Why are jews so fucking evil?
Why are jews so fucking evil?
They aren't, dumb goyim are just too easy to play
Jews see whites as Edom - their eternal enemy. Some will even call us Amalek - whom they are to completely destroy.
One only has to look at Jewish sources. It is their duty to destroy us. There can be no friendship with them.
Its not Jews, its higher intelligence makes you less emotional and less swayed by feelings. What you hate about the Jews is their lack of desire to feel bad about catching you in their many traps. An animal may hate the hunter who set the trap, but to the hunter, its just dinner.
You are just the intelligent and elites dinner. Learn to understand the traps and avoid them.
its your turn to shower
because you people allow it.
It's so hard for me to figure out why Hitler gassed 6 million of these people 80 years ago.
Because Yas Forums just needs a boogeyman to blame for all of their problems.
you know that weird smelly kid at school who got laughed at?
It's like that..but for two thousand years.
Mirror mirror upon the wall. Das RiTe
>Why are jews so fucking evil?
Because nobody has the courage to stop them anymore.
He who is without sin throwing the first rockos
these US flags are real stupid goyim or kikes behind a VPN
wow hes handsome
Um that's kind of a loaded question sweaty
This is the right answer... most people dont know anything about real Jewish writing.
I've only scratched the surface and ive been studying for years.
There's hundreds of books from just the 19th century that detail the facts.
The amazing thing is how the jews managed to make Europe forget history in less than 100 years... the last 1000 years Europeans knew the truth about jewry and actively worked against it.
Ehhhh it's Lambo. How's it hangin chief?
Gonna assume you're a kike, you gave your opinion so I'll give mine. I couldn't give a shit about higher intelligence, it's the fact that Jews are naturally subversive and will slowly begin to screw over others while reaping the benefits.
The world is a better place without kikes and that's that. No place for snakes.
More like why are zionists so fuckin evil.
Their father is the devil.
Its your duty to collect the truth evidence and truth usually cuts like a cookie cutter through all things.
But it's not religious Jews who are in positions of power, but rather secularized Jews.
They're cursed by God.
But it only is your duty if you believe it to be your duty
It's all karma i think. But it could have been a massive form of black magic. It's either pure karma or a mass spell of demons. And considering we are in the kali yuga im not to positive about it. But im also not negative
does that really matter?
They both have the same goal and they both support and help each other.
3,000 years of human sacrifice, 2,000 of which they were forced to keep it secret, 3,000 years of baby torture and genital mutilation with at least 2,000 years of the rabbi sucking the baby penis adding to the trauma, at least 2,000 years of heavy inbreeding and heavy outside forces culling them; meaning they've been selectively bred to be evil, machiavellian baby torturing, incestuous and malicious.
a square is a rectangle but not vice versa, zionists are the problem of america, not jews
secular = worldly
Their religion is secular, because it comes from their father, the lord of the worldly.
Pretty much. Genesis 17. Abraham shouldn't have mutilated his penis and promised to mutilate the penises of everyone else for that fag Yahwah. Lord... Yeah, right. He's clearly a degenerate evil fag... And we're cleaning up the consequences.
I forgot animal sacrifice, which is evil as well. There's also pathological cultural positions; they have both inferiority and superiority complex, they lost a war against Romans, they lost their Messiah, their nation, their lineages, names, temple and their entire religion in 170 AD. However, they still preach supremacy, and since open, genocidal conflict is ruled out, they have to be more deceptive. After all, they are willing to do anything for the algorithm they used to cull their own population with.
Their religion is a trade-off; baby mutilation and lifelong psychosexual trauma, human/animal sacrifice for wealth and power... Their religion also forces them to be genocidal, which has caused problems, and their religious metanarrative pushes them towards more nepotism due to this outside pressure (which they have caused, but are blind to thanks to their trauma; same happens with muslims and Amerimutts). Their religion enforces a hostile economic policy, which they try to enforce wherever they can; the pyramid scheme of usury.
It's a pitiful fate of a people and race completely obsessed over what is a basic monkey ladder experiment.
In addition to this, the whole idea of their animal sacrifice is evil. They cast off all their flaws and evil deeds onto the animal and then pretend it's all good since blood has been shed. However, in truth they remain just as guilty as before, they just don't have cultural enforcement to remind them. Perhaps initially killing an animal was so horrendous that it was an actual sacrifice one had to live with.
However, they industrialized this act instead; more sacrifices, more vile behavior.
More like people who are in no way related to Abraham shouldn't abide by the covenant that he made with God.
More like no one, even those who are direct descendants of Abraham, should continue to live by the curse of the law since the Messiah fulfilled the law and ended the covenant.
More like people shouldn't just do dumb shit without understanding any of it or the history behind it.
They're literally Satan's chosen. It may sound facetious, but the more you look into it the more evidence there is.
> they are the descendants of Caanan, whom God found so offensive that he demanding their extermination
> they are the basis for all fairy tales and myths about demons and satanists
> the bible literally refers to the proto-jews as the children of the devil
> they have a history of child sacrifice and child genital mutilation going back thousands of years
> they're viscerally repugnant, the mere sight of them causes feelings of disgust and evil
> they are the anti-christs, they have an irrational hatred of Jesus and Christianity that leads to genocide
> their culture and religion reinforces total merciless hatred of everyone but themselves
> every nation and culture that has had contact with them has eventually found them to be so intolerable and repugnant that they were expelled. every single one.
Tell me this isn't an accurate description of real life satanists.
>the covenant that he made with God
Yahwah is not God. Yahwah is a generate fag as I said who asks people to mutilate their penis.
They happen to have an obsession with the number 6.
>Satur(n)day is their sabbath, sixth day, sixth planet
>Saturn has a hexagon on its north pole
>They wear a cube on their foreheads or hands when they pray, cube has six sides and can be represented in 2D as a hexagon
>muh 6 million
>6 million jews live in israel, 6 million live in USA
>"star of david", hexagram
>God commands people to crush the head of the metaphysical serpent
>degenerate jew pretends it means penis instead, and only they get it
I can see this scenario happening as well.
It might sound a bit woo-woo user, but have you noticed the energy change since we stopped the Muslims circling around the Kabaa in Mecca?
You are clearly one of the "Asian" british who has no idea what he's talking about. It's ok, you migrated to an island dominated by a clan of bank vampires who work hard to keep you retarded.
It's not very clear but the Dogon people also circumcise and they specifically say it is to separate the male and female aspects of the self. Human beings have a balance of masculine and feminine energy (it's not 50/50) but everyone should have a mix and the mutilation tries to kill the feminine aspect of the soul in men. Here are the Dogon people. They dress up like the Fag, Yahwah as well.
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
compared to the rampant popularity of human sacrifice the idea of animal sacrifice, is extremely progressive.
also, you can't just sacrifice any animal, you can only sacrifice LIVESTOCK - good and valuable livestock.
you know, shit that costs tons of money.
if every time you committed a sin you'd have to buy a whole damn goat and sacrifice it at the temple, you would avoid sinning pretty damn fast.
also, said goat needs to be in pristine condition, you can't just take a sick, dying or crippled goat. because its not really a sacrifice if it doesn't hurt you economically.
not to mention that the priests get to eat parts of the animal you sacrificed.
so unless you're vegan, you're a fucking hypocrite for calling animal sacrifice evil.
educate yourself before you talk shit.
also we don't preach for any kind of supremacy and we don't have psychological trauma from circumcision.
The year has been too wild to draw on any single event. Heck, this is a bit weird, but the night Souleimani was murdered, I woke up in the middle of the night at the same time, and had a vision of a healthy looking muslim salute me. I thought it was just some weird sleep-haze, but after I went to Yas Forums, I connected a few dots.
antisemitic much?
>also we don't preach for any kind of supremacy and we don't have psychological trauma from circumcision
You just couldn't go for a whole post without BS could you?
>you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Deflection, you have 0 blame in anything, it's all the goy, the uncircumcised. Just like it's always the Kaffir or the 'nations without freedumbs'.
Why do atheist jews circumcise their sons; it's ritual baby torture, so you'd think they'd rather keep God than the evil, degenerate habits of their religion?
The answer is simple: jews are full of desire to do evil, and there is no counterbalance, such as desire to do good.
>its not really a sacrifice if it doesn't hurt you economically
and this is why nobody likes you
109 and counting ...
>the night Souleimani was murdered
He was in I, Pet Goat 2.
3:13 - Souleimani
4:40 - Circumcision
5:20 - Islam (Suleiman Mosque, Istanbul) & Sufism (Edirne, Turkey) where all the border shit is going down
A mixture of supremacism and extreme paranoia.
>extreme paranoia
He has good reason for the paranoia to be fair.
> they are the descendants of Caanan, whom God found so offensive that he demanding their extermination
WRONG. we are decendants of ABRAHAM who has no relation to canaan whatsoever. we conquered the land of canaan with god's will
> they are the basis for all fairy tales and myths about demons and satanists
WRONG. myths about demons and fairys predate judaism.
> the bible literally refers to the proto-jews as the children of the devil
WRONG. never happened.
> they have a history of child sacrifice and child genital mutilation going back thousands of years
WRONG. child sacrifice is explicitly forbidden in judaism, and is punished by painful death
> they're viscerally repugnant, the mere sight of them causes feelings of disgust and evil
you're just an idiot or a troll, you have never seen a jew in your life
> they are the anti-christs, they have an irrational hatred of Jesus and Christianity that leads to genocide
JESUS WAS A JEW. idiot. if you hate us, you need to hate your "lord and savior" as well.
> their culture and religion reinforces total merciless hatred of everyone but themselves
WRONG. jewish texts provide thousands of stories how jews and none-jews get a long.
> every nation and culture that has had contact with them has eventually found them to be so intolerable and repugnant that they were expelled. every single one.
WRONG. only primitive and christian kingdoms in the 1500's expelled jews.
if you truly think we are your enemy, at least do some basic work to learn how we function
Yeah, because the supremacism pisses everyone off.
You're liars that like to argue.
They're not, you're just drunk on anti-Semitic propaganda.
Fuck Kushner and other sociopathic right-wing ghouls tho.
They're like white nationalists, except Jewish. They see brown people as less than human, so they consider themselves entitled to the land they believe to be their exclusive birthright, while those who live there without being part of their in-group are simply foreigners "infesting" it.
Literally none of that is a thing
This. You guys don't really hate Jewish people as much as you hate progressive, egalitarian, humanistic ideals. And then you paint Jewish people as the "culprits" behind their existence.
Meanwhile the truth is, these simple ideas are derived from basic human empathy, and they only seem alien to you because you lack such empathy. Because you were raised in a society that convinced you that you're the "default", and that the presence of anyone who isn't like you must be some "agenda".
who invited you here ? are you one those "based jews" from r_thezion ?
yeah, because true sacrifice is only when you get rid of shit you don't value and don't need.
i hope that you like inquisition tortures, witch turnings and religious civil wars because all 109 of those countries did these things as well
>JESUS WAS A JEW. idiot. if you hate us, you need to hate your "lord and savior" as well.
You've missed the point totally. Christ transcended earthly nationality and human constructs, and the real distinction between people is made in the transcended state; 'if you were of Abraham, you would do as Abraham', but instead you act like demons, so you're the children of the Devil.
>behind their existence.
*behind the existence of these ideals.
>jew thinks he's an actual Hebrew
>jew doesn't realize they are the origin of vampire memes
>jew outright doesn't know that Christ called them sons of vipers and said their father is the devil
>jew doesn't know about blood sacrifice, as researched by fellow based jew Ariel Toaff
>jew doesn't realize that jews are ugly
>jew claims to know that Christ was a jew (he wasn't) but doesn't know what Christ said about jews
>jew lies about goyim and what the talmud says about goyim
>jew doesn't know that jews are STILL being kicked out of places
holy shit you people really think you're smarter than everyone else, huh?
Don't worry Israel. You'll be fine. There is a lot of shit to sort out in your past though but we'll get there. I like your new entry for Eurovision youtube.com
This is the way forward. Sharing is caring.
It’s calculations and hedonism
They evolved to be evil. And the funny part is each time someone expels them for being so evil, we actually put selection pressure on their population favoring the worst ones.
>You guys don't really hate Jewish people
No. We actually do hate kikes.
They're Luciferians.
>Literally none of that is a thing
explain yourself
>You guys don't really hate Jewish people as much as you hate progressive, egalitarian, humanistic ideals. And then you paint Jewish people as the "culprits" behind their existence.
pic related
Still doesn't change the fact that you worship a Jew, lmao.
many atheist jews don't circumcise their babies.
those who still do, feel a spiritual or cultural connection to the jewish nation that they wish to hang on to.
its hilarious that you think we enjoy seeing our babies suffer. but in reality their pain is minimal because of their very young age
also jews openly blame themselves for the destruction of their ancient kingdom.
again, you know NOTHING.
Everyone used to do animal sacrifice though.
But yeah, how they justify it is really disgusting. They don't try to please god/gods with their offering, but supposedly transfer their sins onto an animal that's being slaughtered.
Literally Jew tier.
You're just making shit up as you go, and I think you know it.
>Everything I don't like is literal devilry.
What a primitive, childish mind.
Religious civil wars were an error caused by the radicalization of the masses since they became literate, but not intelligent. Hardly worth defending. However, kicking foreign conquerors, troublemakers and negative influences from your nation is more than fine.
Inquisition was good, and in fact more humane than the secular government, and it was efficient in getting rid of circumcision cults from Iberia. Witch burnings were a thing only in 16th century onwards, medieval Europe allowed magic, and portrayed witches as attractive. However, by the time witchcraft had become illegal, and consequently a capital offense. Records show that the witches burned were usually extremely ugly mutants, so it was based as well. Kinda sad seeing how far their lineages and teachings had fallen in only a few centuries, though. It's like burning tumblrina-rolls.
Most jews believe their own bullshit.
The western world is a collection of lies to cover up 10 previous generations of jew lies.
Thank you for keeping Russian Imperial architecture and monuments in Finland in such splendid condition.
I love Finland
Yes, there are Jewish people who supported progressive causes. Because guess what, they're human beings with political opinions just like gentiles.
And then you use the very existence of Jews with progressive views as "evidence" that their views are part of some malevolent conspiracy.
Can I be real with you niggas for a second? Does anybody like Kushner?
Wasn't the guy who created the inquisition a Jew convert?
Secular means separated from religion.
When kikes say they are secular jews they are saying they aren't religious while admitting they are "ethnically jewish", almost always ashkenazi, the most despicable kike tribe that controls everything and causes the most problems. They cause trouble whether they follow the retarded religion or not.
>Everything I don't like is literal devilry.
Not what I said. Lying and murder are the chief ills of the devil, and described as such.
It's still evil, but at least Christianity put an end to it. Islam too.
I don't think I'm a Christian.
Holy shit, this is some serious Jewish damage control, Chaim!
> dude, cutting defenseless babies and sucking bloody baby cocks is totally cool dude.
neck yourself kike.
Yes, and as such he fought efficiently against judaism. He banned all communication between jewish families who claimed to be converts. Likewise he didn't continue circumcision, nor inbreeding, and didn't take kindly to usury.
Which means that if we stop those three events from ever happening, we can mend the jew.
No goyim be quite!
>permanent genital mutilation, 90% of sexual sensitivity removed for life
>minimal pain
I've never even heard him speak. Women are so fucking stupid they marry jews and convert. Ivanka probably had to disavow Jesus.
>many atheist jews don't circumcise their babies.
Citation needed. Your nation is 99% circumcised on the male front, and it's 70% atheist.
Do you support Trump? If yes, you don't get to pretend you take an issue with lying, lmao.
Good thing that murder is illegal and the OVERWHELMING majority of Jewish people never committed any.
i like to argue online to practice real life debates.
if we act like demons then jesus was a demon too, you little shit. beacuse jesus was ONE OF US
so your entire religion is based off the devil, have fun with that.
hehe yeah, thanks for admitting defeat.
if your only way to response is to scream LIARRR" at me, it means you can't defend your claims
Not the question I would ask. I would ask why Christians are so fucking stupid? If jews are so fucking powerful it's because Christians gave them that power.
>Do you support Trump?
No. I don't support democratic elections in general. Popularity contests will only provide results once people despair over the demonic conditions of Weimar.
Are you new here?
Anyone you're trying to persuade knows more than you, or knows you're a fucking shill.
Keep using memeflags.
hey hey! not only they bring Ethiopian group, but they also sing in hebrew!
thanks for sharing mate. hopefully this year will not be a total embarrassment for us like last time
>Which means that if we stop those three events from ever happening, we can mend the jew.
Much easier way user. Turning a lot of them gay. get's rid of all the bloodline issues and let's people have a good life without having the sins of their fathers (or mothers).
They aren't evil, they are mentally ill.
There are as many kikes in America as in Israel.
Because they're... human. I know, I'm shocked at both implications myself.
They’re demons
I can.
Why bother.
You're a jew.
This is the most dishonest 'argument', completely ignoring the evidence that jews themselves presented and agreed with. Typical kike shit.
>secular means separated from religion
No, it really doesn't. It has come to mean that, because of its true definition which is "relating to the worldly or temporal". You completely misunderstood my point, which was that their 'religion' is worldly, so it doesn't matter if they practice some borrowed talmudic traditions or if they just live according to the world - both are following their father.
Expose a jew's lies, they'll ignore your replies.
>I would ask why Christians are so fucking stupid?
Excellent question. I have a few answers.
It's in the very fabric of their being. It's hardwired into their DNA. And the kicker? It's also a product of the darkness of their very soul
In other words, the Jew is a walking physical avatar of evil.
>If jews are so fucking powerful it's because Christians gave them that power.
That's not true. Post-Christians let the jews out of their ghettoes, following Napoleonic wars.
>beacuse jesus was ONE OF US
You are not a Hebrew.
Christ was not a jew.
Keep repeating the same lies while ignoring replies, moshe.
>if we act like demons then jesus was a demon too,
Jesus didn't act like a demon, though.
I don't like his face.