>America will be in lockdown like Italy in less than two weeks, computer scientist claims: Worrying graph shows how coronavirus cases in the US are growing - as Surgeon General warns the epidemic will get 'worse before it gets better' dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8095485/Will-America-locked-two-weeks.html >i-it's just a flu, bro.
Sorry guys the wall is going to cost 25millions. >signs bill funding israel multiple billions
We just don't have it in the budget fellas. Maybe next election cycle? >gives billions in aid to china
We are a broke economy okay? >give donations to venzuela and africa
It's just not possible when we have homeless in our country now! Sorry.
2020 MAGA
Blake Rivera
>corn pop, malarkey, "Where I come from, you don’t go very far unless you ask. My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate,” "All men and women are created by you know, th the the thing."Imagine if I said we give immunity to drug companies, we give immunity to tobacco companies. That has caused carnage on our streets. One hundred and fifty million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability. More than all the wars," One of the things I'm proudest of is getting passed, getting moved, getting in control of the Paris Climate Accord,I'm the guy who came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China will join if we put pressure on them. We got almost 200 nations to join."
Owen Sanchez
p- please keep travelling
Evan Mitchell
Martha's Vineyard. with all the other socialists.
Aaron Myers
Any Good Virus news? It's all so tiresome seeing doom n gloomers.
1) There is no aid to China or Venezuela 2) I have no clue about the African numbers 3) Israel’s aid is military aid which comes back to us through arms sales
It's time to be serious We NEED travel bans for foreign nationals who visited Italy recently. 10k cases of wuhan virus and rising.
Camden Fisher
Adrian Morgan
I know you're genuinely concerned and not just a retarded shill troll, so remember to vote for a republican congress this fall because (Here's the FYI you should remember) they create the budget not the president.
Lol look at this little Biden cuckboy trying to change the conversation to "Trump says silly things like Joe does" from "Joe regularly threatens physical violence against voters that disagree with him"
Mason Harris
What do you got to say for yourselves Trumptards
Elijah Thompson
Leftists have turned them into a caricature for political purposes. Imagine if you were expected to be a caricature of "le noble savage" just to please the Trotskyite institutions of America.
>thinks Biden putting his finger in the face of a voter, calling him full of shit and threatening to slap him is the same as Trump calling out dishonest reporters and opposing politicians What a sniveling little kike.
I hope so. I can't wait for the day when all I have to do is hand in a 10 to get my gas filled up all the way.
Leo Walker
>i've spent my life fighting for democracy also >the sandinistas did nothing wrong
Dylan Walker
Not in Cali unfortunately. Can you believe the brainlets in this state voted yes on a state measure for 1) MORE gas tax (double in fact since the last tax was wasted on "green economy" bullshit and 2) Voted against the measure that would have put the people more directly in charge of future tax hikes.