soudruzi ja grcám z tych prekladov, konečne kvalitné vlákno kek my mame ((dialkovu vyučbu)), semestre sa neposuvaju a keď sa 2 tyždňoch vratime budeme vedieť tak holy kokot a neprejdeme ročnik
Dominic Kelly
Asi tak, prázdniny typu nauč se sám, od matiky po češtinu.
Landon Brooks
Na ujepu všichni chrchlaj už dva týdny, mně se dneska spustil kašel a v pátek letim do Anglie. Tak už se těšim až novinky budou psát o dementnim Čechovi co se vrátil s korunou
Nolan Miller
A to jsi ještě neviděl český překlady očividných Yas Forums memísků.
Jaxson Lopez
Ohio State University has suspended classes and we are now under a state of emergency
Ryan Martinez
FUck off, mutt.
David Miller
Za mało procent, minimum to 70%
Joseph Morgan
>plan march vacation in austria >pay for housing in advance with no refund option because its cheaper (what could happen anyway R-right?) >suddenly chink AIDS hits >bitch gf is spooped and doesnt want to go >shekels wasted
Fucking womyn. As of i care whether i live or die
Leo Jones
V pondělí mám nastupovat jako IT na letiště, jak moc jsem v píči, králové?
Pokud užs to chytil od báby co přijela z itálie z lyžovačky tak jsi v pohodě, pokud to plánuješ chytit tak začni zobat vitamín C a udělej si klystýr slivovicí a měl bys bejt ok.
Leo Bennett
we are two weeks behind Italy, i think total lockdown from 23.3.
Je dobrý nápad jít se ožrat do hospody a kámošema?
> Ostrava
Luis Foster
Sisters class mate came back from italy at sunday, at monday he went to school and today he is having fever and coughing XDDD czechs are such a fucking arogant faggots.
Jose Hall
bože ty jsi debil
Brody Torres
Too much svíčková in this thread
Jayden Morales
Our country sounds like it, yours is one.
Leo Harris
Ječná (IT) dat here, headmaster told us, we should keep waking up at 7.30 and having literal breaks Kill me
William Young
Hurry up and be like Kingdom Come Deliverance again faggots.
Or do you want me to send Cumans to burn down Silver Skalitz again?
Logan Smith
> mutt směju se ti do ksichtu
Easton Campbell
we will be all dead in a month, nuke china for me
Colton Perez
how do I make friends bros? I dont have any social contacts, I cant go on living like this
a guy with broken arm was feverish, you know, because that's what happens when you break your arm
his doc sent him directly to bulovka because fever
That's one of the blatantly retarded. there is about 60 others just as retarded, but it's not that obvious to people outside of medical field
prisahambohu jeste jedna sluzba tenhle tyden tak z toho zkurvenyho okna v konferencni mistnosti skocim
Gavin Martin
I listen to Czech rap hehe
Elijah Robinson
Recently I had to walk from the bus station in Prague to the train station. During walking I realised that around 10% of the girls I passed by star in porn. Felt weird. Do you guys get used to this degeneracy or how do you deal with it?