Should pornography be banned or will this encourage bootleg coom dens?
Should pornography be banned or will this encourage bootleg coom dens?
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Block the websites. Once people overcome their porn addiction they won't be coming back.
You cant ban porn if there's no pornographers left.
Take advantage of the coming chaos the plague will bring in minecraft.
*they won't come back
>Once people overcoom their porn addiction they won't be cooming back.
>caring about what other men do with their penis
Seems pretty gay to me
That's not how addiction works.
Does her choker say TUCKER CARLSON?
It's already full of jews and they have a huge experience with mafias and black market. You want to go full retard on this but banning middle men in sex work is a non-partisan cause that triggers kike shills lot.
Porn should only be accessible if you have a credit card and are 21+
all porn sites should be .sex, and not .com
regulation is the key to good healthy capitalism .
anybody caught peddling porn to kids will be shut down and all their money taken.
Why cant I coom in peace. Why must the non coomers prosecute my people. I just want to coom user is that to much to ask?
pornographers should be executed
> those empty eyes
>films and websites
>producers, directors and male actors
1. amnesty for anyone who swears it off
2. use the rest for breeding and take the kid away
>bong wanting shit banned
Imagine living in such a pozzed shithole you actually want less freedom. Cringed.
voting for this
this girls is one of the smarterst pornstars in the industry. she married young, became frustrated and niilistic. it really seem that she willingly took this destructive path on her own. sad
why not fucking ban everything ,,,,
the girl on the picture
What about virgin men who'll never have access to a woman in real life? Isn't porn just an alternative medicine for lonely men? And just because there's alcohol in the store that doesn't mean that you have to buy it and get drunk.
elena koshka
>Should pornography be banned
>that anticoomer
>likes to call everything degenerate despite not realizing that hes posting on one of the most degenerate websites to exist
>doesn't believe in science unless its some tiny literal who study about jacking off
>instead of just choosing to not go to porn sites, would rather just have them fucking banned
>still no girlfriend despite nofapping
Too bad you can't ever shift the guilt of your porn career once your looks fade, whore.
The actresses should just be assigned to incels as girlfriends. Each one could probably be gf to a dozen or so incels.
Imagine thinking this was a clever or useful thing to post. Kys brainlet
Sauce on pic?
Sauce on OP pic?
>male actors executed but not actresses
wow you're such a cuck it's unbelievable!
That's exactly how addiction works. Of course you can have a relapse, but it's harder to relapse when the drug isn't readily available.
Sex should also be made illegal. It's really just IRL cooming if you think about it.
Women have always been spoils of war. Don't be a retard user.
males are so pervert these days. i only see incest, and other vile things.
it's disgusting.
Instead of thinking of way to ban things you dont like... why not focus more on encouraging the things you do like?
When you become obsessed with controlling people you loose sight of your own goals and in the end you dont get anything done.
We need to show women and society why being a mother is such a wonderful gift and worth protecting.
Instead of trying to stop pornography try to promote traditionalism
1d porn chad
2+ dimensional degenerates
>tfw you have terabytes worth backed up
You'll have to pry it from my cold sticky hands.
We have the money to aggressively combat and arrest pornographers
Ban all pornography.
(((Pornographers))) are enemies of the people.
Statists will hang first faggot
Most states throughout history have tried to ban prostitution and it never amounted to anything. What makes you think you can ban porn in an age when the technology for distributing it is more advanced than ever before? Not even the commies in China are able to pull it off.
Violaters stoned publicly.
Recommendations are based on your viewing history.
elena koshka
she's great
t. coomer
>thousand cock stare
>Saves TBs of porn
>You'll never stop me!
Mate, you're going to kill yourself in five years so we're just gonna let you have the win here
No, if you think banning won't create more of a demand you're retarded
Legalize cheap prostitution(regulated with frequent testing) and porn will lose over 50% of it's funding. Getting a handy from a decent looking whore will feel better afterwards than doing it yourself.
>banning something makes sure it goes away forever!
Yeah no, likely you'll see black market unregulated porn and the odds of women being raped shoots through the roof
Shut the fuck up, coomer kike shill
Been collecting since 2002, I'll be fine m8
>Death sentence for something involves no coercion
This is why you don't write laws
Being online 16 hours a day probably fucks you up just as badly.
So if we ban Jews, we solve the porn problem?
Yes, it is.
>men are le evil rapists
simp detected
Because of the dopamine released people will prefer pornography over actual sex.
Bruh, when the time comes just remember that pills or inert gas are betting than a gun or jumping
Porn wouldn't even be needed if paying to coom weren't illegal in the US.
Porn needs to end somehow. First, ban porn producing companies from your country and ban the shooting of porn in your country. Porn is nothing but far left, drug using women being taken advantage of by far left companies, they all support mass immigration and all forms of degeneracy. Porn is 100% far left, 100% disgusting.
>not going on a jihad
Banning porn will not do anything significant. It will just create a black market for porn. The way to fight the Coomer epidemic is to keep making fun of Coomers and shame anyone who watches porn / masturbates.
You will never get rid of it though.
You ban porn, and you are asking for some serious issues later down the road in society.
Good thing I’m not online 16 hours a day. That’s what major cumbrained coomers do.
yes, ban all pornography
>ban the shooting of porn in your country
Kek, my phone can shoot 4k footage for over 10 minutes, you're retarded if you think this will do anything
Can one heal?
I got exposed to porn really young and had an addiction. I meet that description. Will I ever heal?
A few years back I didn't have access to the internet or computer for 2 months. It was the best time of my life. I wish I could go back to that.
Why would you ban porn? I used to be a coomer. Decided it was best for me to stop, so now i see other dudes wasting their days cooming to porn and i chuckle. Retards will always be retards. You cant stop people from doing what they want. What you have to do is change YOURSELF, and then these things wont matter. I literally dont give a fuck a bout porn anymore because i dont watch it. Thats it.
I got addicted to facesitting and pissing. I'm told these are patrician fetishes but it feels wrong.
Porn should be banned, brothels should be encouraged. Roasties and clients have to have test results from within the past week in order for it to be a legal transaction.
Then why doesn't Chad get all those symptoms mentioned in the image, from having consistent sex with hundreds of women?
Public executions for the producers
>Admits that personal responsibility can prevent this shit as opposed to government
>banning things doesn’t work
Get the fuck out liberal faggot.
Banning child porn doesn’t make it have bigger audiences, it makes the pedos rightly scared and mostly unwilling to do anything.
If you ban something and put real actual enforcement behind it, it will decrease. Even alcohol consumption decreased under the laughably awful policing of it to around half of previous levels.
>Banning child porn will not do anything significant. It will just create a black market for child porn. The way to fight the pedo epidemic is to keep making fun of pedos and shame anyone who watches child porn / masturbates.
>You will never get rid of it though.
>You ban child porn, and you are asking for some serious issues later down the road in society.
Retarded mutt
Both pornstars and porn producers should be hanged. Coomers should be sent to reeducation camps
You can ban it but you'll never get rid of it. It'll just force it underground. Men will adapt and learn how to access it. They'll mostly fap to whatever foreign countries still make porn.
Banning it won’t fix the problem. People who obsessively watch it should be culturally shamed.
Lib cultural has normalized it like all degeneracy.
You watch porn online your name should be on a public list that family and employers can see
porn is the only thing that keeps me going at this point.
Stop trying to make porn ban happen.
It's not going to happen!
Yes you can heal. Stay away from porn for the rest of your life. It’s an awful poison.
Build up your willpower again through small fasts and such. You will make it brother.
There's literally a giant black market for child porn and we're having societal issues because of it.
>Child porn
That involves coercion because children cannot consent, that's not even a good comparison.
No. Stop shielding women from suffering.
So let me get this straight. You think I would go to some seedy jizz den and jerk my dick off??!? Hahahahaha hahahahaha Hahahah OP is a retarded faggot nigger kike
>Doesn't understand spoils of war
Rape of Nanking. Read it and then stfu and kys cocksucker
All this coomer cope from you. Pathetic.
Turn off the computer, stop watching it.
Yes and prostitution should be legalized thus erasing the need for bootleg coom dens, or at least lowering demand for them.
But it will though. First, you make the big companies like pornhub, brazzers, xhamster etc. unwelcome in your country for going against Christian morals, banning them and punishing them with fines. We wouldn't care about people making amateur porn at home but no pornographic companies will be tolerated, big or small.
>and that's why it should be legal
Mutts should be shot. They are beyond salvation
that's a completely different case you retard, war isn't the same as porn degeneracy, if the men must be executed then the women should also be executed since they're complicit in this and they directly help spread degeneracy.
This. Fuck tradcucks, they're no different than the feminist "men" or white cucknight "conservativ*s"
I can get behind this idea. at least people will be having sex again instead of sitting in the dark alone and jerking their cock. Prostitution might be degeneracy but it's better than the degeneracy + isolation that porn causes
I think we should ban porn.
But I think if we did rapes would increase tenfold.
I don't watch porn but i don't think it should be banned, same thing with weed and alchohol.
Go away Michelle this is my coom den
Not advocating for child porn because you have to be sick to do so, but you do realize there is a major black market out there for it right?
Just because it's banned, doesnt mean it will go away.
Look at literally everything that has been banned in history. People will still find a way to get it.
Porn will be one of those things, and it will just create more of an issue.
Kys bud
>We wouldn't care about people making amateur porn at home but no pornographic companies will be tolerated, big or small
We already had a culture for decades where we shamed coomers and porn watchers while it was still legal. That didn’t work. It must be banned and that ban must be viciously enforced.
>male actors executed without any recourse
>actresses get complete amnesty for nothing
tradcuck, is right
Women aren't people. They're commodities.
Yup this.
Maybe everyone's different than me, because porn feels really boring now and it takes my coomer ass a longer time to search for something that feels suitable and then I feel like a shitty jealous loser afterwards. Having a decently priced quickie with a slender hooker feels much better, but only if I don't over pay.
Screw pornography fuck white women, make white babies
Coomers will be coomers. Some will recover, most will just jerk off to saved or underground shit, a small but not insignificant number will be unable to sate their thirst besides rape.
>children cannot consent
Joe "The child gave me permission" Biden would say otherwise kek
Don't worry soon
>there won't been no internet
>there won't be no porn
>there will be no whores
>there will be no wars
Soon there will no one alive
What about cooming to drawings or hentai manga? I'm trying to leave the addiction little by little and since I stopped fapped to 3D women I've been way more inclined to score real pussy (and have).
What about people drawing porn for a small scale audience though
No it won’t. The epidemic is pornography and the cure is a total and complete shut down.