How do we solve the SIMP problem?

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What the fuck is a simp?

I don't even know what a SIMP is. Fucking bitch ass paki. Go groom some young boys. Fuck niggers and fuck jannies.

Basically a white knight to thots.

male feminists, white knights, redditors, men in cuckold relationships etc.

When did PewDiePie become a Chad?

ever since he crossed the bridge, user.

he looks better with his head shaved.

also im going to keep simping and no one can stop me. I literally jst give girls money in real life and buy them stuff even if i dont like them. It is natural that men give resources to women.


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what if girls only hate rape because it's a social construct to hate rape

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I don't even understand simps. Do these guys actually think some E-Thot is going to have sex with them? Or do these losers actually have some sort of weird emotional connection to these camwhores that are just selling them fantasy?

Suckas idolizing mediocore pussy


So: "Single income male pervert" or what?

Random chimp event, is he redpilling people about chimp outs?

sucker idolizing mediocre pussy

they live in a false sense of reality thanks to the internet. they are simply gullible.

Today it occurred to me that one of the reasons men are stronger and more athletic than women is for the purposes of rape...

Evolutionarily speaking, none of us would be here if it wasn't for rape...

Pretty much all non-human sex is rape.

who is the girl in OP pic.

That's literally the case in Africa. There is no such thing as rape because the cunts can't fathom the concept. In our eyes it's clearly rape, but to them it's not even sex.

Simping... in a simp thread.

(Belle Delphine)

You don't solve problems being fragile on a board full of NEETS

Stella Artois

Belle Delphine

Stella Artois

good point.

Studies have shown that women automatically become physically aroused at the sight of an erect penis, even if they are mentally disgusted by it...

More social circles, less handouts and geared media (or specialized media to gear them towards a future). Simple as that.

don't lie to the poor fella

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woow, she is an ugly, i thought she is a cute. this vagina lips are ugly

Short for SIMPLETON. Basically a guy that goes for girls

SIMP = nice guy + white knight + beta orbiter

Who is to say what’s mediocre? Isn’t it subjective?

"simp" is an adjective used to describe men with low to medium social appeal that sacrifice their dignity and esteem for a woman who is profitting off their suffering (by attention, money or ego points). "simps" are called like that exactly because their are stupid and simple minded, thanks usually to a ego death in early period (media or failures in love) or to sheer indoctrination.

its a loser/pinhead
carter from /asp/ created it and spread it upon most of Yas Forums
then reddit and twitter stole it and now its the new normie meme for a beta orbiter
but /asp/ chads finna know who really got the meme over
as we do with every other meme
>inb4 seething pinheads
guess what, we popularized seething too
*dx crotch chop*

we start by punching

Someone Idolizing Mediocre Pussy, but that one works too.

It is tho.

Based pewds making fun of cucks.
Hius content has gotten edgier and funnier after the break. Good for him.


The Jews are behind, literally, every single problem on the entire planet earth:
Destructive ideologies
etc etc etc etc

Simps is just a symptom of a symptom of a symptom of a Jewish-caused problem, in this case feminism/de-masculinization of men. One of many billions of Jewish-related problems.

it's an abbreviation of simpering you fucking retards

All the answers before this are incomplete or wrong.
The exact definition of SIMP is


Simps go out of their way to appeal to pussy, so they are liabilities.
The woman question will be answered by the solution to the SIMP problem.

What problem? Being a simp is its own punishment.

Belly Dolphin

What's the source of the Pre-marital sex/Explosives clip he plays at 5 mins? That shit looks kinda funny af honestly senpai.

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Some rich girl airhead korean twitch streamer named "Jinny" left her wallet on the beach in san francisco last night and it got yoinked within minutes.

She lost her ID's and over 1k.
As soon as she started crying and telling the viewers about it they donated over 3k within 15 minutes.


+ cumbrain

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If you have to ask, you aren’t a simp.
Leave the zoomers to their own devices, no sense in appealing to their revered twitter ebonics.

oh shit i didnt recognize her she looks different here.

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Looks like a male asian to me to bee honest

People who donate to e girls need culled

>caring about this redditor eceleb normie

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bitch nigga killed himself over a slit

Sup Pewdiepie, you swedish cuck nigger. Send Marzia my way!

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solid 5/10
wtf are these lips

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State keynesianism can solve it's problems. Free enterprise with state-built social programs and medias. Jewish capitalism is not very distant from open borders libertarianism.
Caused by Chinks, America lowered down it's environment impact of 10% while China has a 500%.
Unironically this concept was created by Jews.

Cock sucking lips you liplet.

Why do people watch this faggot?
I don't get it. 20 seconds and I was annoyed by his voice but I can listen to hours of Sargoy talking about muh ebil womyn

>muzzie flag
Believe me, i would toss them off buildings, they are the equivalent of lemmings.

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