Be West Virginia

>be West Virginia
>93.2% non-Hispanic white
>filled with nothing but meth and trailer trash

Why is he whitest State in the country a compete shithole?

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Shitholes keep the spooks away. No free gibs.

yeah, look how awful it is, no niggers, a bunch of fresh air, that disgusting mountian thing...

It seems strange since they were originally part of Virginia, the state we consider the epitome of the colonial upper class and landed gentry.
My theory is that the younger sons (not inheriting the plantation) moved west innawoods, got disconnected from society and education, inbreeding over several generations.
Voila'. You have white trash.

Correct its a shithole. Now stay in new york city where you belong. Also please get infected and spread it to all of your soi filled cuck hipster friends

please don't go there and see the most beautiful state east of the mississippi

Maybe it's a shithole to begin with, so no migrants want to go there.

well your theory is idiotic. western virginia was settled by poor, hardscrabble scots-irish immigrants; they had no ties to the tidewater aristocracy (or to slavery) which is why these western counties refused to join the Confederacy and sided with the Union in 1861.

>be West Virginia
>93.2% of your non-Hispanic whites are cutfags


Because white people suck lmao

I'll actually give a serious answer to this slide thread.
Mountainous terrain decreasing the level of infrastructure, making the state less connected both within and to the country at large, leading to a worse education system and many kids being "homeschooled" in some mountain cabin. Also mining being the prime industry causing many people to get brain damage from chemicals

gas yourself you mouth breathing retard

actually it's a combination of the both.
I can trace a few ancestors from Virginia tidewater in the 1700s and moving west to Wild and Wonderful West Virginia.
Plantations don't do well in the mountains, which is why they had no stake in a slave economy.

Its a landlocked state without the topographic conditions to support an agrarian economy. Are you retarded or what exactly is going on here

As a West Virginian this thread is retarded, because not the entire state is full of trailer trash there are actually really good and well respected places to live here like Lewisburg, Summersville, Hurricane, and etc. If you really need an explanation on why my state is shit it's because we're the most mountainous state in the eastern side of the country, and have completely relied on one industry for the entire existence of our state COAL. Mountainous regions are historically known to be very hard to develop and build a good infrastructure as well besides like Switzerland, but things might change. Woody Thrasher is running for governor and he is making economic diversity the staple of his Presidency, so who knows maybe things will get better, because they sure haven't under Jim Justice.

okay but what is there to do there? They have nothing going on.

drive through there not too long ago. was really surprised how pretty the state is. can also buy a decent plat of land for a song.

LOL I SAID PRESIDENCY, I'm retarded I meant to say term.

To keep faggots like you out.

>>filled with nothing but meth and trailer trash
I'm beginning to think this is one of those things that may be true here and there but is not just a general fact describing a ton of people. Like the idea that hillbillies fuck their sisters, blondes are dumb, etc.

Just seething anti-white lies meant to confuse, D&C, and demoralize

That's the way you want it. Look at how the Soviet union unfolded, it was so bad nobody wanted to go there and look now, years later Russian people aren't being replaced by migrants and each community has their own turf there. You gotta make things so shitty that no immigrants want to come there. 5d chess bro

West Virginia is indeed a beautiful state, blessed with natural beauty.
But those beautiful mountains serve as a double edged sword, as you mention

This again? The poorest White areas have lower crime than the richest black areas.

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It will probably end up being a failure, considering who owns your mountains, and how everything's been poisoned by the coal extraction pozz they leave behind. Don't WV's creeks literally flow with green shit from the crap they put on the rekt mountains?

The problem with WV is obviously its geography, but its also the same problem with every other shithole. People live there because they like not having prosperity, if you don't like poverty, don't live in the mountains, very simple. In Kentucky, where I live, you either live in the mountains or live in Lexington horse farm $400,000-house land. I don't know about you, but I'd rather live in the mountains. Fuck the whole "economics" shit, I live here to get away from that.

Embrace what you have, it's one of the last places in the Western world like it that isn't a frozen tundra.

They moved into all our nice places obviously

>big cities are just so DYNAMIC

blah blah fuck off you useless cityfag

>Be America 1970
>Over half the states are at least 90% White
>Let millions of shitskins in and they flock to to all the states with jobs
>The states with fewer jobs are spared

Attached: WhitePercentageofPOP1970.png (5400x3586, 966.77K)

A lot of the towns were coal mining communities, and once the mine shuts down, the town dies off as well.

As a WV resident I agree its a shithole. My fellow whites here are fat fucking redneck morons. I live and work around the state capitol area of Charleston doing IT and marketing. Its the only civilized place for miles and even then thats not saying much.

Attached: Whitepop2016.jpg (5400x3586, 1.37M)

I guess you haven't been to Ohio much have you?

>Where is all the vegan trans sexual coffee shops to go pay 20$ for a coffee at
Fuck off you mutt. If you find the country side boring its because your a boring person.

I'm only speaking from my experience as a West Virginian. I'm certain many other neighboring states are shitholes as well.

jsut proves whites are nothing without jewish iq

>einstein wasnt white, but jew

>implying potato niggers are white

You couldn't plant or really do profitable farming of any sort on the mountains, so the people who moved there in colonial times ended up being poor as shit and farming just enough for themselves to eat, a practice which continued for generations, as anyone who wanted better for themselves would naturally move to more productive land out west. When the Civil War came, they felt no sympathy for the Confederate cause and defected.

Then coal was discovered and things were ok for ~50 years before they went back to being completely irrrlevant.

From there. If you go into a good profession like engineering, accounting, or health care you can be financially set for life. Lots of nice, cheap neighborhoods in the bigger cities. No traffic because no city has over 50k people. You usually have to travel to close cities like Columbus for good entertainment.

Visiting WV tomorrow. Want to see the state capitals golden dome and visit flatwoods and the greenbrier, what places should i avoid to not get raped by third generation inbred mutants?

It hurts....

Currently the capitol's dome is covered with a white tarp due to construction.

California at 37%? what the fuck? where I'm from we're still majority but it looks like Africa I can't imagine that

Stay in the bigger cities. Charleston, Huntington, Fairmont, Morgantown, and Wheeling. Don't travel to small towns unless you want a scene out of Deliverance to happen to you.

thats what im worried about lol

>tending a garden
>fucking your hot +5th cousins
>shitposting online
>barbecue erryday
>work on your car
>build furniture
>raise your children
>play sports
>shoot guns
>go to fairs
>swim in the lakes
>work a remote job if you needs vast shekels

all with no niggers

>Oh but what IS there to do in WV

So they don't live in McMansions and buy the latest Toyota Camary. Why does it matter? Crime is very low in WV. If you moved there, you'd be able to get a huge plot of land with a big house for next to nothing. With Starlink and competitors coming online, you could have a remote IT job earning $120k/year and live like a king.


Seems based

White is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for not being a shithole

Meth Virginia is a shithole, even the nice parts. When I get enough money I'm selling my home and moving to Idaho. Meth heads and narcotics abusers have made it unsafe.

You're right, but your image of WV is almost 100 years out of date at this point. It has a standard of living comparable to most mid-tier Euro countries.

NEET detected

It’s not

so if best virginia is 93.2% white, why it is such a shithole then. don't get me wrong best virginia is a beautiful state, but shitty jobs shitty education shitty healthcare, literally nigger tier. why, if its majority white?

>whitest state
That would be Maine, you retarded faggot. Feel free to try again after lurking 2 decades

Fuck off actual niggers, we’re full.
You can crash in Kentucky if you want.

actual BEST virginian here
we dont want development and shiet because it brings califaggots and niggers and we dont want none

Stop saying this place has mountains, it doesnt. I live in Ohio and go there for vacation often because its more rural. But the geography is an eroded plateau. All the hills (usually only 50 to 100 ft high) are the same height, theres no real high points with good views. (Except maybe near the VA border; ive never been to that part) They arent even hills more like smooth ridges that are left over as creeks erode down on their sides. So the land is just endless meandering small bumps and hollows in every direction. Its all the same everywhere you go. No scenic open valleys either; thats why nothings there. The only flat space is immediately next to the creeks and rivers, so every "town" is shaping like a fungal web, stretching out in narrow bands along the creeks. It gets absolutely mogged aesthetically by places like Tennessee and Virginia and New York let alone Western states which are in an entirely different universe.

American white cannot succeed without black.

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-West Virginian
>Wake up
>Smoke meth hand pipe to sister
>Go out to mailbox outside trailer and grab disability check while your meth boner rises
>Come back and fuck her for 4 to 6 hours while smoking more meth


-Non West Virginian Wagie
>Wake up in cuckbox you pay landlord for
>Alone or with unrelated gf
>Every moment she considers what other man she will fuck and when she can leave
>Walk to mailbox for bills from college debt
>Go to work to make kike masters money while roastie fucks jamal

>Woody Thrasher
>Jim Justice

Does West Virginians elect cartoon characters to office? KEK

>Why is he whitest State in the country a compete shithole?
Part of it is the weather. I've never seen a gloomier, colder and rainier place, outside of coastal Alaska and Portland. It's absolutely depressing.

Also, prepare for absolute gridlock come rush hour.