlfriend and play halo idgaf

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How many additional pylons do you construct a day?

Who the fuck is Devon Sawa?

Seriously I was born in 1990 someone tell me.


9/11? New York problem
Middle East war? Not my problem, so far away
Economic Recession? Scored professional job at end of 2008
Open borders? Not really a concern for people not living near borders
Broken marriage? Still married and have healthy, happy daughter
Pandemic killing parents? Never liked them anyway and made my way in life without mommy & daddy holding my hand, will gladly inherit their wealth though. Old enough to have money to invest in stock market at perfect time to advantage of bad news.

Life is good.

he's that kid who had all the acid in his pocket and thought heroin Bob was Jesus in SLC Punk
he's also in a bunch of other movies from that time period I can't think of at the moment

The worst part of those born in the early-mid '90s is going through your teens during the social media culture revolution. Those born after it are well-accustomed to it because that's all they really knew. Those born during it were kind of confused with the old culture and new culture splitting them apart.

Fucking fatties is not based but Halo is, specifically Halo 2. If you play anything besides Halo: CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3, you’re a confirmed cock bandicoot and probably have AIDS from all the dick you’ve chugged like so many veiny hot dogs down your loose gullet.

>Open borders? Not really a concern for people not living near borders
Based retard.

What the fuck is smarm. Is that referring to sarcasm and person acting that way?

that guy that was cute for a while then he crashed face first into a brick wall and then appeared in the stan video.

i didn't understand most of the stuff in the pic

but I do agree we have been shafted by society the most

i'm literally getting sued by a baby boomer asshole right now and its laughable how the legal system rallies around boomtards

It's sarcastic smugness

What is this normie extravaganza? I have no clue what anything in that pic is

Halo 2 is obviously the best Halo with CE and 3 being close 2nd but I unironically enjoyed both 4 and 5s multiplayer. 5's Warzone mode is fun as fuck

I only remember him from Idle hands

Born in '94, here. You are objectively wrong. Halo 3 is best, CE is second and 2 is third.

Reach gets a special mention because the campaign was so well written, but it's multiplayer and "class" system ruined Halo.

>lder Millennials born in the 80s and Early 90s have it the worst

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You know what happened my FIRST DAY of high school?

I could probably get social security for permanent mental distress

Nah, it got progressively worse since the boomers and their joomer puppetmasters shitted over everything.

t. older millennial

>born in ‘94 here

So you were 10 when Halo 2 came out and what, 11 or 12 when it was on Xbox live for the first time? Fuck off you’re basically a zoomer. Play some Fortnite and eat some tide pods bitch. Halo 2 is the best multiplayer game EVER made, with honorable mention to early iterations of CS and of course Unreal Tournament. Fite me

I was born in 87. The worst thing was the crisis that happened pretty much right as when I was beginning my independent life. Other than that, it's all good, I grew up without the Internet or with the shitty dial-up, so I wasn't bombarded with shit all the time and actually had a childhood where we played outside and didn't have to carry phones all the time.

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Based for a Leaf

I've seen seen reports put them from 1979-2000, so I'm going off a broad spectrum

Always used to hang out with that kid who hung out with Nigger Jim.

>The worst part of those born in the early-mid '90s is going through your teens during the social media culture revolution.
This. I remember a time before all this shit, when life was good and sensitble. Things were peaceful back then, schools being 100% white until secondary years. I witnessed a dark turn quite literally as I went from an age when we could leave our doors unlocked to hordes of niggers roaming the streets, thieving and spitting til there was a lethal stabbing just outside our doors the week before we moved away.

Capcha = parking metres. Those popped up and became a plague when the niggers did too.

Literally never played Fortnite.

>Unreal Tournament

You have redeemed yourself. Anyone that claims Quake is the better arena shooter is straight up retarded.

For real though, I did play 2 on Live somewhat. I remember being round at a friend's and learning the super jumps. The game's campaign was dogshit, however. Getting to play as an Elite and never killing humans was such a dumb decision.

GENZ GOT IT EVEN WORSE, THEY GET THE MOST TOXIC VACCINES, they get the biggest gov debt to be paid, lowered standard of living and incomes

Quake, Duke Nukem, Heretic, Doom, Synn, were far superior to some shitty council shooter.

92 here.


Fuck niggers

UT03 is a better arena shooter than literally any iteration of Quake. Go play Diabolical, retard.

alpha millennials are right now spawning more overlords (and basically, you're a cuck). the new generation is generation alpha.


Meant Diabotical.


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>that pic

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>>Pandemic now in 20s/30s that will likely kill their boomer parents
Memeflu isn't real but if this were real it would be the single greatest thing that's ever happened. Their unlocked hoarded wealth in the hands of people that are complete world destroying retards would usher in a new Golden Age.

A boomer made that image

Born 92 and it was weird, got the 90s, saw 9/11, then 2008 hit when I was in high school. It’s crazy I wonder how many people’s families broke up due to the financial collapse.

the projection and assumptions are strong with your slide post

the only good thing coming about with millennials is the lack of hands filling jobs
it gives more to the next generation that want it

Exactly my first thought as well

that are not*

almost got those digits

the real problem is "boomers" of all ages

born into a world of plenty only to see it all taken away
it's gonna be hard for many, but we will cope

i'll check 'em myself

Attached: boomer checklist.jpg (1358x1566, 419.05K)

'85 here. I'm not into being pitied because of circumstances I can't control. I guess the biggest "problem" about being born at this time is being lumped into one of two groups that you neither resemble or identify with.

graduating at the height of recession made it seriously difficult to find a job.

although in the long run it has made me way more frugal than i would have been otherwise.


old millennial here. i got lucky, and bought BTC in 2012. if i didn’t - i would be just as screwed as all the people i grew up with. only 1 of my friends as became marginally successful.
side note - TGIF was the best, ever

Games saved our generation. Imagine what a nightmare it would've been without it

I was born in 1985. I don't regret it one bit. I had a whole life before the internet that I can remember, and I got to cash in net culture before it became SJW cancer. 10/10 would not want to be born any later, definitely earlier though. The hippies lived in a land of peaches and cream.

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I‘m doing just fine. Married, two kids, upper middle class, nice home. What more could one ask for?

games permanently damaged the reward mechanisms in your brain. men have an innate desire to accomplish things. this is why they write books, explore oceans, go the moon, invent stuff etc.

games give you a feeling of accomplishment with very little effort, and without any real accomplishment. so then when you go out into the world you expect rewards to be plentiful and accomplishments to be easy, because your brain has been conditioned to expect this.

I‘m actually pretty glad we did not have the internet or smartphones like teens today. I know i would have embarassed myself really fucking badly if i had been active on social media when i was 13. And don‘t make me think of the shameful vids that would have been recorded. No thanks.

you're based user

Maybe if you play shit games, games stole my time and my sense of achievement but once I got away from playing them as much all that energy I put into them went into other things

But I always liked working with my hands, learning carpentry and electrical came as naturally as minecraft.

Fucking your mom came as naturally as halo 3

Only for weak people who would've already been fucked up in the head withlut the games. For me it was great relief and escape from the darker times and I still came out fine and have a great job and prospect for the future

>Individuals born in the Generation X and millennial cusp years of the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s have been identified as a "microgeneration" with characteristics of both generations.[63] Names given to these "cuspers" include Xennials,[64] Generation Catalano,[65] and the Oregon Trail Generation.[66]

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Playing games by 343

Imagine another recession now
>skills market is fully saturated
>no more niches to fill and exploit

Getting a job after university would be turbo-aids

I'm a zoomer a fucking hate that I didn't get to experience the early internet fully

>getting sued

You forgot the student loan debt because the banks tricked us into the college meme when we were stupid.

you can barely put together a sentence