Which old fart is going to do less to take away guns.
So far based on my research sanders has only half the policies to take away guns that Biden has. Biden really hates guns
Which old fart is going to do less to take away guns
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The DNC is simply acting in the best interests of the American People by sidelining Bernie. This is why Trump is so afraid of Biden, he's an actual working class guy and Trump is a cuck with a string of high profile bankruptcies.
It's not just over for bolshevik bernie, it's also over for zion don.
Bernie is less likely to push for gun control, but I'm betting he will still sign any anti-gun bills that Congress manages to send him.
Doesn't matter. If order breaks down in the US because of Corona then 2A is going to be safe for another 50 years as everyone will be reminded very adequately why guns are useful in the hands of lawful citizens.
Clearly Biden can't sleep at night, seething with the fact that we have gun rights. He truly believes the 2A is a joke and needs to be removed. This will be his downfall, of which he'll throw a temper-tantrum denying it all!
Did you see the situation he just had at the FCA plant with the construction workers? How he claimed that “you’re not allowed to have any weapon”
Yeah no most people won’t even put two and two together. Virginia didn’t just pass all this shit this year for no reason. Different voters have different patterns
And that’s what I’m mostly believing based on what I’ve seen Biden seems to want to make it one of his key points. Bernie is more concerned with handouts on the dime of people with more money then him.
Dude, Bernie is banning everything that takes 10, or more rounds. Even if you are living in California you are getting guns confiscated.
If order breaks down then the next time Virginia protests there will be fire fights.
Their policies on guns are virtually identical. I honestly don't understand why you retarded bernouts are trying to pay this game. There is literally no one more retarded than you in the electorate. You are fooling absolutely no one.
They both use vague language like “assault weapon” and “high capacity” it has no meaning to me. Anything can fall under those two categories under someone’s definition.
It doesn't matter what they think or do.
Trump isn't any better.
Not trying to fool anyone. Just voting in my current interest and I figured I’d leave it up to the crackpots of Yas Forums to decide for me, I was originally going to ask /x/ because they’re bigger skitzos then you guys but I went with you guys.
And if you’re wondering what “my interests” are they are as follows
1. Graduate college with no or as little debt as possible
2. Get a job with that degree then buy a house as soon as reasonably possible
3. Buy Porsche 944’s and shit ton of guns.
Mostly the democratics will help with 1 of these issues being college costing too fucking much. Even if it a lie it’s not like I’m going to lose anything if they raise taxes for boomers. However the guns part might throw a wrench into my plans so that’s why I’m here.
biden is a zombie. he's a vehicle for the establishment democratic party.
bernie is far LESS likely to bend to the DNC's will on gun control.
>voting in my current interest
That's impossible.
Trump doesn't want to ban every semi-auto rifle in the country you fucking brainlet.
Doesn't mean he's got a good track record on defending the Second Amendment. Get some standards.
Any of them can begin with ammo
You legitimately belong in a mental institution.
I can dream herald, (((they))) can do whatever they want I literally only care about
1. Free college
2. Gib house
3. Guns and 944’s.
Literally nothing else in life matters. Maybe decent food.
why u mad tho?
You certainly sum up the average bernout very well.
Think he'll drop out this week?
It doesn't matter because Biden will be the nominee and he will lost to Trump.
You can choose to not care about whites not becoming a minority for now but when we become politically impotent then shit will hit the fan regardless of your indifference and you will have to care then. There are enough guns circulating in the U.S. that outright banning their sale (which won't happen) wuld just push those sales into the black market. Both parties are anti-gun and can't be trusted with respect to that issue.
You're closer to being a bernie supporter than me.
You're fucking batshit crazy if you think Biden is going to push ANY agenda any differently than Trump.
Clinton's fucking old vag cave said it right the elections are a "consolidation of power"
Keep sipping the kool-aid if you disagree
Bernie is better than Biden on guns but Trump is best
vote Biden so he loses to Trump in November
The second amendment is not negotiable, brit. No candidate is acceptable and no amount of legislation will stop us.
Trump's been president for three years you fucking moron, how many guns has he banned?
I’m Hispanic, and once again I’m looking for the candidate that will best reduce college prices and least regulate guns and cars manufacturered before 1992
He banned bumpstocks and pushed for red-flag laws. He's also talked about getting rid of silencers. Go ahead and tell me that doesn't matter. There's still the fact that he's let in millions of mexicans, cut taxes for the people who want those mexicans as labor, added money to the Israel aid bills, promoted faggotry and tranny acceptance among a heap of other unacceptable displays. If you support any politician you are a moron.
>how many guns has he banned?
>unsolicited opinions on Israel
You're literally a dyke's meme come to life lmao
btw OP, this happened about five hours ago
Biden literally has dementia.The absolute state of shills.
Funny how you can't actually refute a single thing I just said.
You didn't even bother to answer a very simple, direct and on-topic question you psychotic fuckin jerkoff. It's blatantly obvious you're a DNC shill trying to chase Trumpies into apathy.
I answered you, here is the response again: He banned bumpstocks and pushed for red-flag laws. He's also talked about getting rid of silencers. Go ahead and tell me that doesn't matter. There's still the fact that he's let in millions of mexicans, cut taxes for the people who want those mexicans as labor, added money to the Israel aid bills, promoted faggotry and tranny acceptance among a heap of other unacceptable displays. If you support any politician you are a moron.
>you're a DNC shill
Prove it then. lmao
>He banned bumpstocks
Congressional, bipartisan agenda.
>pushed for red-flag laws
And Congressional bipartisan agenda.
Thanks for playing our game.
>muh bumpstocks
Every single time, such a tired shill talking point.
So you're saying he's a spineless establishment stooge. Good job.
The funniest part is bumpstock fags were laughed off of /k/ for a decade
god you just have a whole folder of this bullshit ready to dump, don't you
All of this manufactured panic based solely on a single piece of out of date and out of context soundbite.
You guys really know how to stretch a buck lol
Don't you have a /ptg/ thread to spam?
A quarter of this thread is your off-topic whinging, maybe you're the one who ought to consider fucking off
>it's out of context
Looks pretty straightforward to me.
Anyone shilling for Trump doesn't belong on Yas Forums
You belong in a rubber room.
Imagine having these saved and unironically thinking they're clever and intelligent.
They really do.
But their whole corp is draining money hand over fist, and none of these current (((d))) retard candidates has given them any bump in funds.
Not even Bloomerberg bothered.
It's not about being clever or intelligent. Memes only work when they tell the truth.
>Looks pretty straightforward to me
Sure does! :P
Because if you're not a RePuBliCaN then you must be a DeMoCrAt
>Porsche 944s
Whom's truth?
What part of "you're launching an agitprop operation at a bunch of republican voters, encouraging them to drop out of the system and therefore advantage the democrats" don't you understand you dumb faggot
Take your bullshit to Daily Kos and tell them Joe Biden's a zionist cocksucker if standing up to the system is that important to you
>oh god I just have to move so many goal posts!!
Nobody votes Republican here dumbass. You're from reddit, you don't belong here.
Nigger what party was Ron Paul when he was the original Yas Forums candidate