View this image and tell me again with a straight face that "manspreading doesn't exist"

View this image and tell me again with a straight face that "manspreading doesn't exist".

Attached: manspread.png (719x804, 924.83K)

ape spreading does

that's niggerspreading

actually just based

That's not manspreading. It's "nignogging".

>View this image and tell me again with a straight face that "Niggers should exist".


that's a nigger, not a man

nigger means subhuman

Imagine using public transportation like a hobo

It’s literally a chimpanzee

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Anyone else wanna tell OP?

I'd like to see the short haired feminist go tell that ape he's being rude and supporting the patriarchy.



fpbp. Niggers should be beat up with a stick


That’s a nigger though. Just look at his immediate area and you’ll realize he’s a shit on the floor from becoming a full fledged even-lower-IQ pajeet

based, i also do this

Wow i envy him he is absolutely happy


Looks /comfy/ eating some Mickey D's and keeping plebs away

This is the type of thing that would get you publicly executed in japan.

Because that's not manspreading, it's bagspreading.

Attached: bagspreading-train-reddit-muzzed-e1492688931902.jpg (562x474, 56.32K)

We litter your counties with munitions.

aside from him being a nigger, what is wrong with sitting in a position that doesn't put pressure on your balls?
the nig is very based and redpilled

Public transportation sucks. I feel happiness for this man for finding a slice of joy in that circle of hell.

manspreading doesn't exist. Even when a nigger is sitting.
Look he's on one seat and could easily reduce his footprint to 1 seat if needed.
No one wants to sit next to a nigga eating mcdonalds anyways, that shit would smell and be filled with lip smacking.

Manspreading is sexist, a woman can also take up too much space for 2 seats. Srsly this is the exact Feminazi Bullshit why I'd like to see every Extremist Feminazi get raped by a manspreader nigga. Its Retarded people, not Men who ar spreading. I'd actually say its a demeaning generalizing term similar to saying nigger to a nigger. Not all men are menspreading, most women just fail to realize they are too ugly/have an too awfull personality that they repell men and attract sexless virgin looser creeps who then distort their Worldview even more. Fuck humanity. Srsly. I see way too much stupidity recently. Mainstream Movies became more and more degenerate, Mainstream Music becomes more and more Degenerate, People having a mass hysteria about coronavirus and the thing they buy is freaking Toilet paper. Women blaming men for shitty personalities while they don't realize it about themselfes. People cutting of their dicks because they want to be female. These are the fucking End times I don't want this anymore. I think i'll head to the countryside and live a lonesome selfsustainer live I cant stand this shit anymore.

If he didn’t make a fucking mess everywhere, didn’t smell like a nigger, and din’t have his shit all over an empty seat that might be needed by someone then I wouldn’t have a problem at all

his legs aren't spreading into the other chair, so it's not manspreading. Plus, he's really enjoying that sandwich.

why does this piss you off so bad?
you have no idea what it's like to have balls, they get hot, they get sweaty, pants are uncomfortable.
why is it so wrong for a man to give his tortured sack a little bit of reprieve once in a while?
women are constantly gassing on about your vaginas, and all your vagina problems.
well guess what sweetie, men have genital problems too.
get over it.

>View this image and tell me again with a straight face that "manspreading doesn't exist".
Shut the fuck up you little bitch.

Posture isn't the issue. The problem is that he's being completely disrespectful of a shared public space. He's taking up more seats than he needs and he's leaving garbage everywhere, not to mention all the disgusting noises and smells he's creating

>No one wants to sit next to a nigga eating mcdonalds anyways, that shit would smell and be filled with lip smacking.
this is the real problem, eating on public transit is just rude period

Well since you asked, yes.
Take one look at this image and tell me transitioning doesn't make people happy.
As a christian that follows the what would jesus do principle I believe that transphobic is analogous with anti happy people.

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doesn't look like a crowded train to me.
who is taking the additional seat from? the ghosts that haunt your delusional mind?

It's called dick envy. Feminists want a dick so bad they can't deal with it, so you can't have it.They never figure out the dick goes INSIDE them and not on them.


That's called 'Nog Blocking'



if nobody Needs that extra seat, i dont care
but he is making a mess there, and thats bad



>defending a literal garbage tossing nigger
go on reddit circumslave

Heroin makes people happy. What we call 'happiness' is, most of the time, evil and working against our interest.

>they hate us for our freedumbs

>ignoring all the discarded food and litter all over the seats and floor

Why would you want to sit by a nigger anyway?

ella is such a qt

this is not manspreading it's niggspreading.

I'll confirm that -nigger spreading.

>implying women don't do this exact shit.
>implying it's not because he is black

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imagine wanting to sit next to a nigger in the first place

ah once again; the first post is, now and forever, the best post

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>bait post
>55 replies
Why are you people so stupid.

>Its okay if you litter and leave shit on the floor I'm sure you'll pick it up stop being delusional

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I hate disgusting eaters, niggers are the worst. I dont see any napkins as well.

That's not a man.

Blacks are alphas

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Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot

>what is wrong with sitting in a position that doesn't put pressure on your balls?
It's 2020. You're not allowed to have balls unless you're a tranny.

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I‘m manspreading so people don‘t sit next to me

I was asked if there's anything else I wanted to tell. So I told. Wanna fight about it pussy?

That's mcdonaldsspreading
Why does this nigger promote moonman's company?

try having testicles you retard

tits or gtfo you fucking bleeder

Bernie 2020
Ayyye! Whiteboi givs me dat free doctor and dat free college im goona go to school and shit

His legs are within the frame of his seat, so this is definitionally not manspreading. His being a slob is another matter entirely.

you made your own thread go talk about it there user

I am? Your point? Dumb pussy!

This is not a man

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>Dumb pussy!
please stop insulting me I'm going to be upset

Ur a dumb fuck


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yep, i'm sure that's the last available seat on whatever public transport being used and that you'd totally love sitting next to a person eating quite voraciously

fuck off

It's called niggerfilthying

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>said QUck

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Dump tobacco spit all over that shit and see if they touch it