Much better angle of Biden's dementia riddled outburst

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm gonna take your ar-14s away
Fuck me this just gets better and better.

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Holy shit this is bad

is the audio better?

Listen here, fat. Guns are the cause of 150 million you know, you know the thing. If you want we can do a push up contest right now cause you're full of shit. I learned a lot about roaches and I love kids jumping in my lap. Im about to slap your face.

You are going full Bouteflika guys, you cant have him as a candidate

Yeah you know the best way to look down to earth to common folk? Get in their face and point down at them and snidely argue with them about taking away their gun rights

>Result of Union Bro pointing the finger right back at Joe Biden’s face.

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Bidens speech writer everyone

Delete this you pony faced dog soldier

Oh man

Jesus did he say at the end that he'll "take him outside"

The malarkey is flowing from Joe like a cow pissing on a flat rock. Cornpop is rolling in his grave right now and when Trump sees this he's gonna grin like a possom eating sweet taters.

They'll prop him up until the convention and then they will draft a new candidate, maybe cook up an accident for 'ol Joe.

he also told his female aid "shush" twice

Looks like Russian manipulated media to me! o_o

>Already alienating the rust belt

Does Trump even have to do anything?

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yall are dumb. this wont affect his campaign at all. if anything the normies will think hes based for cussing like that.

top kek tho

I can't wait for the updated one.

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so he will be taking nothing? Drumpf supporters BTFO

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>get someone to provoke Joe so much that he punches them
>media absolutely has to cover it
>many laughs ensue

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>better angle of Bi-
No, shush. *looks around nervously* Shush.

Why are there so many bernie bros at that auto plant?

>staffer tries to stop him
>he still runs his mouth

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Those people cheered for Trump.

Somehow he makes Bernie look like a virile man in the prime of his life
We seriously need younger presidential candidates, at least someone in their 40's

>just like you can't yell fire in a crowded theater

Oof, literally a reddit memetic one liner right there. Biden needs to put down the smartphone

I'm just kidding. This is how the media will try to spin it.

For fucks sake, someone needs to do this. It would be too easy to do

>he is trying to do trumps "i can shoot someone and not lose any votes" thingy

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Trump never directly threatened anyone or used profanity against people. Biden is simply losing his shit

all people with "verified" twitter tickmarks...
It's almost like social media is pushing a left wing, communist agenda....

What I wouldn't give to see 80 union guys kicking the shit out of joe biden while he dies of a stroke on the concrete.

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Jill Stein has some good PERSUASION skills

>Wear a Corn Pop shirt to Biden rallies.

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I'm so glad Bernies campaign is dead. The Biden Trump debates are gonna be fucking hilarious and a bonus easy win for Trump. I'm actually excited. I can't wait for the memes

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I know Gerrymandering is an american tradition, but thats some higher level manipulation.
It would be funny if he died now, Tulsi vs Sander for democratic nomination.

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Biden should be riding high and instead he is acting like this. He is not well.

To be fair the AR10 is essentially patterned on the M14, which Biden is more familiar with as a Vietnam era fossil.

I like this post

>text empower to 1488

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I like this. Is he making any stops in Northen California soon? I'd gladly do this and I'd love the attention and 15 minutes of fame I'd get from it.

Where is he going to stop by next? Someone needs to confront him like this and really piss him off enough for him to slap someone

Yes. You're full of shit.

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No, that's not how it works at all.

>you’re not allowed to own any weapon
literally the very next thing he says is
>I’m not taking your gun away

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He's too easy to bait, I'll be surprised if they let him have anymore interactions like this.

Obviously a russian deepfake!

Severely underrated. I can't stop reading it in his voice while giggling. That's how he speaks, too. So perfect.

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That was pretty based when he told the bitch to shush.

Biden is based blowing out that little fat neckbeard dwarf kek

Joe is real. I like it.
Take no shit from some troll that's reading a loaded full page "question".

Any doubt now that he talked tough with Putin?

You got nothing.

He has dementia. They are only running him so that Hillary can step up from the VP spot once he is 25th amendment'ed out of office for obvious senility.

I love that according to his own writing sensibilities, a room full of sworn FBI agents would support someone who punched him in the face right now.

Show up at the White House. Biden will be ready for geriatric care before November.

He will be fine, he has the BBC doing his PR for him:
You can even trace the BBC doing an about turn on Biden just after Obama piped up about him.
This is the same BBC that has yet to run a single positive story on Trump and who fought for Hillary in last election.

That was a good one

whats wrong with telling a woman to shush?

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to be fair he meant "any weapon" not "any" weapon.

Dementia sufferers can show aggression.

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This is indisputable proof he has dementia:

>I support the 2nd amendment
>(((bUt If YoU yElL FiRe, ItS nOt FrEe SpEeCh)))
>I own guns, my son own guns
>(((bUt GuEsS wHaT, YoU ArEnT aLloWeD tO OwN aNy WeApOnS)))
>I did not say I would take your guns away
>(((wAiT wAiT wAiT, I DiD sAy I aM tAkInG YoUr Ar-15 aWaY)))

the tard-brained liberals allow this and the media looks past it, but democrats literally cant go 5 seconds without uttering lies

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The historical average on inauguration is about 55

>like a cow pissing on a flat rock

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It's just as well no one with intelligence, fully trusts the BBC anymore.

Yes, insulting people, rambling semi-coherently and and physically threatening them is excellent persuasion. I hope the old man keep having “human moments” just like this.

The spooks already staged buttgag for next time around.
They figure this one for a loss no matter what.

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Stop being a beta cuck retard. THE VOTE is a lie. The ELECTORAL COLLEGE decides the president. NOT YOU. Furthermore, THE TWO PARTY SYSTEM IS A LIE. You're really just voting for members if the same group of rich pedophiles who all rape children together.

The best part the female was black

I'd take Buttiplug over Biden any day

it's not a good look for him, he's running as a democrat