Is it over?

"My name is Jerry Mullins. I am a union Stewart in good standing with the United brotherhood of Carpenters and Millwrights. I’m not a representative but an individual mind.

Mr. Biden, id like to start off by saying that it is an honor and not a privilege but a duty as an American to ask a presidential candidate a question.

You were recently video recorded stating you are “coming for your guns”

With that being said, in front all of these union workers that have been working countless hours under the Trump administration;

I’d like you to explain how you plan to not only keep us working but how you intend on getting the union vote when there is a large portion of union workers that are gun enthusiasts and you are actively trying to diminish our 2nd amendment right and take away our guns."

Attached: BetterQuality.jpg (1920x1920, 2.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It fucking needs to be over. Bernie 2020

Hes the gift that keeps on giving

>goes into a Union Car Factory
>tells worker he’s gonna slap him
>tells him he does not need guns
Trump isn’t going to even have to try.



>points finger at worker unnecessarily
>gets aggressive unnecessarily
>will take away guns, bc why not
it doesn't look good

Don't care about unions.

Can't wait for this rotting sack of human garbage to beat sanders and then immediately lose to Trump.

You're a lying dog faced pony soldier. You wouldn't make a pimple on Corn Pop's ass. You'll get a shotgun and 100 rounds. Now STFU before I make you rub my hairy legs in the pool.

>points finger at worker unnecessarily

The fucking audacity of Biden doing this. Just shows he's there not for a conversation, but to talk down to that person that Biden probably considers scum.

Frankly I'm surprised the worker kept his cool

Can't hear shit captain

someone gimme da transcript

I love how he just walks away when the guys asks why he wants to ban "assault weapons" when handguns do most of the killing. Just walks away as if it wasn't absolutely central to his entire gun platform lol.

> tfw we're not in the timeline where unionguy grabbed and snapped frail old man finger
feels not good man

I want *shucks* I wan I want to to *stutters* take your AR-14s *pokes* let's just not mention less than 500 fire arm homicides are committed with rifles. maybe Joe should ban niggers from owning hand guns.

Attached: HomicidebyWeapon2014.png (465x633, 32.2K)

What a bunch of feckless slave class union faggots. You deserve enslavement by interdimensional hypersexual amphibious humanoids.

>What a bunch of feckless slave class union faggots. You deserve enslavement by interdimensional hypersexual amphibious humanoids.
All these Biden shills on Yas Forums doing damage control. KEK.

2020 is going to be magical

what an elitist cunt douche bag, and i love how his pr hole was like 'thank you thank you', look you uppity slope dont you fucking cut me off, i'm a tax payer, you fucking degenerate bureaucratic leech. fuck joe biden, this is how he treats citizens? like he's above us?

Union cunts should have stomped his ass

100 years ago, they would have. We have lost our way.

they arent going to vote for him anyway, his own demographic will fap to him standing up to that dumb union worker though

Underated kek

Jerry is a totally reasonable, calm man in a terrible situation.

Unions usually vote overwhelmingly democrat. But things have changed...

>Is it over?

LMAO Trumpfags are going to keep saying it's over all the way till Biden wins the election

>Biden wagging his finger at a union worker who exposed how confused Biden is on the gun issue
Very bad optics. The problem with Biden is he's lost his mental edge but still has that anger. He just comes across as a plucky idiot you don't want near anything dangerous.

>LMAO Trumpfags are going to keep saying it's over all the way till Biden wins the election
cope and seethe

>He just comes across as a plucky idiot you don't want near anything dangerous.
he's been that way for 12 years, at least

Zip it, fat.

of goofball biden cannot handle a simple question from a blue collar dude - trump will eviscerate biden. will be hilarious

>cope and seethe

Sounds like what Trumpfags are doing

what biden almost choked out a chabad rabbi larping as a construction worker?'

Trump can't even handle a simple question from a non Fox News outlet


Attached: trek.jpg (821x1043, 153.03K)

Joe "Stiff criminal penalties for anyone who held a rave" Biden

Joe "I'm the guy who authored the crack house legislation" Biden

People are only realizing this guy is an asshole now? In 2020? There's footage from the late 70s to the present illustrating what a fucking dickwad this guy is.

Attached: verdun-painting_hell.jpg (800x565, 102.93K)

>100 years ago, they would have. We have lost our way.


>If that man attacked Joe Biden he would have been suicided in prison.

also this

>Sounds like what Trumpfags are doing
>Biden embarrasses himself again
>t-t-t-this is good ackshually
more coping
more seething

Joe likes to physically get in the face of voters

"“You’re A Damn Liar, Man”: Joe Biden Lashes Out at Iowa Voter Over Ukraine"

if The corobo no kill, come back and post your face election night, MR. Faggot

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Did you hear Joe day "NO I DONT WORK FOR YOU!"
>>That alone is enough to fill up a whole episode of Tucker tonight.

>Trump can't even handle a simple question from a non Fox News outlet
>literally handles them every day
still coping
still seething

Attached: bagging for votes.png (558x278, 148.63K)

Trump is fucking up over Coronavirus, he must act quickly or he is going to ruin it

How is he fucking up?

>Unions usually vote overwhelmingly democrat. But things have changed...
Blue collar union workers know that the dems no longer care about them and their values align more with the right nowadays

If Joe was confronted by a black man he would bow down and apologise

Eh, I'd keep my cool too if I was confronted by a demented geriatric who wouldn't have been able to kick my ass even if he was fifty years younger. It's easy to refrain yourself from beating the shit out of someone you pity.

The best your faggot party can produce is two old coffin dodgers. One is senile with early onset dementia, the other is a commie kike. I don’t even like Zion Don but he’s going to obliterate you cucks.

i'm voting for bernie as an expat but not 100% sure yet

Do you have the template without text?


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Trump embarrasses himself daily. Look how he's botching the Coronavirus response.

The right appeals to them socially, but they are pro-corporate, anti-labot, anti-healthcare and anti-workers rights.

Hows that?

kys faggot

>Trump embarrasses himself daily.
found the faggot who replies to every single Trump tweet

The gaffe that keeps on giving...

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I think you'll find that AR-14s are not mentioned in the constitution. He's right. Better luck next time, pool goons.

Hillary? is that you?

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Biden is legit crazy. I can't wait for the debates with Trump. The memes will be fucking Kino

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You're not cut out for this place. Back to plebbit


oh course he thinks he's above you. I recall when he was VP and his son was in a hospital in Philly with brain cancer. Now I can have empathy for the man for that. But they shut down I-95 during rush hour for almost 30 mins because he was being driven from Delaware to Philly to visit his son. I sat in that traffic, stuck sitting there for half an hour wondering why him visiting his son was more important? What if I was also on my way to visit a sick son/father/etc.. and was now stuck.

I'm sure he didn't care though.

>Machine gun
I mean the dude doesn't even know what the rifle is called, much less how it operates or whether or not it's a machine gun. How are these retards making laws?

pastanigger just shut down Italy after being a cocky mofo calling it a nothing burger

Two hands towards the throat is kinda aggressive

>early onset dementia,

early onset is when you get dementia in your late 40s-50s

he's 77. it's just dementia. i guess you could say it's in the early stages, though, and not full blown peak dementia yet.

>Bearded man "you work for me"
>Uncle Joe "I don't work for you!"

God is he stupid, Biden is a civil servant ffs, ofc he works for the fucking PEOPLE

>The problem with Biden is he's lost his mental edge
Implying he was ever that sharp...

house of cards was more real than i ever thought

A fuckin AR14 lol this geriatric retard cant get anything right.

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>not a privilege but a duty as an American to ask a presidential candidate a question.

What’s that guy doing?

Good catch, and you know full well that even if Biden threw the first punch, that ss dude would tackle and detain the worker.

Hes downplaying it even though it’s going to get bad. Giving the media shit loads of future ammunition.

>Look how he's botching the Coronavirus response.'s a viral outbreak. It was going to spread regardless of who was president when it occurred. You shouldn't let the news lie to you.

Trump could say the sky was blue and CNN would scramble to fact check it.

in those it looks like he's got his hand ready to grab his gun, in the video you can see he's the one that tells the head union guy that's enough and to separate the union guy from biden

He would've gotten knocked out for wagging a finger where I come from

Imagine joe fucking Biden jabbing you in the chest while his spittle flew into your face

> It was going to spread regardless of who was president when it occurred

sure but you can mitigate the spread and prevent deaths with a proper response. also, it helps when you don't fire the fucking U.S. pandemic response team

how's small cheeto dick taste?

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That got me too. Shit is starting to seem odd.

>tells his female handler to shush and shut the fuck up

holy shit biden the based!

So are the democrats. Economically they’re all the same corporatist Jew puppets. They have made the political landscape social to avoid the real issues while maintaining the illusion of choice. There’s no democratic solution and until you normie faggots realise this there is no hope.

>Unions usually vote overwhelmingly democrat. But things have changed...

Only public sector ones and nigger filled janitor unions like the SEIU.

t. USW member

>Trump embarrasses himself daily. Look how he's botching the Coronavirus response.
>provides no details
>imagine my surprise
4 more years of seethe

Anyone wanna take bets they will try to smear this guy or have him killed now?

fucking Alpha
overcompensating manlet BTFO

It would have been hard not to give him a shove or break that fucking finger. Imagine how satisfying it would have been to quickly reach, grab, and give that finger a quick yank twist pull and snap.

I already see a black Twitter user getting tagged that has a lot of followers.