It is literally impossible to find a job

I graduated with a 4.0 from an Ivy League college and have applied to over a hundred thousand companies with no replies.

It is literally impossible to find a job in today's climate.

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just go in and shake hands loser

>literally impossible
consider upgrading your vocabulary so you don’t sound like an idiot

This. Applications get thrown in the bin every time.

What kind of meme degree did you get?

Hang in there maybe coronavirus will level the playing field

Bachelors in esoteric kekism

My father is 66 and got a job yesterday, leaving retirement, because he's bored. Retired judge, doing part-time family law work. Maybe your degree is absolutely worthless is you've applied to that many companies. Try McDonald's or Walmart, they pay as much as Social Workers make.

>I graduated with a 4.0 from an Ivy League college and have applied to over a hundred thousand companies with no replies.
post your diploma LARPing faggot

What degree do you have?
its probably some bullshit degree. Your fault retard

Just get a kike surname and start visit a reform synagogue.

shouldn't have got a degree in underwater basket weaving you fucking idiot. either that, or you're an immigrant. immigrants are for picking cotton. maybe that's where you should apply?

so go work at Walgreens you lazy cunt

>consider upgrading your vocabulary so you don’t sound like an idiot
This egregious example of a fig leaf belies the reason d'etre of this hoi polloi web site. It inexorably abrogates any regnant values and evinces a saturnine tone as it attempts to cow users into complacence.

Just walk in and give the manager a firm handshake, jack. and don't forget that black unemployment is the lowest ever!

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There's you r problem dude. You shit's retarded and you talk like a fag.

>I graduated with a good degree where's my job
>Doesn't say what the degree is in

Every time

You should apply to a million companies, you lazy fuck.

> ivy league
Where are you applying?
Chances are, your prospective employer thinks you are already well-off. There are cultural issues, too: Usually ivy league grads have an uppity attitude in the presence of the usual state U grad. That is to say, even if you are the nicest person in the flesh, your resume probably wreaks with pretentiousness.

What's your degree in faggot why are you strategically leaving that out?

learn to code

I majored in computer science.

I can’t speak for other countries but in ours it’s almost impossible to get a job that isn’t a wage job without connections. If your dad isn’t friends with someone who works in the industry you’re pretty much fucked. Just find a wage job and keep applying and hope for the best
t. future wagie with a BSEE

Nah McDonald's is always hiring senpai. If you're getting no replies it's cause you're not qualified for the jobs you're applying for

You get what you pay for,
Lower your standards

So then you are just garbage in it because I majored in it too and if you show any competency in any major language you get a job. All you literally need to understand is data sets to get past the interview and you have a job

Bullshit. If you truly did link us some of the apps you developed no matter how trivial/unsuccessful or bad they might be

don't listen to him OP
beware the binary jew

Apply for fed job pay is outrageous search usajobs. Second state government job site. Great benefits either way. Low expectations too from civil servants. Figure it out 4.0 boy.

underrated reply from leaf

Are you a nigger?

Kill yourself cumskin. You don't automatically deserve a job just because your ancestors colonized another people's country and enslaved and murdered others.

I bet he literally like, unironically has a degree in like, literally, like everything.

Feminist penguin dance theory even if done from an Ivy league college doesn't guarantee a job

>be me
>apply for 50 government jobs
>always select white as race
>never get a call back
>change things up and put Latino
>every place calls me back now

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Meanwhile me 19 years old East European with no college and failed studies because fun was more important for me, my phone keeps ringing and my email is full with messages from companies that wants to hire me.

It's because me and mine took your jobs from your entitled pigskin hands kek. Thanks for that btw, if you weren't so incompetent and demanded a millionaire wages for your shitty code we never would've stood a chance. Enjoy serving up fries at the counter while me and boys cruise around town in a BMW whilst hitting on your women lol

>graduated from an Ivy League college
Take that off your resume, it makes you seem like a gullible faggot.

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White woman do not have any attraction to pajeets only us strong black men

>Ivy League
>No advanced degree
The only thing separating Yale from your local HBCU is the fact that people there will likely get advanced degrees and the work is harder.
It can be a disadvantage if you just want to do routine work.
If you want to be a cop or a marketing employee, go to you rlocal state.

Who cares what they want lol we'll just take ours black man

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Do you just club one over the head when she is using the designated street?

Sorry you wasted your parents money and went into debt studying your "Feelings" with Feminist Marxists Xir Faculty of Self-obsessed Elise Schools
But If you had any real intelligence, you would have seen the " ivy league" is an elitist recruiting ground for deep-staters and Acolytes of the The Temple of Shekels. All is Lies and Immorality. YOU could easily have seen this if you wanted to, as i did. I left the ivy's without a second thought, never mentioned my degree once, but instead went out in the world and pursued competency and skill.. TRY THAT

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>I make up stupid shit and expect Yas Forums to believe me

You sound like an idiot and that's why no one will hire you.

you must suck because my peers from my ivy league uni all got jobs immediately despite many of them having junk gpas. technical interviews are easy if you have the basic skills

>a hundred thousand companies

youre doing it wrong user.

I never bother with applications. They're a waste of time and if you bother with one the employer automatically assumes you're a dumbass. Now, if you're looking to be a cog in a system at some gay call center, then you'll fit right in. But Those gigs aren't for me. I always go straight to arranging a meeting with whoever's in charge of hiring. Ofc I'll fill out an app while I'm waiting if they ask me to but I never rely on it. And if they blow you off just call back once every 2 weeks like clockwork until they either set up an interview or explicitly tell you to fuck off.
Yes, this method WILL get you a job

but what program language is pure FAGGOTRY, exactly?

Here are some pro tips so other fags don’t fall into OPs situation:
1. Pick a career first and major second. Have a goal that you’ve planned out so you know exactly what you’re going to be before you go into college and only go in if your career requires that degree. That is the difference between a good major and a shit major. Audio production or English is shit if your goal is to make music beats or be an author. This goals are completely possible without going to college. Don’t waste your money. Get into a trade and do that shit on the side.
2. Do at least 2 internships. If your school doesn’t provide internship credits, do it anyway. It doesn’t matter what you do or if it’s unpaid, your chances of employment after college skyrocket. Even if they don’t let you do any really shit, you can make it up on your application and make it seem really prestigious. Just fucking do them if you want to not work at Starbucks. Force it if you have to.

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>have applied to over a hundred thousand companies with no replies.
this is how to tell when someone is 100% full of shit

Ah. A social studies graduate.

>impossible to find a job
Bullshit. I could "literally" quit my job today and have a new job tomorrow. Your problem is the amount of skills you have to offer and the amount of compensation you expect to receive for your time. The more you increase the first and the more you decrease the second the higher your chances of easily finding a job becomes.

McDonalds is always hiring.


If you submitted an application in 5 minutes and worked 8 hours a day doing nothing else, and took no breaks or days off, it would take you 2 years and 9 month to apply to 100,000 jobs, not counting any of the research to actually find that many companies.

You aren't even a college graduate, let alone an ivy league graduate, and you didn't even get a 4.0 in grade school or you wouldn't have posted such a ridiculous claim...

>and then everyone on the bus began to clap.

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You're a faggot. I make six figures with no degree doing process automation in the oilfield.

U talk lik a fag nd ur shits al retarded
>t. Non-ivy top 20 graduating with 2.4

Yeah I've just been laid off after working in the same company for the last 4 years. I always knew tourism was a meme, suits me well for being a stupid faggot.

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If not a larp, it's because you're an autistic shut-in with no friends. You have to network, there's no other option.

>went to an Ivy league college
>Non STEM degree

Oh look, it's fucking retarded.

Sure, but how good are your bj's? Bet you don't even use both hands, loser

Shouldn't have chosen to major in lesbian environmental awareness.

raison d'etre* you fucking soiboi

Lol cool
I didn't go to college and I make decent money

ok this is epic

I always say "reason d'etre" because French is for fags.

Imagine being a niggroid

Belie means 'contradict' not 'reveal' you fucking pseud-nigger

You must be a fucking autistic retard then.

Im very white but do you think they would say or notice if i put Latino and got an interview?

You're either a LARPer or on a watchlist. Did you publicly post Yas Forumsshit?

Shut up faggot we need to bring jobs back to the United States that arent hilariously pathetic jobs. You can thank Nixon for the Brenton Woods Act and that cock sucking pedo Clinton for further deregulating banks and initiating the 2008 financial crisis.


Indian men must the the most unattractive and disgusting people I've seen, just being native south american men (especially peruvian).

based commie.
Join N A Z B O L G A N G

You lost me at "literally a hundred thousand" .

Hitler wasn't wrong my Nazi comrade fuck machinery build the infrastructure up again with good ol fashion manpower goddammit!

Any braindead retard with a GPA over 2 and a degree in Computer Science from Shitsville University can get a job. Either you aren't applying, you have a terrible resume or you are lying to us.

I have a job Offer just for you OP. It pays 5 dollars and it involves using your tongue on my anus

>I graduated with a 4.0 from an Ivy League college
Take this off your resume and you might start getting replies.

I throw applications from Ivy League in the trash without looking at anything else.

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I've got a job for you
A job they call blow

the rare brilliant leaf reply

What the fuck did you just say about me?

How are you using the internet? Isn't a loaf of bread like 10,000 bolivar?

You majored in bullshit, faggot.

Whats the reason you do that? I thought it was the other way around?