Nazis btfo

The Alternative Hypothesis wrote a 53 page document debunking anti-semitic myths common amongst white nationalists and nazis:
Debunk it if you can

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is his biggest flaw, he can analyze data for hours and hours at a time yet only a few thousand will actually listen and learn. It's the sir galahad theory of politics, you can be completely right and have hundreds of documents, but if you're an autist like Faulk you're dead in the water.

>j...jews are just like you, goy! I mean, us!

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>b-but wut about that video he made on Jews
Sure, he attacks the elite, but doesn't dent the 53 page pdf on how jews are compatible with white people.
The jew hate has got to stop

Those few thousand are gods amongst men when it comes to debate so his approach is perfect

>no argument
Go ahead user, dump your meme folder of news headlines showing how the jewish elite are anti-white. Tell yourself this is statistical proof that jew bad

I don't get it, only half of the extreme right is obsessed with jews the half just want to stop shit skin horde. You don't understand at all what the goals of the extremes are, the anti-semites traced the source of the shit skins and the other side just wants to target shitskins and not repeat WW2.

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a faggot with a nigger boyfriend is defending jews
what a shock

Good shit. Ryan has always been extremely based and redpilled. It's important to maintain rationality even when it comes to kikes.

Can you sum it up?
I doubt it's possible to debunk something like the Culture of Critique ,nepotism, and Judeocommunism.

>and not repeat WW2
We are in pre-weimar 2.0, it will happen till 2024

If the jewish elite isn't behind antiwhite policy then who is?

The jew obsession is demonstrably fucking retard
>foreskin eating
>simon of trent
>Dr. schlomo goldberg-shekelstein
This is low IQ skinhead nonsense that doesn't look at the bigger picture (the jewish elite are not the same as all jews)

>thrown out 300 times from different countries
>it's for.. It's litterally nothing
>jews were good guys
>by the way, don't look up anything about the black plague
>heh.. forget that one
>forget the kid eating statues around europe too, goy
>jews are pretty cool heh.. hehehe

Oh they are, but that doesn't mean you should gas the kikes or whatever because that random israeli user you want to kill is most likely more similar to you than those elites, or at least they are inherently so until you keep gaslighting him about how he's the cause of all your problems

ryan has gone downhill which is a shame


Ryan is too transparent. He pushes race realism, but his goals are too obvious.

E-celebs are all the same.

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At the same time he also confirmed some of the things. The data agrees with Yas Forums but not to the extent that the schizos who hate every Jew say

Are you implying Jews did not kill Simon of Trent?

Imagine defending a religion that ideologically thinks that others not of their race/class are literal slaves to be used like cattle at their discretion.

Judaism makes me sick.

Oh it's just a "killing random poles doesn't actually hurt the rothschilds" angle

Ok sure I can get behind that

He confirms the Yas Forums narrative for the Jewish ELITES, right, not all Jews

Sadly true, everyday I try to think that maybe some AI will come and help us but I know it wont happen, we are doomed to repeat WW2. They won't stop flooding our countries with degenerate shit, and we won't stop resisting them.
I admit some of us have gone too far with some topics, but there is no smoke without fire. They are searching for the cause of their nation state, they will not stop till they find the group or person behind it all.

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>They're not ALL bad
yeah no shit, not all blacks and muslims are bad. a lot of them realise they can't get away with their tricks and still get what they want. they still deep down want it though

I like khazar milkers

>we are doomed to repeat WW2
I sure as fuck hope so. Dibs on Sweden when we invade that shithole.

What did you expect from a homosexual? He craves BBC in his tiny white asshole.

Pic related - another "race realist". Notice a pattern?

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Jews are a net benefit to society compared to those groups

this isn't their latest opinion/work on the JQ, this is.

show flag jew

>meme flag
>using e celeb talking points to defend kikes
it's all so tiresome.

another link if that one doesn't work

>statistical fluff based on opinion polls
>doesn't debunk any specific criminal allegations, just 'evidence' that claims that nobody makes are overblown

>53 page document

I ain't reading that shit.

Logic and critical thinking has no place here. Fuck off with your articles.

That was during his pro-IsraHELL phase before (((((they))))) literally stole thousands of dollars off him.

The only way this could be remotely true is if you only factor in economics.

Fuck off D&C nigger

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Does nothing to refute the article


Block the memeflags like the rest of us have done.

and next week he'll have a mental breakdown and go full neo-nazi
who gives a shit about that bipolar autist

eh, I'm not really interested in taking the time to read what this doomer homosexual thinks. And yeah, I know that the Protocols of Zion is most likely a forgery and #notAllJews... it's just the majority of the Jews, most of the time.

Does he still have his channel? He should interview with and/or debate Andrew Joyce if he thinks the majority of Jews do not engage in Jewish Identity Politics currently and have consistently through out history. From your claims in OP, it sounds like AltHype doesn't even know how completely false the Jewish claims are concerning the Russian Pogroms. Would make for a lively show. He should get on that.

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without jew we wouldn't have to deal with those groups to begin with also jews aren't close to us

yeah I know. people have this weird view that either Yas Forums is completely wrong about Jews or completely right about everything. Yas Forums is on the right track but goes off the rails

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it completely does and he even addresses the article at the end. Sean Last and Ryan Faulk wrote the article together as well, you can take it up with the author himself if you'd like

>niggers are trying to D&C jews and whites

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First of all, meme flag - what are you hiding?

Second, then clearly he noticed the statistical over representation of Jews right? Especially with regard to their involvement in finance, subversive media, and social movements.

No, of course not. So what is the crux of his argument?
> However, it is unfair to blame an entire people for harm done by their elites.

Basically its a lengthy way to say #NotAllJews.

Which just sounds like a jew trying to save himself or a shabbos goy trying to disrupt and using “optics” as cover.

Having said this, it is helpful to downplay the “kill all kikes” mentality in order to make attempts as delegitimization more difficult. Sort of like the racist vs racialist argument.

Also, hilarious that you pretended to watch an hour long video in 2 minutes. Kill yourself

jews are the only group more likely to support affirmative action if they see it as harmful to whites

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Israel needs to open up it's borders to other peoples

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Jews literally think everyone who isnt jewish is cattle and less than them- they call themselves "gods chosen" for fucks sake!
Yes, its all Jews, all of them.

I've read the ideasanddata article the video is based on. Tell me the refutations of the graphs I'm posting then

>muh based jews

do you think the holocaust will really happen this time around?

>jewish elites = all jews

no jews=jews

Jews think you are cattle.
You are defending a group of people who quite loudly and expressely think of you as nothing more than an animal and wants to kill you, rape your kids, steal from you if you are not Jewish.
There is no debate about this, the jewish religion is fucked up and must not continue, they mutilate children and suck the bloody tips for fucks sake.
You must be brainwashed.

his bashing of natsoc has always been cringe

>all Jews call out Jewish elites
God, damn this is some cope-posting.
Your gay little Alt-hype fluff piece about mother fucking opinion polls means fuck-all.
Get back to me when you debunk this evidence Jews did 9/11, bitch boi.

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If you betray Ryan because he said a few things you disagree with, then there is literally no one else to fall back on.

He's done more work in support of race realism than any other """e-celeb"""" out there. Without Ryan Faulk theres no hope of white collectivism. I hate to hang off his balls but its true.

Is it possible to defang jewish elites without discriminating against jews as a whole?
Has it ever been done? Can it be done?

It's almost a contradiction of terms - "you're allowed to live here as jews and have mostly the same rights as everyone except you aren't allowed to ever become rich or powerful"

Fucking hell this is just perfect you know what they say you fuckers better reply to this post or your mothers will turn to Jews in their sleep

It’s almost as if white nationalist are too unintelligible to do their own research

This entire faggy document rests on the faggy and gay principle that white people should only self-advocate after they can prove 100% of Jews hate them.
It does absolutely nothing to address any specific allegations against specific Jews.

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>t. kike

Nah wait you're right they did rebut the article they once supported (they didn't write it)
Alright nevermind show's over lads:
Fuck jews

>hating this guy means you're destroying the entire movement
You and your e-celeb can fuck off

It’s almost as if Nazis are too unintelligible to do their own research

Considering U.S. Congress has a 600% Jew representation, most of them being Dems. Why in the fuck would a trust a Jew who has more representation than me? It’s no coincidence Jews have been kicked out of most of the countries they inhabited.

Jews are rats, plan and simple. They pretend they are victims, but are truly the puppet masters pulling the strings. Fuck Jews. And fuck OP fagging for e celebs. There will be a special pit for losers like you

m8 he has given so many of us the tools we need to prove our argument.

>wrote a 53 page document debunking anti-semitic myths common amongst white nationalists and nazis
jew lies

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How dare you trivialize simon of trent. Fuck you.

White washing reverse gas lighting. Yes Elite Jew You Are The Problem, Maury Povitch voice. Juice are the flip side of islam, both have the whites as slaves and cattle.

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based user

Calm down nigger, you're sounding like a jew

This should be easy

Samefaging this much

Why don't any of these faggots debunk common anti-white myths common amongst anti-white proponents? E-celebs are for fucking brainless spineless people with no convictions waiting for someone to tell them how to feel about something. This is true for both left and right.

I suspect that he's changed his position on this topic quite a bit, seeing as he's made some rather colorful videos/remarks about the Jews since he published this paper.

I don't hate Jews, I just don't like Commies that are.

We've done it all before. If you haven't been paying attention, the internet has changed a lot in the last 10-15 years. So many sites and resources have been lost or censored.

Debunk this evidence Jews did 9/11.
You can't.
And you never will.


also, that symbol he choose reminds me of the SA symbol his so hated nazi used.

Alt Hype is unironically the best intellectual we have. He is 100 percent /our guy.

>t. a dude who listens to all of shit uploads

We wouldn't have to defang the elites ourselves. If we convince all the normie Jews that their elites are doing things that hurt all Jews, then they'll reign in their leaders. If, for example, we could successfully spread "immigrants don't care about the Holocaust" as a meme, with infographs and supporting evidence, and really get the Jewish community to believe it, then they'd start doing research, writing editorials and slowly bringing their leaders around.

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Stormfags are fucking pathetic. You do know that even liberals will admit that jews over represent banks, right? It's not because "MUH SECRET CABAL OF ZOG JOOZ", it's because of a long history of jews being pushed to the position of being merchants where they were the only people allowed to become one in a christian-ruled world. At that point, it became traditional for jews to become bankers since their parents and grandparents were too. And because they were bankers with money, of course everyone would want to turn them into scapegoats. You are all historically illiterate faggots.
No. In fact, I hate banks and think they shouldn't exist. Money shouldn't exist. But you fetishizing jews to be this conniving evil anime organization is cringy as fuck.

I wonder if he is being paid to divert the movement from folkish jew-woke ethnonationalism to jews did nothin IQ-based civic nationalism.

shut up retard.

>Why don't any of these faggots debunk common anti-white myths common amongst anti-white proponents?
That is literally the entire point of Alt Hype's channel/website. Sometimes he just veers off on stuff like this and then backtracks.

KYS mindcontrol guy

someone post screenshots of the pdf

dude he literally made a sarcastic video called “a celebration of the jewish people” its so fucking based idk how its still on jewtube

implying they wouldn't conspire

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His argument is
>not all jews
We are tired of Jewish Elite undermining our societies and as a result the all need to leave if you had a bowl of skittles and 3% were poisoned would you through them all out or just risk eating a bad one?

He has to be killed for posting misinformation! Das ist zeit fur rache!!!!!

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just view it on wayback machine if you dont want to give them a click u dummy

yeah if you read it that's not what he said at all

imagine my shock

>says 'not all jews' then does a 180 because he found out his eceleb actually disagreed with the article
Imagine being this much of a sheep

This. But Bahamas user, aren't you a Carib? You do have conservatives in power and you're not that overpopulated though.

Race realism is fucking cancer. Only delusional retards can't see that public acceptance of race realism would INEVITABLY lead to eugenics, sterilization of lesser races, etc. (And by the way, white groups will be considered lesser races) Race is real, but humans are politically at a point where this will only damage any hope white people have.

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agreed user. We could all get a lot further if we conform to his rational, methodical approach.

Imagine wasting soooo much time trying to convince your own VOLK that the (((tribe))) is NOT behind communism,imagine being such a verrater!

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>And by the way, white groups will be considered lesser races
you're joking, right ?

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Damn this guy is a retard

Ryan is failing to see the forest for the trees.
Jews are all ethnocentric. Thus, though not every kike owns Viacom, all work as a group to support the elites at the top.
It's a shame to see Ryan fall for this but it is understandable.

There is no hope for white collectivism WITH Ryan Faulk. The only hope for white collectivism is the collapse. 50% of our stock are flaming faggots, s0iboys, feminists and liberals, and those who aren’t one of those are usually nerdy dorks and losers. The white Chad is the rarest creature in the world right now.

so what? The germanic herrenvolk ought to prevail! Sieg heil!

You post is as idiot as what is attached to it.
The normie jews don't have the ability to reign in the big jews

You know how I know you are Jewish?

Heil Hitler

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I'm sure you believe this, LAMO.

glad you posted this. The attempts to attack ryan lately seem very artificial if you know what I mean.

Ryan is not a civic nationalist.
And shitting on e-celebs is cute, but e-celebs have a much larger effect upon culture than you do.

Daily reminder communism has been tried and doesn't work

Sieg Heil !

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This is the same kind of argument liberals use against guns because they couldn't trust themselves not to freak out and murder people if they had the power. Very telling about their inner workings.

>jews are compatible with white people
about as compatible as a slave is with his master, faggot kike

This guy writes like a like pleb and is only saying shit everyone knows. The fact that whites have been brainwashed by decades of jewish propaganda is not proof that jews are not the driving force behind immigration and other efforts. What a faggot.


He's still a moron for believing IQ is valid when Taleb refuted it.

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Because i read the article you fucking brainlet

He has, I've read the article when I was first questioning the jq
He wrote an article in disagreement and said that the original article was an anonymous contribution

i remember he made a vid about kikes and he was not very well-disposed in their regards to say the least, did he change idea for the 457th time or is this just a different take?

>acceptance of race realism would INEVITABLY lead to eugenics, sterilization of lesser races, etc. (And by the way, white groups will be considered lesser races)
Ahhhhh, I love the smell of Jewish projection

You don't need a collapse, you just need to take over the media. People don't understand how God-tier powerful controlling the media is in this hyperreal age.


and if I think about it,National Socialism isn't even radical enough

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>as idiot as what is attached to it.
I understand what you're trying to communicate, and fuck you. Asses are awesome.

>The normie jews don't have the ability to reign in the big jews
Not immediately and not directly. But most elite Jews are "philanthropists" who go to great lengths to support the Jewish community as a whole. If it becomes apparent that the normie Jew community benefits from Jew-inclusive White Nationalism, then the elites will eventually start helping their people.

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