/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1856

► Detected: 118,433 ► Died: 4,267

Muslim cleric infected, had said virus was divine punishment

Kanzlerin Merkel: „60 bis 70 Prozent in Deutschland werden sich infizieren“

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

All of Italy under lockdown, "red zone"

Trapped with dead sister, infected, health system collapsed

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

23 year old football player dies in Iran

Virus might spread through banknotes

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

China underreports number of infections and deaths

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

20:35: 74 new cases and 2 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
20:07: 1 new case in Multnomah County, Oregon, United States. Likely community-acquired.
20:00: 8 new cases in Illinois, United States.
19:47: 51 new cases in Massachusetts, United States.
19:35: 21 new cases in Germany.
19:14: 1 new case in Anoka County, Minnesota, United States. Patient was likely exposed through contact with international travelers.
18:47: 1 new case in Poland.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Thank you, Thank you Tarik

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► China 80,761 (3,136) ► International 37,586 (1,131): Italy 10,149 (631) Iran 8,042 (291) S. Korea 7,513 (58) France 1,784 (33) Spain 1,674 (35) Germany 1,458 (2) USA 922 (30) D. Princess 696 (7) Japan 581 (10) Switzerland 497 (3) Netherlands 382 (4) UK 373 (6) H. Kong 121 (3) Australia 103 (3) Canada 80 (1) Iraq 71 (7) Egypt 59 (1) Thailand 53 (1) Lebanon 52 (1) S. Marino 51 (2) Taiwan 47 (1) Philippines 33 (1) Argentina 17 (1) Morocco 3 (1) Sweden 351 Norway 304 Belgium 267 Denmark 262 Austria 182 Singapore 166 Malaysia 129 Bahrain 110 Greece 89 UAE 74 Iceland 69 Kuwait 69 Czechia 58 Israel 58 India 56 Portugal 41 Finland 40 Ireland 34 Brazil 31 Vietnam 31 Slovenia 31 Romania 28 Indonesia 27 Palestine 26 Qatar 24 Georgia 23 Poland 22 Algeria 20 Russia 20 S. Arabia 20 Pakistan 19 Oman 18 Chile 17 Ecuador 15 Croatia 14 Estonia 13 C. Rica 13 Hungary 12 Azerbaijan 11 Peru 11 Macao 10 Albania 10 Belarus 9 Latvia 8 Macedonia 7 Mexico 7 Slovakia 7 S. Africa 7 Tunisia 6 Brunei 6 Maldives 6 Afghanistan 5 Dom. Rep. 5 Luxembourg 5 N. Zealand 5 Bosnia 5 French Guiana 5 Malta 5 Serbia 5 Senegal 4 Bulgaria 4 Cambodia 3 Bangladesh 3 Colombia 3 Moldova 3 Nigeria 2 Burkina Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Chan. Isl. 2 Cyprus 2 Faeroes 2 Martinique 2 Paraguay 2 Saint Martin 2 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Jordan 1 Lithuania 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 S. Lanka 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Mongolia 1 Panama 1 St. Barth 1 Togo 1

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Give me a quick rundown of current events


last update: 10.03. 16:45 GMT
source: worldometers.info/coronavirus/

>RKI reports:
+157 = 1296 cases
updated: 10.03. 14:00 GMT
cases between 2 and 99 years old, median 42 years
updated: 06.03.
sex is known in 148 cases: 57% men
updated: 03.03.

>German Virologist: Seasonal effect is minor. Situation might not look bad, but will change. Majority of population will get infected.

>2 DEAD (09.03.)
woman, 89, 03.03.: accute diarhea, low bloodpressure, tested, pneumonia, ICU, 09.03.: lung failure
man, 78, diabetis, heart condition, 09.03.: heart failure

>most infected areas in decending order:

Sachsen-Anhalt: First 4 infections reported
RKI declares Italy a risk-zone.
Federal healthminister: We will see continued increase of infections, there will be further restrictions on day-to-day life.
German institute for economic research expects recession in Germany.
Federal government will increase measures to stabilize economy, if needed.
German army inspector in home-quarantine, contact to suspected case at conference of US-army in europe (USAREUR)
Deutsche Bank closes two branches, employee in Frankfurt infected.
President of EU-parliament preemptively isolates in home-quarantine after return from Italy.
Berlin: Charité acquires 100 more ventilators.
Gatherings of 1000+ banned in 7 german states.
German parliament to provide additional funds of up to 1 billion for crisis-managment.
Federal police to implement stricter border-controls.
Berlin: theaters and operas closed until 20.04..
source: Welt, Zeit, ntv, others




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>High testing capacity and detection rate
Germany has lots of laboratories, since jannuary all of these are equipped and authorized to perform PCR-tests.
Outbreak was discovered rather early, thausands of contact persons are tested, symptom-free- and mild cases get detected.

>Keep critical cases within ICU-capacity
10% up to 20% of cases will require ICU, germany has 28000 ICU-beds.
Under ideal circumstances Germany could properly treat up to 280000 cases.
Ideal circumstances are unrealistic.

>Slow the spread and prevent the peak
Germany wants to flatten the incline and prevent the peak of total cases.
This will prolong the epidemic, but keep the active cases lower.

>Take measures to reduce infection-rate
Measures taken depend on development of the situation.
Balance between day-to-day life and containment is calculated daily.

>Possible measures
Everything from contact tracing and ordering home-quarantine, to decreasing movement of the population is thinkable.
This includes halting public transportation and lockdowns, as well as closing public institutions like schools, etc..

>Appeal to personal responsibility
Everyone is responsible to individually avoid infection:
Get informed, wash hands frequently, reduce contacts, no handshake, don't touch your face,
stay at home when sick, provide moral support for people in quarantine.

By slowing the spread and flattening the incline of total cases, the epidemic will be prolonged, but less intense.
During this, Germany would be able to provide efficient care for most, maybe even all cases.

The epidemic in Germany will drag out for months to come, proper treatment for most cases is probable, but fatalities can not be avoided.
Measures to reduce contact between citizens are likely to be taken, measures to reduce movement of population may be taken.
Banning of large gatherings of all sorts is to be expected and lockdowns of certain areas might happen.

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Trump was right it's going to disappear soon

In the wake of the Coronavirus wiping out 90% of the world's population, Supreme-Emperor Pietro Boselli seizes beachfront island property for himself and his gang of International Bodybuilders...
They will repopulate the earth at Hyperborean Positive Eugenics Compound!

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What boards are you lot from?

probably the first time ever the greek government is actually more competent than the european ones
only 80 cases and we've closed down everything, and enforcing quarantines

>A child under the age of 12 has just tested positive at Wilcoxson Elementary School in Stratford, Connecticut

Also, where is the objectively best prep list?

Welp historically you guys are great at getting rid of dead bodies so a little thing like this shouldn't trouble you.
>No bodies no deaths

Any drawfags here want to make Corona-chan edit of Kurisu?

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/voat/ and /zh/

i agree, definitely in the top so far
hope it shows in the end

Closing down is really easy when you never go to work anyway


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Yas Forums

Burgerbro ,Bulgaria is +2
Sauce (in Bulgarian)

>WHO says virus can be battled
>countries close down in hope of defeating the virus

>Germany is selfish and accepts slow spread

Well fuck them ffs

Yas Forums and /p/

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Just installed classic wow
Got my 3 months worth of supplies
Time to get comfy

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I'm from /u/

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> pic related.

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it's like you don't have to worry about your economy going down


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Play half life

its actually happening
I said it was a happening backin january and they all laughed at me

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if you haven't prepped already, its to late

Remember the real death rate is much worse than what you're told

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Yas Forums from 09ish to 15ish since then a mix of /gif/ and Yas Forums

Ohiofag here; Biden and Bernie have cancelled their rallies today. We have 3 cases and one is a Joo who went to AIPAC with a busload of kids. All the kids on the Joobus were told to self quarantine.
Is this revenge for the lolocaust?

Denmark will win the race to 1000 infected
screenshot this

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and sometimes I'm on Yas Forums

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Enjoy getting banned for hate speech.

>moron has flu like symptoms
>his doc tells him to go to the emergency room in on of the biggest hospitals
>he coughs in the waiting room for 2 hours
>he tells the doc he might have the corona
Now the whole emergency room is shut and no one is allowed out. People are fucking retarded. What can you even do against this kind of retardation?

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Threadly reminder, if you don't have corned beef hash your entire family will die, and you'll exit the collapse into poverty.

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Rookie numbers

/x/, /adv/ and Yas Forums

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35/m nebraska. My throat is starting to get sore with a really minor cough and I've got a tiny headache and my head feels a bit warm. Should I take it seriously now? Wait until tomorrow and see how I feel?

1856 threads and we still haven't solved the puzzle. Where did this come form? Who is responsible?

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Feels glorious

>USA 186.6%

>1,458 infected 2 deaths

Now can other countries even compete?

Unhinged woman slugs Asian lady for not wearing coronavirus mask


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It's probably around 10% like the first SARS.

Take meds

gonna max all the classes in SYNTHETIK i guess

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Absolutely nothing, the only thing you can do is hope it doesn't affect you

I haven't played a video game in ~20 years. Last one was Quake III. Where should I start? Preferably one where I can use cheat codes to feel better about myself.


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here's some SHTF stuff
might be usefull

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Move to Serbia?

Mostly Yas Forums, often /k/, sometimes Yas Forums, used to main /o/ but not in a while.

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Hey, insider user. Post more new info.

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I finally have the answer: Coronavirus was created by Greta Thunberg to get revenge on boomers for stealing her childhood.

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Yas Forums /s4s/ Yas Forums Yas Forums

/bant/ and Yas Forums

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Scottsdale AZ first responder user here. N95's get issued to us (super limited) per "dangerous call." I have a full face 3M respirator with filters that I bought a while back with my own money. The higher ups won't let me wear it because they don't want the public to panic.

Just fucking end it already.

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That's ridiculous the stores are full of stuff I went to a handful today.

Any country that hasn't confirmed a case by now has only proven that they don't have the ability or knowledge to test anybody.

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>USA 186.6% death rate!!

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A 747 just barrel rolled behind my house. Its happening.

Why? One of their cases is a chink, they're probably fucked.
Or send the fucker to the prison. If he's positive, he should be given serious jailtime for fucking up a bunch of doctors and God knows how many people that were in that emergency ward.

Yas Forums, /g/ mostly. Sometimes /wg/

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This shouldn't be news. Chinks caused this. They had a lot of opportunities to stop it, but they chose not to and unleash this plague on the world.

>South Korea's numbers are going down
happening fags btfo

kpop will save humanity

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>went to multiple stores in one day
Based and spreadpilled


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coronavirus is going fuck Ireland good. Ten new cases today

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Infected guy here again. It’s honestly not that bad, and I’ve had flus that where worse than this in regards to fever and general condition.

I just need to check my temperature every day, currently it’s 38,3 degrees and I’m having a late night cup of tea. Taking a mix of paracetemol and ibuprofen helps keep the fever down and the coughs could be worse. Just have a hard time taking deep breaths. Don’t be concerned of getting the virus bros. I’m in self containment and have had a friend go shopping for me big time


I didn't laugh, bro. I prepped.


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Kind of happened in Hawaii too.
>retard visits Hawaii from infected area
>starts to feel sick
>goes to fire department seeking help
>after they've all been around him and shit tells them he is from a corona area
>lockdowns, lockdowns for everyone
One fat boomer retard has take a half dozen first responders out of action for two weeks.

every day when I walk to and from work I imagine what it would be like if society collapsed now
didn't see any ironic billboards yet

Based roaches

Hey user. Hows the situation in ROI?

NEW: Brazil reports 9 new cases of coronavirus, raising country's total to 34
>NEW: Brazil reports 9 new cases of coronavirus, raising country's total to 34
NEW: Brazil reports 9 new cases of coronavirus, raising country's total to 34
>NEW: Brazil reports 9 new cases of coronavirus, raising country's total to 34


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Are shivers a symptom? Are hot ears fever?

How badly has Trump fucked this up?

He's literally given cunts like pic related an open goal.

Sure the media are kikes but he's giving them so much ammo at the moment, this isn't going to vanish overnight so it's only going to get worse for him.

Whats he fucking doing?

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Avoid public areas.

Is this the biggest happening in the history of Yas Forums?

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>corona was just another excuse to push the surveillance state

USA to join the 1000 club today.

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Has anyone in here besides the Nothing burger shills unironically not prepped yet?


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>currently it’s 38,3 degrees

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/k/ and Yas Forums


Who laughs now?

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>One of their cases is a chink
Do ah not ah make a fun of ah CHINESH PREPRUL, restern DOG
ree ave shituashun runder cruntrol

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the world is gonna collapse, who fucking cares about this shit

Are you going to end up with permanent lung damage?

/k/ is my home

Bat bros... it's happening

>Taking a mix of paracetemol and ibuprofen
Don't do it you idiot, you're kneecapping your own immunity system. Take that shit only if you get past 40C. No wonder you're feeling good and your body temp is so low, try stopping taking those fucking pills.

>keep the fever down
>I want to inhibit the natural defense mechanism of my body
good choice

26 days until pro wrestling kills us all

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this is only the beginning my friend

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allow me to help you at there Wojciech

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Turns out it was actually 1d tic-tac-toe all along.

My bad, I scrolled past a couple countries.

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Still looking for a list from someone who knows what they're talking about. Have a bunch of stuff already. Particularly on vitamins, minerals

That will deplete your glutathione stores and leave your lungs vulnerable to oxidative damage.
Manage fever with cold showers, but only if you get near 103F.

How dare you.

The insider prophecy... We joked about it... he was right ALL WAY THROUGH.

Holy fuck, US numbers just jumped to 950.

none of that shit matters. Trump is retarded until he calls for a cancellation of all public events and full country quarantine. Literally just waiting until it gets worse for some unknown reason

Switzerland is stronk, still less than 500 cases

I'm a boardless wanderer
haven't settled since Yas Forums was destroyed in the great Captchacalypse

mods have corona, post qt lgs

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Trump locks down country, puts wide spread quarantines in effect...
>media: Trump is overreacting, it's just the flu!

Trump barely does anything, but sooner than Obama with swine flu
>media: "Trump isn't taking this seriously. The world is going to end!"

lose-lose scenario.

BREAKING 75 Israelis diagnosed with coronavirus - report



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1000 tests done. 25 confirmed cases.
panic is ramping up.
Paddy's day parades cancelled

Is this a thing? I'm an asthmatic and worried that even if I survive this I will end up with perma-fucked lungs

Oh no oh no turkish health minister is gonna make press thingy oh no oh no

More like it

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national guard deployed



81 cases now, 16 in one day

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Yeah but him being sent to prison is never gonna happen, he's gonna get hospitalized like the rest and others are gonna be left cleaning his mess

the majority of people are way dumber than one might think

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