It was nice knowing you faggots.
Only 8 recovered and 28 deaths.
It was nice knowing you faggots
False info faggot
What are their ages? :-)
>What are their ages? :-)
I don't know what are the ages of whites in the US?
>False info faggot
You've been debunked in three different threads. You may want to try a new method.
the deaths in Washington state are predominantly from elder people living on fucking hospice.
cnn is doing the same shit with “zomg 28% percent death rate in the us” like a 90 year old woman on hospice is the same healthwise as a 22 year old male
fuck outta here
You keep talking bullshit but haven't proved anything that your saying.
>the deaths in Washington state are predominantly from elder people
yes i know and as I posted the most common age in the US for whites is 58
and only 8 people have recovered. 28 deaths so far. in the US.
And those recovered could very well die too
I haven't responded since.
yet you responded to me twice. why would that be?
I'm not going to explain it a fourth fucking time shill.
If you simply saved this image from another thread you're a fucking idiot who ignored the debunking.
go look in the thread you got the picture from and see why the assumption you're making in your graphs are full of shit. look where infections are taking place, now look where most white populations are.
>the debunking.
you keep talking shit yet no proof of anything
why is the shits given counter still at 0? did a pajeet code this?
>I'm not going to explain it a fourth fucking time shill.
I'll give you this peak. old white people don't usually live in the city.
and white people above age 50 aren't having children.
current demographics mean nothing, it's future demographics that matter. you want a larger white group below 18. 50+ aren't going to do that.
>still talking shit, with no proof of anything
whats the point of talking if you can't prove anything you are saying.
you dumb fucking retard.
Your graph attempts to depict how most white people are old. The graph isn't false, your fucking implication is false. "coronavirus will kill off the whitessss!!!"
The whites it may kill are already on the way out you dumb fuck.
chances of dying to corona under age 50 is less than a percent.
>a fucking leaf
>no proof
okay leaf
not an argument.
Here's you fucking retard, since you're not able to use your fingers for anything but shilling and fingering your asshole.
Stop talking out of your ass
Good, the boomers are all shabbos. All Whites need is the legitimate will to fight, look at Rhodesia, they were only 10% of the population and totally gave it hell, they only lost because it was politically impossible to change anything.
Ignore washington deaths, they're all 75+ Real KD is like 5D vs 8R
not an argument
I believe the 8 recovered are a fucking lie. where are they?
Topkek at your retard math
Go ahead and calculate the recovery rate with the formula of your pic
It doesn't work like that, otherwise ~40% would stay sick forever
>china numbers
we are talking about the US here not china.
ask yourselves why we havent seen any social media videos of familes or loved ones of people that died from covid in the US. that shit would be viral as fuck, nor in italy
The fact is CoVid was a bioweapon against the chinese are all the cases in the west are media fabrications to make it seem like it was not a targeted racial bioweapon. But the things that are hard to fabricate or easy to debunk, actual people that other people know for real who have lost loved ones, not some crisis actor bs that cant be validated, those are essentially non-existant.
>believing chinese data
I'll see some of you on the other side.
>ask yourselves why we havent seen any social media videos of familes or loved ones of people that died from covid in the US.
you are dumb
Yeah go ahead, calculate the recovery rate in % with your stupid formula
you idiots reject any information that doesn't conform to your death cult. This is why I didn't bother posting initially.
you can't be part of all age groups at once. if you're under 50, you've got less than 1 percent chance of dying. and don't forget that this chart can't account for people who never go to the hospital because their symptoms are so mild or they are completely asymptomatic.
If you die from the coronavirus you were probably already dying.
We are talking about US numbers and you haven't backed up anything you said, you just keep talking.
You haven't provided a single shred of proof about anything.
>Only 8 recovered and 28 deaths.
>if you're under 50,
again the most common age of whites in the US is closer to 60 at 58 years old, in the US.
you're being needlessly obtuse. let me walk you through this user.
most of the people who will die from covid in the US will be the elderly.
yes, a large portion of them will be white people, I never said otherwise, I said the chart wasn't false.
What is false is your idea of how it will affect the white population.
The percentage will go down, yes.
But it won't make a dent in future trends, because people 50+ are not having white children anymore.
if white % is all you care about, yes, it'll hurt.
But current % isn't what matters, it's future trend that matters.
Covid won't be killing off reproducing aged men and women, white or any other color.
>still no proof to back up talking points
Don't believe the less than 3% lie. The real death rate is devastating.
You're a fear mongering kike.
There's nothing in what i said that needs to be cited except for the death rates, which I've done.
I showed a cited chart and you rejected it.
At least it's out there for anyone who actually care about facts.
>no proof, now name calling.
okay leaf
>decrepit PARENT OF A BOOMER living in a nursing home dies from a respiratory disease
say it ain't so..
fuck schizos and low iq retards
you're also provided no more information than I did.
you should that old white people will die, on this we both agree. Do I need to cite how old people aren't popping out children? to I need to cite that future trends are more important than current white populations?
or do I need to cite how young people aren't likely to die? because I did that one.
What do you want me to cite exactly? what sources are you looking for
23 deaths in Washington in an Elderly Home you fucking faggot.
Twenty three of the deaths were elderly in a nursing home, holy shit.
>provided no more information
did you forget already about what we are talking about?
here, lets refresh.
28 death and 8 recovers in the US
most common age of US whites is 58 years old, in the US
>Covid won't be killing off reproducing aged men and women, white or any other color.
Aren't there cases of young people who died? Pretty sure I read about some dude in his 20s who died some time ago. You assume it will only kill elderly and yes, the weak are always hit the hardest, but to say it will ONLY kill old people is wishful thinking and not backed up by the data available as you claim.
Average age in US for whites is 58 years old.
As I have posted from per search center
Yas Forums is notorious for over reacting to literally everything. All these "happenings" that NEVER come to fruition. I need to leave this place, you're all so fucking paranoid and retarded and you constantly believe the sky is falling.
Oh fuck off you thick yank twat.
I don't give a fuck about the white deaths. That is the absolute stupidest fucking shit to even care about when discussing this. Kill yourself. These were old people who weren't working, reproducing, and we're already unable to care for themselves.
>britbog chimes in only to call names
This is the boomer version of the final solution
Reason isn't making the slightest dent with you, so I will insult instead.
Read it slowly because you have clearly had a blow to the head.
Yes. what's your point? you didn't just post the chart to say that the common age of US white is 58. what is your implication?
I never said it completely spares the youth/young adults, I said there's a less than 1 percent chance of it killing them.
>day of the pillow is finally here
Umm.... im thinkin based???
>I will insult
because thats all you have, like a nigger, who can only get mad and chimp out because he can't control himself when provided with facts.
what a retarded fag
What your point? you haven't said anything that was was factual, just a bunch of talking with no proof of anything.
Nigger this is 4 or 5 years old
Millennials as they age get more conservative as all generations do
All the deaths are happening in states where it's acceptable, just need to get NY on that roster and we'll be fine.
Each time you deflect instead of answering you show your true intentions. answer a single thing I've said.
Sure thing jamal, shat yourself recently?
If a bunch of old whites die and leave their children a larger and earlier inheritance and bunch of lucrative positions that they've monopolized need to be filled, do you think that means less or more white children down the line?
>as they age get more conservative
Which is what the coronvirus kills off people who are aged.
No what I mean is that red blue split is much different now than when that graph was made
>answer a single thing I've said.
why would i talk about things that aren't back up by proof
>275% mortality rate
you fucking idiots don't even realize how terrible your math is when a literally impossible occurrence, a mortality rate above 100%, presents itself
Washington doesn’t count though because it was terminally ill people.
Why is it always canadians who are the smartest and btfo pol dumb conspiracies?
You people are retarded.
It only kills old boomers over 25.
Grow up.
okay, so post a newer chart for me.
Habbeding fags always jump to retarted and act like spastics instead of even attempting to learn the basics of whatever they're talking about so it's not that surprising desu.
how much u wanna bet bill gates will come out with a faggot vaccine.
fine, deflect again.
answer me this than, because it's a subjective question.
are you worried about the elderly dying because they are white conservatives?
Check their ages and also take into account the average recovery rate is 2-3 weeks tard.
I'm not worried about anything, don't care if I get the virus, don't care if I die from it, don't care if it crashes the world economies, if it my time its my time.
Asking you to prove your assertions is not deflection. Refusing to do so when asked is though.
No, it is the most COMMON age. Which is expected because baby boomers produced a lot of babies.
your time is now. now kys
>Takes 4 weeks to recover
>Only take ~1 week to die
>Virus has only been in the US 2 weeks
No I don’t think there will be any accurate charts on voter split till after the 2020 election
Might be one for 2018 but midterms get much less turnout than general elections so it’s probably not a good date for measurement
>No, it is the most COMMON age.
yes it is. do you need a link or something?
I have provided proof of death rates, which he's chosen to ignore. Everything I've said was not something that needed to be cited.
so you made this thread with no intentions whatsoever, quoted to my first response with no intentions whatsoever.
If you can see in your own chart that the elderly are more likely to die, why should you be worried enough to make a thread that likely wouldn't affect you unless you were above age 50? There's a questionable disconnect to what you say and your actions.
yep. and severity bias due to limited amount of testing kits available. i'm willing to bet hard money that there are tens to hundreds of thousands of people people who unknowingly have asymptomatic or mild cases of coronavirus RIGHT NOW in the US.
That’s a lot of ASS uming on your part m8-o