Had no idea this guy was a jew. At least his music was better than Anthrax.
this one right here
can´t see anything?
I really hope this coronavirus stuff goes away by June, I've got tickets to a Megadeth show and I really don't want it cancelled on account of no public gatherings.
Dave Mustaine is a Jew?
Damn hope all goes alright hf
His mother was one and he converted to Christianity.
Yes his mother was an ethnic jew not a religious one though.
Same here, best metal bill of the year idgaf if I get corona there.
It took me a while to realize that Chris Cornell and Daniel Day Lewis are Jewish.
Reincarnation is real. Free the minecraft jews from their minecraft jewish bodies and their minecraft spirits will have a chance to pilot minecraft non-jewish bodies in the next life.
megadeth is total trash. dave mustaine sounds like fucking popeye
David Cole, Bobby Fischer, William Shatner, Frame Game, Brother Nathaniel.
Yeah, this:
But he's a born-again christian and is super serious about his religiousness. I think it's basically the only thing which has successfully kept him off speedballs for the past 15-20 or so years give or take so I suppose it's alright.
I'm going to the tour kick-off in VA on the 12th. Every time they've come to the DC area over the past few years they've played like Tuesday and Wednesday nights which I've gone to but it's not as fun as a Friday where you can drink heavily.
Anyone that fits my ideology, and once my ideology changes those jews must get in the oven and the jews that fit my new ideology is good.
I'd rather hang out with Shatner than David Duke.
I thought Dave was French
Jesus Christ and HItler.
or is that only one...
my daughter told me , NO JEWS escape the oven
exactly. my date is on a Saturday, final date of the first leg and I plan on doing some heavy drinking.
JIDF is ramping the shilling operation lately.
well, never researched the genealogy of musicians, but this is in some way surprising, because he doesn't look jewish, but then again i could have expected it, because most people who are famous for whatever reason have something jewish in them
>Mustain is a jew
wat? thats news for me. Lars Ulrich was right to kick him out as any true teutonic aryan should
kek. napster. I can't think of those pussies Metallica without Napster popping into my head.
>>Mustain is a jew
well, his family raised him both jewish and christian(celebrated hanukah and christmas), cuz they werent very religious
he didnt convert to anything, but he wasnt a devout jew so thats probably why some people think he converted.
Based, the OG
This guy is such a mystery
Whose side was he on? Too many layers with Kubrick
Your opinion sucks
Ron Unz and Mencius Moldbug
that nigga already ded tho
He's a jew? Its no wonder he is so pissed off at Metallica. They make more money
no results found
David Scott Mustaine was born September 13, 1961, in La Mesa, California,[4] to Emily (née David) and John Mustaine. His father was of French, German, Irish and Finnish descent,[5][6] whereas his mother was a German Jewish emigrant.[7][8] He was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness.[9]
So you're saying these can be purchased?
listen to how pussy this sounds. this is NOT metal
they played themselves. When Burton died, the soul of Metallica died with him. They then got too hungry for money, becoming basically jews themselves
You leave Chuck alone
Murray Rothbard
Oddly enough, Scott Ian is also a Jew. Though I don't think he takes it seriously considering his time with S.O.D.
Try playing some of his hay day solos from the 80's and get back to us you NU metal faggot. I know you got Limp Faggot on repeat.
Mustaine can't sing worth a fuck, sounds like Geddy Lee trying to do metal.
There are no good jews kike.
unfortunately you can't just keep some jews that you personally like. they will eventually repopulate and return to their jewish ways. It's genetic.
I'd like to keep one in a little cage under the porch and I will go out there and pee on top of the cage and say
>Oh look it's raining
David Cole and Adam Sandler
Maybe even Kenny G
He became a Christian when he got off drugs.
Bobby Fischer Obviously.
He’d probably enjoy working the ovens
Anthrax is one of the biggest kike bands of all. Rampant merchandising and Scott Ian appeared on VH1 for years. Half their songs are white guilt shit like Indians. Did the first rap metal song with Bring the Noise. Plus he’s 5’4” at most.
Billy Milano from SOD/MOD hates Scott Ian and is a big trump supporter. Scott Ian has also denounced the songs on SOD that aren’t pc.
bruh i've been playing guitar for 25 years. i could smoke dave because i actually practice. the only. good megadeth solos were from marty friedman.
also limp bizkit is for faggots. listen to real metal like necrophagist
It’s silly to even say he’s a Jew when the guy is a born-again Christian. I guess if his mother is a Jew he’ll always technically be one.
Dave is one of the best, faggot. Get this retarded elitist shit out of here I grew out of it in high school.
Arthur Trebitsch
>In 1935, after Trebitsch's death, Hitler recommended an acquaintance, "Read every sentence he has written. He has unmasked the Jews as no one else did"
Charles Ellis Schumer
based jew from the Ukraine
throw tornado of souls solo on vocaroo NOW
>prays before every concet
defs gets the oven
based asf and I agree
A Jewish Islamic alliance will form after hell freezes over, that would only be a thing on the internet where Jews can bot farm both sides
agree, mustane is impressive to 14- 18 year old age bracket, hes not very musical
No Jews get the oven. We need smart people in the world and you don’t get that by killing 115 average iq population.
But he married Meatloaf's daughter. And meatloaf is a 'uuge Trump supporter, bigly.
>Dave is one of the best, faggot.
hes objectively one of the least skilled guitarists in metal.
im at work with no access to a guitar for the next few hours
I love Dave. First Megadeth album I ever heard was Countdown to Extinction. After hearing Skin-o-my-teeth, captive honor, sweating bullets I dedicated all my time and money to learning how to play guitar. Megadeth inspired me to get good at guitar. They will always be my favorite metal band of all time.
Eh. I never dug Anthrax anyway. You're right about them just being commercial like Kiss.
Billy Milano is based, and would hand Joey his ass with both arms tied behind his back
Moldbug is pro-Jewish though
Jews are the only people who need Christ.
Big Facts.
Their frontman was super good for being a fuckin Turkroach. I always have their two albums on my phone.
Trips of truth, *thrash
Interesting that Dave was a jew. Could anyone explain the first half of holy wars?