
How to win the pro-life arguement once and for all.
Libs love dogs more than babies. If people started to push for the right to kill dog fetuses in the womb it would shake their world when people actually start to support that idea.

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It's ok only if you eat it afterwards.

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>my dog, my right

Abort all pitbulls

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Maybe use a condom or stop being such a whore sharqueshia

My dog was raped by another dog and now it needs an abortion.

>a woman is not a human, it's okay to control their reproduction

Vets already do this all the time. It isn't illegal.

Man, that argument is so clowny. "My body, my right". Oh, so you own another human's body? But I thought we made that illegal and immoral. Either slavery and abortion are both legal, or none of them are.

Should be fucking mandatory

We expose it, make it known that the cute pupperinos are getting aborted.

>El feto de un perrito en gestación, uma delícia

>Man, that argument is so clowny. "My body, my right". Oh, so you own another human's body? But I thought we made that illegal and immoral. Either slavery and abortion are both legal, or none of them are.

>woman owns her own body
>abortion ok
>woman owns dog
>dog abortion ok


she's the one who's in control of her reproduction, and she fucked it up by being a whore

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so abortions only for female fetuses. that seems like a good compromise.
you're right. i mean, pets are slaves. you're right. animal abortions are okay since animal slavery is okay.

Why do you newfags want more niggers to be born?

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Interesting angle, maybe refine it to "I'm so glad I paid to have a pit bull's puppies aborted!" theme or something that's going to hit from multiple angles, and there you go, equate them to niggers and how Planned Parenthood was founded to euthanize minorities and you can certainly scramble some brains with it.

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Well, its very simple. We beat the shit out of abortion supporters

>you're right. i mean, pets are slaves. you're right. animal abortions are okay since animal slavery is okay.

No ya dumb roastie. Human abortions are ok because ownership (apparently) is the determining factor in the propriety of an abortion (my body my right). Woman owns self, abortion ok. Woman owns dog, dog abortion ok.

also post tits

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Why do you support any white baby mutilated in the womb?

Got something to say wh*teboy? You keep crying while I keep riding your girl

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Posting in an inbred kike thread.

I've actually considered doing this.
Going to a 'womyn's march' with a sign reading:
See how much shit would fly.
The cognitive dissonance would be astounding.

>imagine deciding what other being can do with their own bodies

posting in epic bread

this will get big, calling it now OP, we need to push this

Women don't own half of the DNA in the child though so shouldn't both parties have a say?

i know you're trying to get a (you) but i'm clearly saying that the baby in her oven is owned by her according to these pro-murder people who say "my body, my right". therefore babies are slaves while baking at 99.5 ° for 38-40 weeks (put it on broil in the last 10 minutes to crisp up the top).

That's actually a weak argument because every living cell has DNA in it, and we destroy it anyways. Nice try normiecon.

>Women don't own half of the DNA in the child though so shouldn't both parties have a say?
I don't think DNA even enters into the argument. Because the baby is developing inside her, it is hers. Could be an implanted fertilized egg from another person and the same rules would apply.
>i know you're trying to get a (you) but i'm clearly saying that the baby in her oven is owned by her according to these pro-murder people who say "my body, my right". therefore babies are slaves while baking at 99.5 ° for 38-40 weeks (put it on broil in the last 10 minutes to crisp up the top).
I think I misunderstood your original point but I'm not following why slavery is germane here

Pets are slaves? I can't remember the last time I sent my dog out to pick a cotton Feild, all this fucker does is eat sleep and shit, hell cats meow at the door until you open it for them, yeah the pet struggle is real I wish I could be that kind of slave.

*kill. Fixed it for you. And only the white ones. Shitskins should be required to get abortions.

If they attack you for that view point it would make them hypocrites. It's genius.

Dindus get aborted disproportionately more often than white kids.

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Rape and incest are always grouped together, which is fucking retarded. They're two BAD WORDS so people defend abortion because you don't want BAD WORDS, do you?
Rape: abortion should be allowed.
Incest: abortion should be illegal.
If it was rape by a family member: incest rape. That's still rape. Therefore, abortion should be allowed.
If it was consensual incest, fuck you. You don't get to murder that retard baby.

pretty genious, could work

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apply this logic to human babies
>21% inadequate finances for child
>21% not ready for responsibility
Those arguments could be easy applied to justifying abortion for a pregnant dog if you're unwilling to consider adoption.

Honestly we should

>Honestly we should

They've already reproduced

you're all missing the obvious
>why would I force another being - one that can't consent mind you - to abort it's babies, drumpftard????
shit argument, easily deflected into peta shittery, won't work at all

Your idea is good but I have a better one: fully legalize devocalization of dogs everywhere. You see, this is a cruel procedure, but owners devocalize their dogs wether it is legal or not, but by legalizing it we ensure it's done in a controlled environment and with proper hygiene, avoiding the death of many dogs.

I've always maintained that if that referendum in ireland had been about killing baby puppies the very same women would have been marching to protect those same puppies.

But it was all dressed up as their "liberation" to have casual sex and not have to live with the consequences.

I am quite black pilled about this though. We won't win the argument. After Ireland fell that made a clean sweep - let white women vote and they WILL vote for abortion and divorce.

Arguining with them is pointless. If we are to survivie we have to take away the right to vote form women. Whether it can be done in time is another question.

>so abortions only for female fetuses. that seems like a good compromise.
I use this all the time. Great results. After all it's a compromise. Isn't it better to at least just allow 50% of abortions rather than 0%? What about if you say only for women, blacks, retards and poor people? When you put it this way they have to face the negative consecuences of abortion.

>why would I force another being - one that can't consent mind you - to abort it's babies, drumpftard????
Babies can't consent to abortion, but it's legal because consent is irrelevant if the lifeform to be killed is "owned" by a human. Same argument applies to any pet you own.

That meme does speak to a troubling truth. For 2000 years the white man gradually extended the definition of human and gradually extended rights and freedom. Much of this was good until he went mad and let women vote.

It's no coincidence that it was the same Victorians who made abortion a crime who abolished slavery. That demands a white man's perspective, a sense of justice and honour. White women would find self serving reasons to accept slavery (see today how feminsits rely on immigrant cleaners and nannies). Chinamen and Pajeets are very happy with their versions of slavery. Muslims and Africans both thin slavery is normal. The abolition of slavery was the white man's achievement. As the white man loses power slavery may come back.

We won't win any arguement by being blackpilled my guy

We abort dog and cat liters all the time. Its just not called abortion. Happens during a spay when they are pregnant.

>What about if you say only for women, blacks, retards and poor people?
>blacks, retards
What would be the problem with that?

Those same roasties who insist it's "not a baby it's a foetus" will also on facebook happily post the ultrasound of said foetus and insist it's a baby. Because it is. But women, as Schopenhauer pointed out, don't worry about truth or logical consistency. That's what abortion boils down to - women are subjective, they get to say whether that baby is a human life or not depending on whether they want to keep partying. Men don't tend to think that way, men view truth as an objective thing.

I said this months ago

Maybe not - but some arguments just cna't be won in the conventional sense I fear. It's a bit like the african nations that turned to shit after the white man left. We can delude ourselevs that blacks in Rhodesia could be assimilated etc but sooner or later one must face harsh truths.

We might say "why didn't the Romans just welcome to diversity and enrichment of the barbarians, who made an effort to integrate too!" but they were different people, different culture, different results. Letting women vote is like letting barbarians into your nation.

So yeah, in principle I get it, being blackpilled is bleak but sometimes what choice is there?

It doesn't matter. The idea is to make pro-choicers admit they wouldn't allow such policies.

Just spay and neuter, but eugenics like that seems to take a negative light in this society.

keep being assblasted, my pit torn a neighbors cat to shreds when it came into my backyard
keep your pets on your own property and it wouldn’t have happened

Start with this lads

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>So yeah, in principle I get it, being blackpilled is bleak but sometimes what choice is there?

I agree with most of your points, user. At the end of the day, all that matters is force. You only have the rights you can actually flex. You only own what you can protect. Women won't be convinced to vote against their own (short sighted) interests. The decline of the modern world can be traced back to when women and men started voting independent of the interests of the family.