You have over an 80% to survive
How will doomsday preppers cope with this?
You have over an 80% to survive
How will doomsday preppers cope with this?
>You have over an 80% to survive
You mean like 98% if you're younger than 50 LOLOLOLOL. Fuck doomers and retarded hapooners. You will NOT scare me.
>believing Chinese
Wait until they recover you retarded shill. Stupid Fucking retarded who do you think you are! Check FUCKING STATS BITCH!!! ONLZ LIKE 0.10% THAT ARE YOUNGER TJWN 50 DIED! BITCH FUCKING NIGGER STIPID FUCK!
I love seeing happooners btfo
It was only 110,000 2 days ago, and 100,000 5 days ago.
Imagine what will happen by the end of the year
how the fuck do you get a 186.6% death rate
>France death rate 275%
So this is the power of a level 50 IQ
>Believing chink numbers.
How many people have been infected and didn't even get severe enough symptoms to go to the doctor? Nothing burger.
imagine if 15% of the population just up and fucking died.
What are you gunna do now with all those extra cans of chicken noodle soup you horded you fucking doomsday queer AHAHAHA
Fuck off stupid shill like only 0.1% younger than 50 died in Italy , we don't even need to check chinks numbers.
If there's already 600 dead and 1000 recovered, what makes you think that all of sudden the dead number will slow down and barely increase while the recovered number will skyrocket?
We can tell from these numbers that the virus is deadly.
The virus won't suddenly become less deadlier for no reason. The ratio between dead and recovered will stay similar as all the active cases will either die or survive
for Italy, it's around around 62%, which means that it will stay around that number until all the cases are resolved.
>retards not knowing that it means more people die than survive
Being a schizo and failing basic math.
eat the soup and then throw the cans at niggers
Threshold to test in US is in the ball park of having severe symptoms. So qualifying as an "active case" things have to be really bad to begin with.
I miss Gary...
Polack education
>believing Chinese
4.2k is barely .00003% of humanity
118.540 is roughly .0002%.
Niw out of those recovered how many is full clean and how many are ‘reinfected’? Because I reckon it’s the later 50%.
So that means that there’s still the human population that isn’t infects 6.5 billion, who are walking meatnafs ready to be hit and spread.
recovered maans jack shit if you can get reeinfected
>it's a nothingburger schizos take your meds
The numbers you yourself provided show that you're wrong
It’s only a matter of time......
1. Cases spike
2. hospitals overrun
3. people can’t get care and die
4. People freak and worry
5. People start to act irrational
6. Gov. steps in to calm everyone
7. Tensions mount and society starts to crack.
I’m not worried about the virus, I’m worried about societies response to the immense stress when they watch their loved ones choke to death on the living room couch.
China quarantined quickly.
China built a hospital quickly
USA is dragging feet and hoping they don’t have to do what they know they have to do. No time for human rights. Lock down hot zones and let it run its course.
I'm scared Yas Forums, I'm worried we start to have so many cases that the healthcare collapses and there's no one to treat my parents if they catch it (i'm most worried about them)
Can't they hurry onto finding the bloody cure or treatment?
How about the fact that the vast majority of cases are so minor that they never even get noticed because the person doesn't even bother to go to the hospital?
Or the fact that recovery takes longer than death, meaning that active cases are skewed in favor of recoveries?
Oh and the correct calculation is num deaths / (num deaths + num recoveries). Not num deaths / num recoveries you absolute dipshit.
uhhhh, eat them?
retard math, retard brain
This is what will cause the riots
plus i doubt many showing the symptoms that are infected are going to report it as the first symptoms are that of a normal flu.
you are cleary clinical retarded
of course the number will skyrocket bc you need 2 Weeks to recover while you can die within one day
stupid happooner 10 iq faggot.
I struggle to believe any statistics coming from China are even remotely accurate which is the bulk of the data used in the nothingburgers argument, maybe construct an argument with data from countries that aren't blatantly lying.
Eat them, The tinned ravioli was nice and bottled water saves me effort of filling a cup with a tap
Meanwhile, Italy has 600+ dead and 700-something recovered. It's almost as if chinks were hiding the actual number of deaths.
Exactly, like that doctor who had flu symptoms and continued to work and come into contact with more than 70 people.
Hell, I have hay fever and feel like shit half the time so I wouldn’t even know if I had it until I start hacking up phlegm.
Gee, only 20% chance of dying, what great odds, I'm no longer worried!
There are reports of death within hours of symptoms. Look at the facility in Seattle. Yes, they were elderly with conditions but death within hours of symptoms should tell you this virus is strong and brutal.
Here in portugal, we are constantly pushing people on the media to call the 24/7 health line to report your symptoms in case you get cough and fever. You are put in self quarantine and tested.
Also we are closing all schools and universities and people are working from home.
Well, It's basically old people that died and the health system already collapsed.
Dry cough and fever are main signs.
>being on Yas Forums
>being worried about society collapsing
imagine that
Why is it that the press, both western and chinks has never interviewed "reocovered" patients?
What the fuck? It can't go above 100% unless corona kills your soul too.
best hobo simulator coming soon to your country!
The cope posting of you Yas Forumskikie doomsdayers are unreal. I've never seen so many losers harping over the coronovirus wishing the end will come and whipe us all out.. How depressed are you; that all can do is look at the bad side? The bad side is barely even there. yet you magnify it x100
I love playing Russian roulette. This death cult which is our modern society is great.
Okay. America has about 1000 infected now and only 30 dead. Same situation is South Korea, many infected but very few have died. Are they lying too?
where did the other 50 THOUSAND go?
if you don't do shit as a country you end up like italy, i'm not suprised people are so worried, they should be
You people are retarded.
>3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
>4,269 total deaths world wide
>118,624 total cases world wide
>4269 total deaths/118624 total cases = 0.036
>.036*100 = 3.6%
>The morality rate is total deaths/total cases.
In Lombardy Italy they are already letting anyone older than 60 or people with preexisting conditions die in the hospital Corridors. Yeah, I’m still taking this pretty seriously. files.catbox.moe
It takes a few weeks to fully recover from a flu.
I live with a 90 years old grandmother and 2 60 years old parents. I don't want to even have a 1% risk of them dying from this
They never existed Hans. The Jews are controlling you sheeple with fake numbers. They want you to stay glued to your TV and or Internet. which means more $$$ for them.
If 1 out of every 20 people who get the disease dies, you have a disease with a 5% mortality rate.
If everyone who gets the disease dies, then you have a 100% mortality rate.
But since you're so smart, why don't you educate me?
i havent prepped at all (i could last maybe a week with what i have) and I have to ride a bus to and from work filled with pajeets and shitskin every day.
how fucked am i?
Stay indoors and don’t go within 20 feet of another human for any reason.
>collapsing the economy means more shekels for the kikes
what a bigbrain
Does anyone know the median age of those who have died in Italy or South Korea?
> I don't want to even have a 1% risk of them dying from this
You have at least a 1% chance of dying everyday you live, regardless of the Cornonovirus.
i had the flu for 3 days, where do these weeks come from?
i don't have any money or a television
From the same page:
learn to read nigger
War brings us out of dept, and so will the great collapse.
That's my plan
no need to add extra % for the virus then
Can we decide the 15%? Literal boomers BTFO!
Preteen Cory Feldman fucked, user.
war increases spending on the millitary industrial complex if you don't need to produce that much of it (that's why you keep fucking around in afghanistan so long)
what does a great collapse bring to the table
>You have over an 80% to survive
so like, only 70 million americans are going to die?
>3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of March 3
>A precise estimate of the case fatality rate is therefore impossible at present.
It's an estimate, a "precise estimate" is an oxymoron anyway.
its not the death I'm concerned about we all have that in our future.
It's the permanent lung and liver damage thats going to make our time here shittier that it should be that bothers me.
>i am everyone
It's individual how sick people get. Some people have flu for 1-2 days and some have them for few weeks.
>i don't have any money or a television
Yeah? And Trumps wall doesn't keep out the hardcore spics. However it does stop the bean sheeple. So just because they don't profiting off you doesn't mean they won't profit from your neighbor.
if i have the slightest suscpision of getting sick im gonna buy a shitload of food and live like a neet for a while
It hasn't properly kicked in yet, they still have enough resources to spare to keep people alive, when the amount of ill people gets overwhelming the death count will spike.
If they get it they won’t even be treated. Do you know what’s going on in Lombardy right now? They are getting like 50 people with pneumonia in every day and are letting people older than 60 just die in the corridors.
>1% of the population dies every day
Kill yourself braindead faggot
i dont believe 50% of the infected stay infected for more than a few days, it sounds dumb
i don't have a neighbor
>what does a great collapse bring to the table
What the people use to have they will want again. And due to the great collapse they can price gouge you for every penny you have because you're desperate for Food/Clothes/Shelter Etc.
4,000 deaths in such a short time is still nothing to sneeze at.
Hey OP
I just came back from the supermarket.
There was nothing left faggot. Spain has run out of food.
I've been to Venezuela and what's going on now is worse than anything I have ever seen in my life
Why would i kill myself for being logical?
we probably ALL have it since a month at least. not even a sneeze
>and are letting people older than 60 just die in the corridors.
That's fake news and has already been debunked by our civil protection in press conference.
The hospitals in lombardy are not at full capacity for now, but to prevent getting even close to that point, they are shifting patients to other regions with lower burden
>I just came back from the supermarket.
There was nothing left faggot. Spain has run out of food.
Then why did you go? Faggot
Honestly, we need to incompletely remove Chinese data from the analysis if we want to know the truth.
It's literally no worse than the flu.