Bagholder cope
Jesus is a jew, that's what he is talking about. BUY STOCKS NOW
he means the virus is controlled. Buy the dip
This fugging fuck
we are going to die for the sake of muh stonks
is this real? im pretty sure that he should not be giving this kind of advice. Stupid asshole was telling us last month that the markets could never go down when he was in office
yeah if you’re a boomer fuck
kill yourself retard
naw think this is fake
Wanted it to be real so I could rage
basic economics
ok groomer
He sounds like Baghdad Bob at this point.
He unironically sounds like a pajeet shill on Yas Forums
>buy now for many moons! You will be very happy yes. Do the needful, sirs
Well, to be fair, I don't think anyone knew that China would release a biological weapon onto the world.
Cool link bro.
It's not real 4channer.
I think he needs to be removed (dragged) from office right fucking now. this is beyond rediculous
It's fake, morans
kill yourself shill rat
...he is talking about another billion-buck Bernanke bailout.
Desperate damage control to try to prevent investors from withdrawing from a crashing market.
When are you closer homo natsoc pussys gonna stop Larping as lefty’s and Bernie supporters?
Trump won. Race war boogaloo isn’t coming. Only more winning. Just neck yourselves already.
>there may or may not be a coming economic collapse
genius president there guys really calming things down
He’s talking about central economic planning. In other words socialism.
That's great advice believe it or not.
Dow stonks went up over one thousand points today.
Buy the dip goy
meanwhile standard of living has been going down since the 80s
why would someone post lies on Yas Forums?
I think we all just need to remain calm and listen to the president right now. The flu kills WAY more people. I myself just bought more stocks yesterday and I’m very happy with the decision.
Pretty much this
Go to his office and try it, post results.
The stock market is about to crash
Yeah for morons who have low paying jobs and invest in avocado toast instead of stocks.
>i can make you rich!
Has been bankrupt 4 times.
Because they’ve been salty as fuck sinceTrump won and began to unite and heal the country from the racial/class/gender warfare of the SJW and Stormfag wretches.
There’s no difference between natsoc and commies. They are just two sides fighting over who gets to destroy happiness of free people in this world. They are quite simply evil. And will burn for their sins.
Reported, faggot leaf
Keep samefagging you cock sucking failure.
What time is the black bull coming over for your wife tonight leaf?
He's telling you to BUY, more people buying will make the stocks rise.
The markets will rise ofc and you'll make a profit allegedly.
Some companies will go under, they way I see it, so you might find yourself at a loss potentially, if you're not careful.
>"please buy s-stocks,g-guys!"
It's the same thing as when gool ol' Gee Dubya told America to remember to keep shopping and spending after 9/11. How do you retards not remember that?
always do the opposite of what jews say.
>based Irishman
do you live in the west by any chance?
Didn't he say a decade ago that it was a good time to buy stocks and it was so dead fucking on even some liberal Washington Post faggot had to admit Trump was right?
Had to hide the flag eh? Must be tiring pretending to be ten people making noise when there’s just one of you.
>wait just 2 more weeks goy!!
Imagine UNIRONICALLY falling for a fake tweet in the year of 2020
the average IQ of this board has dipped so hard in the last few years
He needs huge measures to calm or entice investors. I’m not sure he can do it, and I’m worried about the cost of this... but economic collapse, a global depression... would be much, much worse than corona.
The entire market is irrational as fuck at this point. Driven entirely by greed and delusion.
None of it is based on good fundamentals or strong industry. Its a clown show that's been propped up by years of federal reserve stimulus and stock buy backs. Banks and industry get free money to buy their own stocks, making the value of their companies sky rocket, which "grows" the economy. No major corporation is allowed to fail because it would hurt the "economy" and our political leaders future rule.
If we had an economy that had strong fundamentals then shit like the Corona virus wouldn't be able to cause so much damage to the stock market. Sure Corona virus would cause damage, but it's not an end of the world or society virus, it's simply the spanish flu of our age.
It's because everyone knows stocks are worthless bullshit so they get spooked at the first sign of bad news because it's all built on lies and bullshit. That's why the market has been so irrational and so volatile. It's amazing that just touting the idea of payroll tax cuts boosted the market today by a good amount after the disasterous past week. What that entails no one actually knows, and it's no where even close to actually being implemented but it sounds good (while still ignoring the actual cause of a weak response to the virus and now an oil trade war).
Do you guys see the pattern here? That investors have so little faith in the actual state of our economy that the slightest negative or positive news causes massive point swings. It's all bullshit.
>China would release a biological weapon onto the world.
that facility was run by Europeans, and majority of the patents are held by European companies
Buy stocks, goy! It's gonna moon forever!
>What time is the black bull coming over for your wife tonight leaf?
Fuck that, I’m incel, bro. But when the stock market reaches new highs in a few months I’ll driving down to America and fuck your wife, Cletus.
>Banks and industry get free money to buy their own stocks, making the value of their companies sky rocket, which "grows" the economy.
I mean, first clue is twitter, second clue is no link, third clue, the only people posting anything even chan related are posting shit memes made by retards.
>buy stocks
>may or may not collapse
Yeah, nah.
He means he's going to get the fed dump as much money as they need to keep up muh stonks. They'll fuck over you and your currency before they let these companies suffer.
Pretty sure it's illegal to give financial advise without a disclaimer
His reelection campaign is entirely based on the economy.
He's fucked.
I tied my whole presidency to the economy, nnnnnooooooooooooo you can’t crash now. What an absolute fucking retard. He’s gonna get beaten by a senile old fart. Lol
Typical leaf has no idea how leadership works.
He's telling us to buy the bounce; trump bought me a dodge viper. He's telling me I can now but Spyder.. Trump is god
>always do the opposite of what jews say.
He's right though, MORON.
>cause anyone is going to vote to disarm themselves
>cause anyone wants to return Obama to the whitehouse
>cause anyone wants to join the Soviet Union
>cause anyone will want to vote for a known pedophile
>cause anyone will want to vote for a guy with clear alzheimers
There is no DNC canddiate
Fake, but not gay. Thanks for the laugh, user.
>the president is trying to sell his bags and exit scam
No reasonable person thinks he's offering financial advice. I hate dumb Americans how in the fuck do I know your own laws better.
The Jews won't like this, he's trying to get the average man to buy up stocks on the cheap before (((they))) can lap everything up. Corona dead in 1 week, stock correction in 2.
We must drive the orange merchant from the temple.
Nah Dublin. Family from Galway though. Greetings from Tullow country Wicklow. Having a few beers in a posh hotel after a long day.
Fake and gay
It’s the same guy.
We're likely to get both of them now either way.
The world had it's chance to contain Corona. It chose not to because of muh open borders globohomo economy. Every countries leaders hoped little Corona virus would go away on its own.
Now it's everywhere and spreading like wildfire which will at least put us into a recession. The panic to this itself could cause a full blown depression.
If we had fought this with everything we had in January it probably would have been contained and been over with by now. Then muh stock market would have been doing great.
I agree with Trump I had the same thought reading that tweet. How is “Buy stocks now” not financial advice?
Investor confidence is low. What he is talking about is His investors. The Plunge protection team.
>the advent of VPNs and one or two turbofaggots will unironically be the downfall of Yas Forums
Who knew?
>How do you retards not remember that?
'murikan memory is short and selective
He wants all of you to go broke with him, mind games bro
They’re easily spotted. I used to think they were just Larping and trolling. Then I saw that cop interview of the guy about the beta uprising and the Incel insurgency.
Now I realise some people are just genuinely living sad unstable lives.
Why does he talk this
There's a huge sale on stocks going on right now. The market WILL recover and then some, as it always does. And even if it didn't, society would collapse to the point that money would be worthless anyway.