Why did Biden do it?

Surely he knows that it would be recorded and be spread. Threatening violence against a hardworking laborer because he was unable to answer a legitimate question.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Listen here, Jack. Back in my day we would get some dirt and roll it around in our hands and then on the count of 3 wed all show our hands like this and that's how youd know a measure of a man.

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And he will still win every state today by double digits

Unprovoked and inappropriate aggression is a sign of dementia. He can't help himself because his brain is deteriorating.

maybe the globalhomo's are right for once about the need for culling the world by releasing their modified covid-19

Drumming up support for Trump. Nice.

corn pop

he's a psychotic active pedophile he needs to be arrested and tried for his crimes

If Joe just goes crazy mother fucker every minute, I think I'd vote for him simply on the chaos factor.


I'll tell you why: Dems are SICK and fucking TIRED of having to kowtow to gunfags.

We are done begging and pleading for basic gun control.

Biden told you exactly what he's going to do at the debate: go for the NRA's throat.

Make Beto gun tsar.


We do not care if we lose every single gunfags vote in this election. When we get in, we are going to take the guns.

No bullshit. No threats. No whispers.

We are screaming it loudly and proudly and 60-70% of America wants us to take the guns, too.

Deal, motherfuckers.

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I think biden just hates the working class

Bring it.

Do it

The problem with your theory that "60-70% of America wants us to take the guns" is that the other 30-40% has...well, guns.

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Biden had to show that Democrat politicians are to be feared.

>implying that Biden has a fully functioning brain
He literally can't control his actions anymore. The fact that Democrats will vote for him nonetheless just shows how stupid the average Dem voter really is.

Maybe he was remembering Corn pop

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Look here fat, shut up. You're full of shit. Corn Pop was a bad dude.

This is unironically good optics for Biden. His biggest drawback right now is the suspected dementia and his look as some old confused man.
Getting angry and directly replying makes him look like a functioning human being with some passion.

You're a faggot

symbolic as fuck

i'm ready

>Listen Jack, here's the deal! number one. You damn liar, Number one no number one stomps my ass. Corn-pop can a testament to that. Number one, number two. Number two is that listen Jack. Number one I'm hanging on to that torch buddy boy. Number three, I'll challenge you to a pushup contest any day of the number two: listen fatass, I was never involved with my son's consultant involvement, and number three? Well, listen fat, I know all about racism.

Back in my home town, the group I used to run around with would always go to the soda fountain on the east side of town, because there weren't as many colored folks around in those days. I said "now why would we hike all the way across town when there's a perfectly fine soda fountain right here? It was called Othello's and you could get a lime phosphate there for 10 cents.

My friends said they were afraid of getting jumped on the walk home, which I thought was just so dang racist. They also had licorice whips. So one day I said "no, I'm not walking all that way, we're staying", cause it was August and it was like 94 or 95 degrees out there.

So we went to Othello's instead and got some malts and one fella got a grape nehi. So yeah, Danny got his head caved in with a tire iron later that day when a gang of black dudes caught him walking home, but for the rest of us it worked out just fine. And salt water taffy, they had that there, too. Anyways, my time is up.

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I thought the opposite. His sudden rage looked confused, and out of place. A man that clearly isn’t in control.

>Getting angry and directly replying makes him look like a functioning human being with some passion.
No this anger outburst is a sign of early to moderate dementia. besides a man losing his composure is never a sign of strength.


This. Joe gets riled up easily.

Trying to get the anti-2nd amendment working class bernie voters.

>Surely he knows that it would be recorded and be spread

Biden thinks parents need to play the record player for their children. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know he can be recorded.

take the 2nd you have to take away the 1st before anything else and you fuck's already want to do both so may as well give every single Dem voter the bullet first

Actually shows lack of impulse control. Shows that he needs to see a therapist and be court ordered to attend impulse control counseling classes.

Passion to take away people's second amendment rights isn't a good look.


Wait until one on one debates with Trump. Not even the democrat moderators will be able to help him enough. He is straight fucked. I wouldn't be surprised if the addled old man physically attack Trump.

Don told ya amewicans
But ya don listen

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Oh no! He's going to take away our ar-14 machine guns!
I found a business insider article with an embedded Twitter post with the video. Not linking it for reasons though.

Republicans threaten violence all the time.

Crazy Joe Biden's got that big dick energy. You just know he still makes his wife swallow his loads.

Don or ron?

Nice digits

Has anyone made anti-malarkey Doombiden memes?

First thing I thought when he called some woman a "lying dog-faced pony soldier" -whatever the hell that means.


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There is no video. OP is a damn liar.

You might have had a point if it wasn't for him saying "AR-14."

GIGACOPE. You're a fucking faggot and you'll never amount to anything of value.

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regardless of any "Condition" he has, whether its mental, physical, or a combination of the two (most likely) it was still wrong for him to do that.
He is using his "Position Of Privilege" to bully that man. It seems like every Democrat is doing that these days and they are not having any consequences.
I would have punched him in the face if he said that to my face, or I would have beaten him with my helmet.
fuck Biden and his whole family.

Can you name any Republican presidential candidates that threatened violence to people to their face multiple times?

It’s who he really is. A physically violent and intimidating narcissist. His cognitive ability to hide his true self has been routed by his metal decline. You are just seeing who he really was all along. Like Clinton.

No actual beliefs. Just a desire for power to act out their dark desires. He just happened to hop on the left wing bandwagon. He’d have taken the right wing one if it had given him more opportunity to rape women and children. He’s is an actual real world monster.

There is the hand of god in all this somehow.

I'm really waiting to see how your big gov try to take away a single rifle from Texans while give your job to my homo tranny cousin Pedro

No sauce in this whole thread. I am disappointed in you all.

you deserve to swing from an oak tree.

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The primary indicator of dementia is unusual agitation or aggressive behavior. Biden is clearly non compos mentis.

Talking down to the working class doesn't make Biden look tough on guns, it makes him look like a rich asshole who hates people who work for a living.

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The video has been posted in dozens of threads already fuck face

Please try.

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Listen up, fat. There's a lot of kids by the pool, my dad used to say to me. And you don't need to count hay pennies to be thrifty. About a handful and a buffalo nickel would get you a tootsie roll. I was taught at a young age that the... Pool... And the nickels... We're you know. Worth more than the little roaches.

I don't want your vote.

biden's team tells him to attack bernie bros which his jumbled mind turned into "sanders is joining trump"

I have 4 different videos of it but too lazy to find them sorry

From my cold, dead hands you motherfucker

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Because he's a nigger

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This, he was very obviously confused and agitated. He needs to be in a fucking home, I know of several in Washington State that recently acquired some vacancies

Look here, Fat. You are a dog-faced pony soldier. *sniffs child's hair* We cannot reelect, we cannot win this reelection. *bites wife's finger* Excuse me, we can only reelect Donald Trump. *kisses daughter on lips* Vote for me for senate. Look me up!

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Thank you for proving my point.

Guncucks can't live without their micro-penis compensating weapons.

They get very, very snarly when any sane person threatens to take them away.

The best part? You chest-thumping apes have cried wolf over "muh civil war" too many times.

Now no one believes you.

And Big Joe has the balls to follow through on his threats. He is going to take your fucking guns and you are going to give them up.


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There are many high level US politicians that are basically puppets. That's how foreign governments actually influence our country.

will you do it yourself or send somebody else to die in your place? because you'll eventually run out of niggers and we'll come find you

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I'd love to see you try bud :)

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If you like your Ar-14, you can keep your AR-14.

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You know how fucking awesome it would be if Biden attacked Trump and either a) one of them beat the shit out of the other and that winner became President because of it or b) the Secret Service blew Biden’s brains out all over the stage.

I’m fine with either outcome.

Let's do it. I'd like to see if state cops and feds coming for me.



You tell em Jamal

Rights aren't decided by what people "need." This is just incrementalism to destroy all rights to self-defense.

>Threatening violence against a hardworking laborer because he was unable to answer a legitimate question.
Biden has a history of threatening violence, or putting himself in an imaginary violent scenario. Like when he imagines taking people behind the gym at school to kick some ass. Don't worry, all you will hear tonight on CNN and MSNBC is how violent and unhinged Biden is. Seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes.


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And look, we all had to use straws in our cans, that's just how you'd prevent spills, the 7up from spraying out of the cans out of the cans in the car, a shotgun spray of pop, and our dad would take us shooting cans out in the woods, my wife, Jill and I, when we built our house, and listen, when we were learning to swim out there right not far from here

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the Constitution does not grant rights, it restricts gov from from infringing on rights, long story short I would blow your head clean the fuck off your shoulders and know that I done good. Fuck you and anyone who thinks like you, you are the enemy of the United States of America, I hope the day comes we can spill your blood like a warm beer.

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>"Right now, just like if you yell fire, that's not free speech."

Actually the first amendment does allow you to yell "fire".

It doesn’t work unless the MSM attacks him you deluded berniefag. And the media has already decided they’re ridin’ with Biden

How can we all avoid panicking if everyone's panicking?

bruh what a fuckin tosser

>Like Clinton
They saw Trump succeed by bullying pundits and politicians. They thought it would work for them, but they're doing it to regular nobodies and end up looking like petty tyrants (which they are).
>Pony soldiers
Their disdain for plebs is on full display

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Shouting "Fire!" is sometimes appropriate such as when Beto O'Dork comes to take your guns.

Biden also today was unstable on his feet

WATCH black campaign aide/handler stabilize a wobbly Biden to stop him from falling 8-9 second mark


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My life has value, and I have a right and duty to protect my life
If my life's value does not warrant a right to self defense, what difference would it make taking guns for protection?