Every single fucking time
Jews are putting Corona Virus in your Pop Drinks
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Well...are they?
> ''In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle,'' he said. ''Every day, they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.''
>''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.'
>Both beyond believe but not
Implying any virus will survive that toxic substance that can be used to clean coins and shit. I can BS.
Jews were accused of poisoning wells during the black plague as well.
Really makes you think....
>Well...are they?
They have done it before.
Jews poisoning Aryan whites. A tale as old as time itself
>One kike says another kike was shown a video by a third kike
oi vey
Based. If Israel decided I must be poisoned then as an American I support this.
>drinking carbonated corn syrup
you deserve it
better watch your water supply. j-just to be sure
Oh please this antisemitic canard again. Read about how the Jews were persecuted during the black death and forced to confess under torture to poisoning wells. History's favorite scapegoat? You tell me.
they sure never did anything bad ever
Some Jew I met told me "yes, my people definitely did this, all the rabbis laugh about it at my synaguage"
Gypsies are purposefully spreading chink plague in here. They were spitting at the hospital, spitting at police, trashing medical equipment and lying about their symptoms at medical staff.
They also broke quarantine.
Confessed under torture eh? Sounds like something the Germans could relate to.
>target organs
They poison the Palestinian's water to this day.
Jokes on them, I gave up soda for Lent.
Eternally BTFOed by Christ, AGAIN.
>caring this much about opportunistic goat-fucking arab squatters that don't contribute to human civilization
Good ole Memri
Yes, i'm putting one in your drink as we speak
Moishe! Be more subtle or the goyim will suspect us.
t. Moshe
>told me he was shown a video
So he didn't show her the video?
Oy vey you outed me.
No, I'm not a jew, I'm just sick of them being scapegoated for everything to deflect from niggers. I'm wignat and used to blame jews for everything, but it was all based on lies and propaganda.
I believe they're capable of anything that isn't good
>people from very different countries magically decided to accuse Jews of the same things
>Jews do the same crazy Jew shit everywhere
Occam's razor to the rescue
Americans are the new joos.
Look at what they do in politics.
Don't get distracted by the joos or Israel. We all know which country/nation causes most problems.
This was the real 10 commandments until moses smashed them and wrote his own.
The nights templers found out so they were killed.
The book of enoch was kept out of the bible because of enochs dream vision of the 70 shepards and the number of the men/sheep that were allowed to be killed was 666.
Then the shepards grew greedy and wanted more slaves so they created the system we have now.
When the reptilians come back and see what they did they get bent over and raped for eternity with their asshole deep and on fire.
seriosly this is true except the bent over part.
>3,500 years of being successful pioneers, inventors, builders and entertainers makes you a target of convenience for the insecure
,500 years of being successful pioneers, inventors, builders and entertainers makes you a target of convenience for the insecure
Im sure thats what it is
>posts gif of successful jewish entertainer
nice self-own hans
>but it was all based on lies and propaganda.
Oy vey!
okay you win this one schlomo
Where is the video? I want to see it
yes obviously you should probably not be eating spoonfuls of sodium flouride
well duh. bleach is poison as well. thats why you can use it to purify drinking water in an emergency.
except that WE DON'T WANT YOU. we tell you to gtfo. and you don't. if you were actually as successful as you say, you would go be successful somewhere else. but you don't. because you can't.
so by this logic, all of the tortured nazi confessions about the holocaust can also be thrown away?
>3,500 years
kicked out over 1000 times. Somehow not your fault.
>pioneers, inventors, builders and entertainers
>pioneers, inventors, builders
this is bait
fuck off, faggot
coca-cola you say? so this is why my rabbi told me to invest in pepsi...
Chemtrails to purify your air too.
phosphoric acid in coke will kill lots of shit.
How do I quit anons? It's so hard.
drink tea fatty
>told me
>was shown
>no sauce
mm hmm sure thing rabbi
Guess corona virus is spread by rats just like the plague was.
Then why does Israel spend so much of the money we give it running corporate espionage to steal white tech?
>never says they were wrong
>only that they can't believe people think that
Modern day well poisoning, not shocked.